My 1st ToRt tabLe

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Apr 16, 2009
Hey guys.. i attached a pic of my very 1st tortoise table and my very 1st tort! his name is Octavious hes 8 months.. maybe 9 now and hes the best thing ever!!! i just have basic things in there right now because i just got it built but im wanting to know what else i can put in it! PLEASE let me know ur input on what else i can put in there!!! He loves the log.. not going in it, but going over it!


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5 Year Member
Apr 11, 2009
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Upstate NY
I like the table, is it an old book case? Does that light have both radiant heat as well as UVB? Can he get out of the water bowl by himself? Are the legs holding up the table strong enough? They look thin, but the picture does not show them well.


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Apr 14, 2009
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Aww,Isnt he the cutest. In mine i have some plants and large stones, they love climbing. You could even put pebbles (not to small)around his water bowl that way it keeps cleaner through out the day.And a little box for him to take refuge in..


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Apr 16, 2009
bettinge said:
I like the table, is it an old book case? Does that light have both radiant heat as well as UVB? Can he get out of the water bowl by himself? Are the legs holding up the table strong enough? They look thin, but the picture does not show them well.

yes its a old bookcase yes it has both lights yes he loves gettin in the water and out and he can do it by himself.. and yes the tables r strong enough theres actually 2 holding it for right now

Maggie Cummings

bettinge said:
I like the table, is it an old book case? Does that light have both radiant heat as well as UVB? Can he get out of the water bowl by himself? Are the legs holding up the table strong enough? They look thin, but the picture does not show them well.

I agree, it looks like he couldn't get out of the water dish himself. Can you put some pebbles or marbles in it for him? I think you need to do that...or get a different dish without sides so high...

Yvonne G

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Hi Kayannabella: The reason you've gotten so many comments about the water dish are because little tortoises sometimes tip over backwards when trying to climb steep sides. Yes, he may have been able to get out of it before, but it only takes one time of his back foot slipping when he's pushing himself up out of the dish, for him to land on his back in the water and drown. We have seen it many times before, so please listen with an open mind.



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10 Year Member!
Mar 19, 2009
Nice job! Keep tweaking it and soon it will be perfect :)

Look into planting some sulcata seed mixes in there. They love to cruise around graze on all the sprouts.

I have the same type of water dish. My tort is a little bigger and has no trouble getting in and out as the sides are kinda rough and offer good traction. But I did go ahead and add a few small stones near the edge to help.

Also, be sure you are offering good hay (orchard grass, timothy hay, etc - not Alphalpha (sp)!). Mixed greens, dandilions, etc are good, but a sully needs a diet of mostly grass hay.


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Dec 18, 2008
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Plants (fake or real are great), as well as other hiding areas such as boxes, etc (you should have a hide area in the warm and cool area), a hay pile if it can be kept dry, stones to climb on if your tort is good on its feet, slate tile to eat and bask on (I have two) and driftwood to hide next to and snuggle up to. That's what i have in my enclosure! The tile is sometimes easier for them to eat on that a dish, because they like to push the food around, and a dish has that lip on it. You want to keep the food separate from the substrate so they don't ingest it, so sometimes them taking the food out of the dish to eat it isn't a good idea.

I agree you need to address the water dish. If you put the tort in it, it should be able to climb out easily--that is great you have seen that. If they cannot get in and out easily, they will not use it. You also might want it a little closer to the heat, but not directly under it. They need the water warm, especially when they are young. But, the tort is more at risk of dying if it flips over under a heat source, so that one is a little tricky. I put mine in an area in the low 80s, keeping the water in the 70s. Sinking the disk more into the substrate is an option. I also really like this dish and it was the only thing out of about a dozen options I tried that my hatchling could use!

What kind of lighting and heating do you have?

Great table!


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Apr 16, 2009
umm i dont know what kind but some kind of UVB light and then a 50watt heat bulb


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Thanks; I was just curious because I'm not familiar with that type of fixture (I'm guessing it's a tube UVB).


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5 Year Member
Apr 16, 2009
yeah i got mine from petsmart because i used to work there .. he never goes under it tho! he just goes over top.. he scared me today tho i jus got done soaking him and he got so excited to eat he was goin real fast and fliped over! my heart droped but he got right up and kept on goin for the food!!! hes a lil pig!!!
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