My Leo's runny nose

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5 Year Member
Nov 5, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Lucija, Slovenia
Well, as some of you guys may now from my older post's I have a Leo tort that's got the RND.

I've had him for 10 month now, he was in a very dry environment to a very humid. Nothing seems to help, his RN is not all ways the week its very weak and another time it pops out very strong.

I was all so given some drops from the vet, some sort of vit/pro concentrate. That i was told to give him once per week, nothing happened. Then I started to give him the drops every day. There was a bit of progress but then it came back.

His enclosure temp is 86, the basking spot is much more, and the humidity is from 65 to 80%.

Now Im asking you guys. If you have any suggestion's for me. I was thinking of putting him back in a very dry environment BUT to water and souk him like im doing now ( that is a lot :) )
Maybe is the humidity that is preventing him from getting better?

Still its strange, because when i started with this 'high-humidity' life, he got a bit better, but then after a while it came right back!

He is full of life, every day exploring his enclosure, eating a lot and love's the bath's. So the RN is not giving him a hard time, but its giving me a heck of a hard time!!

If you have any suggestions, please do tell.



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5 Year Member
Oct 29, 2010
If your tort has rns you will need a course of antibiotic,I recommend finding a different vet,even with the antibiotic,this could reoccur,the dosage and length of treatment is important.


5 Year Member
Nov 5, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Lucija, Slovenia
Hmm, this night I limited him to a 1/4 of the enclosure, he was sleeping right under the heater and the humidity level is way down ( 50% and getting lower ). And what do you know, he was the one that woke me up :D His RN is much lower then yesterday..ugh yesterday was really bad.
When i saw him this morning, he was like..'Hey monster! do the thing that you do and give me light!' :D
The usual night temp was 69, today it was 77 + warm air because of the heater.

I will try this thing all so tonight, and if tomorrow will be the same or even better I will continue doing this for as long as it takes to get him better.
I really hope that this was the problem, that the night's were to cold for him. Time will tell. I will keep you guys posted.



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Oct 16, 2010
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I don't think he will get better without an antibiotic, and I would suggest this to the vet. I will guess that he doesn't see many tortoises (or reptiles)in Slovenia. I would also have him do a fecal, and clear up any parasites he may have also. I would not let him get under 80 degrees until he is recovered. Remember humid + warm is good. Humid + cool - not so good. How's his appetite? He seems light weight for his age to me. I'd also let him eat as much as he wants right now also. Good luck, I hope he improves.


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5 Year Member
Nov 29, 2010
I am new here and registered just for the purpose of telling you my experience with our turtles runny nose. Olivia is a 20 year old lepard tortoise. We took over care of her about 7 years ago and when we did she started to get a runny nose so we brought her to a vet who handled turtles.

He said she needed anti biotics. they worked only temporarily for the duration she was on them.

brought olivia back to the vet and we received more antibiotics which seemed to work only while she was on them.

we were very worried about her. the vet said there was something wrong with her sinuses and was going to perform some minor operation (i don't remember what it was except it had to do with the sinus cavity)

The day he was going to do the procedure he put her out, he called it twilight for some reason, and says when he was getting ready he noticed something tiny sticking out of her nostril that he had not seen before and gave it a gentle tug and pulled it out.

It was a piece of grass. that ended the problem for a while until the same thing happened a year later. Knowing what to look for I just watched Olivia and kept checking and one day I could just see the grass sticking out and I pulled it with a pair of tweesers.

hasn't happened again.

don't know if that will help you at all. seems like a long shot but you never know.


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Nofx said:
The usual night temp was 69, today it was 77 + warm air because of the heater.

I would guess that is the problem. I wouldn't keep them wet and that cold. Try to keep him above 80 at night, this should help.

Yvonne G

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Hi Keith:

Welcome to the forum...and thank you for sharing your tortoise's story with us. Very interesting.


5 Year Member
Nov 5, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Lucija, Slovenia
Tnx for the reply's guys, for now i will just keep him at night under the heater like yesterday. I want to see if the cool night's are the fault of his runny nose.
But it's strange, because the summer nights are warm, not! .....maybe not warm enough.

His appetite? Uff he eats everything and a lot.

Hi Keitho. And thank you for your information, I will go right away and get a good look of his mouth and nose.

Tnx, Niko


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5 Year Member
Nov 29, 2010
Nofx said:
Tnx for the reply's guys, for now i will just keep him at night under the heater like yesterday. I want to see if the cool night's are the fault of his runny nose.
But it's strange, because the summer nights are warm, not! .....maybe not warm enough.

His appetite? Uff he eats everything and a lot.

Hi Keitho. And thank you for your information, I will go right away and get a good look of his mouth and nose.

Tnx, Niko

Hope it helps. You have to kinda stare at it for a bit. The grass blade wasn't always visible and would only occasionally poke out. Thats why the vet never noticed it. I think I waited about 15 or 20 minutes before I saw the tip and was able to pull it out. It sure did the trick.

If anyone has any idea how it could happen I'd like to know.


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Sep 11, 2010
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don't let the temp to drop below 80F at night and keep it humid by using humidifier in the room. During the day keep humidity with heat 80-100F, 90-100F in one spot under the heating lamp. Make sure that there is no draught in the room as well.

Hope it will help,


5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2010
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I agree with the others, 69 for a night time temp is WAY to cold! Especially if you were doing the humid routine. I never let my leopard, who is also in a humid environment, get below 80 day or night.

It might be smart to go ahead and bump the temps up another 10 degrees to around 90 24/7 until the little guy shows more improvement.

Hope you figure out what the problem is and that your little one is feeling better.


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5 Year Member
Oct 10, 2009
Is it mucus or just clear wet running nose? It could just be an allergy which one of my stars keeps getting. It comes and goes and as long as it's eating and active, it should be fine, let it just build up it's imune system to fight of the allergy. If it's mucus than I would start getting worried.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Isolate the tortoise in a smaller, hospital habitat.
Raise the temperature and don't let it drop at night.
Run a warm mist vaporizer day and night.
Treat with Baytril, dosage given to you by your vet, for at LEAST 5 days.
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