My daughter wants this redfoot from reptile store, suggestions?


Aug 11, 2014
image.jpg My daughter is begging to buy this male redfoot tortoise. He is currently at a local reptile store in a small glass tank with less than a 1/2 inch substrate floor, and a dirty small water fish. He is very friendly and sociable, trying hard to be fed (I think). They don't know his age and worker doesn't know his history. Apparently he is not named;(;( I see a lot of pyramiding on his shell, other than that...seems normal enough. But I've never had a redfoot. My daughter feels sorry for him and wants to spend her own birthday money to rescue him. I am 95% convinced to get him but making last attempt to think this through. We have box turtles and a russian. Both are in permanent outdoor enclosures. But Redfoots don't hibernate so we must prepare an indoor pen as well. I can do this. I know humidity is important. Outside is always humid (St. Louis). My russian is probably not happy about that (I've only had her for 1 month) and I'm learning new things everyday for her as well. Since we are preparing for my russian, might as well prepare for a redfoot too? Of course separate homes. What are everyone's thoughts on this decision? I hate seeing turtles/tortoises in tanks and up for sale. If I had the money, my entire yard would be converted into a turtle sanctuary and I'd take in all the captive ones I come across. But back to the point...what should we do? Save him, right?

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Hey! What are you waiting for buy him and post pictures of him . Haha


Aug 11, 2014
Thank you! We will rescue him then! My daughter already said he's hers and he will live with her forever. She understands his lifelong commitment and responsibility, but I'm here to show her and to step in if not. She's thirteen, so old enough to be responsible. I'm proud she has a big heart. And now she has an excuse to stay home and not be a teenager (evil grin). She named him even though we haven't bought him yet. "Leo....lumpy Butt"....yes....lumpy butt (haha) for his pyramiding.

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Get up early in the morning and be waiting at the door .


5 Year Member
Aug 27, 2013
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New Hudson, Michigan
Wish you am your daughter all the best. Very excited to see any animal in need especially a tort finding a loving home. Make sure to post pics!

Life is better with Reptiles!!
1 Leo (Marley)
1.1 Russians (Thurman & Stella)
0.1 Columbian Boa (Sue)
0.1 Dumeril Boa (Jasmin)
0.1 Hypo Boa (Deema)
1.0 Rosy Boa (Kenny)


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5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2011
Makes you wonder if they don't put them in small quarters to elicit the sympathy purchase. I think you have to make the purchase for the torts' sake and peace in the household. But you might ask for a bargain on a lamp or some other supplies; a group special rescue type offer to the merchant.


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Thank you! We will rescue him then! My daughter already said he's hers and he will live with her forever. She understands his lifelong commitment and responsibility, but I'm here to show her and to step in if not. She's thirteen, so old enough to be responsible. I'm proud she has a big heart. And now she has an excuse to stay home and not be a teenager (evil grin). She named him even though we haven't bought him yet. "Leo....lumpy Butt"....yes....lumpy butt (haha) for his pyramiding.
That is a great way to buy a tortoise. You and your daughter both be happy.

How come I'm not think of that when my daughter at that age????

Yvonne G

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Please be sure to have him checked for parasites. Hard to tell, but it looks like he's sharing a space with a Russian tortoise. Its never good to mix species, and especially bad to mix with Russians. They are notoriously 'dirty.'


Aug 11, 2014
I've thought about parasites. But he's not sharing his space with a russian. There's a glass separating the two species. Those are Russians though. There are three. 1 big female, 2 small males. They haven't moved in the last 3 days I've been there which is sad. I want them too but can't get them. 3 Russians in the same amount of space as the redfoot tank. I'm hoping they're bought soon.


Aug 11, 2014
I have a female russian already and yes, she loves dirt. Can't keep her clean. She likes to be caked in chunks of dirt in between her shoulders lol. She hides in her dirt tunnel and digs for hours thinking she's digging out only find out she digs right back into her enclosure haha. Sneaky Begonia...(her name).


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I think when Yvonne means "dirty" it's more in the sense of being loaded with parasites, disease, etc. from being wild caught and the super stressful journey from their homes to pet stores.

Know that when you get the redfoot, you and your daughter have a supportive group here to help out with any questions you have. Welcome to the red side :D


Aug 11, 2014
now I understand "dirty"'s sad to know that they're being ripped from their homes. 1 of these years I'm going to buy a house with a lot of green land and create a turtle rescue. I'm already a small amateur at it with people around me. But I need to go bigger and save the ones here in St. Louis. I've looked and don't see many rescue groups in Missouri. So guess I'll step up when my funds allow.

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