Morty had to go to the vet


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Oct 22, 2014
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It has been eight days since Morty joined our household and in that time, I've struggled to get him to eat. I've tried variety and even offered fruit, hoping that something would spark his appetite. No luck. I called Petco today and told them what was going on. The manager instructed me to come in and get some soft tortoise food and some of the reptile salad dressing. She said if these things did not work, I could return them for a full refund and Petco would send Morty to the vet.

When I got to Petco, the manager had left for the day. I asked to speak with a reptile specialist and was directed to a young lady who also happened to have two russian tortoises. We talked for a bit about what I was doing right/wrong but were unable to identify a reason for Morty's lack of appetite. She said that it is most likely the result of increased stress from the new surroundings, but since it has been eight days, it would be best to send Morty to the vet. I agreed.

So, Morty's at the vet, working on getting healthy. I'm here with his empty enclosure, waiting anxiously for the welcome home party. IMG_20141015_122554_494.jpg


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I hope all is fine, but I think you jumped the gun on going to the vet after only 8 days. The Petco russians are wild caught and about 5-6 years old, adults. They usually take a lot longer then hatchlings to get accustomed to their new home. You didn't give him enough time, and they can go a lot on get then 8 days of not eating. Also, depending on where you are located, he may be slowing down, wanting to go into brumation. Although Petco didn't give you the worse advice, I wouldn't ask them for anymore. They aren't the best place to ask questions about tortoises or any animal, usually.


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I believe you need to go retrieve him...put him in his enclosure and set up a routine he can depend on and ...take a deep breath...tortoise take a long long time to settle into a captive setting (especially if the tort was wild at one time)....the stress of going back and forth can be more hazardous to the torts health than letting the tort settle...a tort can go A LONG LONG LONG time without eating and be fine.....


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I feel for you. I just dropped over $275 at the vet for a healthy pet store tortoise that had little appetite. (She would only eat Mazuri.) Wouldn't you know, when I brought her home, she ate some hibiscus leaves...About an hour before the vet called and said the tests were clear. I still haven't met a tortoise that wouldn't eat wetted Mazuri! Have you tried it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2014
I agree with the above. I got my russian from Petco also and he didn't eat for 3 weeks... but being wild caught he probably has some type of parasites and hopefully Petco will now pick up that tab.

Find out what Petco was feeding him also. Mine was being fed iceberg lettuce and frozen fruit.... neither of which is good for him... but I started mixing that with good greens and slowly reduced the iceberg lettuce and fruit and now he is eating a much better diet.


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Oct 22, 2014
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Heard back from Petco today. The vet was unable to find anything wrong, but Morty will be staying there for a week for observation.

Yeah, maybe I did jump the gun, but I tend to be pretty conservative when it comes to health. If something had been wrong, I'd have wanted it caught sooner than later.

Petco has been feeding iceberg lettice, little bits of fruit, dried tortoise food, and cucumber. From looking in the cage, the tortoises they still have were really enjoying the cucumber in particular. I'll be giving that a shot when Morty comes home. Maybe I'll also try Mazuri and see if that gets his attention.

Really miss the little guy. In only eight days, I've grown more attached to Morty than any pet I've had growing up. Can't wait for him to come home.


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Heard back from Petco today. The vet was unable to find anything wrong, but Morty will be staying there for a week for observation.

Yeah, maybe I did jump the gun, but I tend to be pretty conservative when it comes to health. If something had been wrong, I'd have wanted it caught sooner than later.

Petco has been feeding iceberg lettice, little bits of fruit, dried tortoise food, and cucumber. From looking in the cage, the tortoises they still have were really enjoying the cucumber in particular. I'll be giving that a shot when Morty comes home. Maybe I'll also try Mazuri and see if that gets his attention.

Really miss the little guy. In only eight days, I've grown more attached to Morty than any pet I've had growing up. Can't wait for him to come home.
This is just my suggestion and what I would do if I were you. Go get him from the vet but also have the vet run a fecal exam and check for worms. If he does have worms then you can medicate.I nothing abnormal they have worms. Usually pretty easy to treat, althoughI it may take more than one round of medication but that's okay. i used oral medicationspread on a Romain and rolled up like a burrito. My tortoise eight it was no is my opinion that you were just going to run up a huge vet bill for probably repeat probably no reason.give him more time. I stressed out a lot too but eventually my tortoise 812. Maybe start out with not the best food, such as Romain lettuce, cucumber for hydration, dandelion greens or dandelion flowers if you can find themdo the soups, don't hover over him too much. Good luck and I hope you get your tortoise back soon.


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Jun 24, 2012
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Alright I have advice, from close experience, my cousin got a Russian tort from Petco (also where I got my Nank years before) but he developed an abscess right in their "30 day -guarantee) so she brought him in they took him to the vet removed the abscess but he wasn't eating... he ended up passing away at the vet for "not eating and drinking" (after months of mourning she did get a new guy and he's been great and she's had him over a year) but I genuinely believe that guy would have had a fighting chance if he was home being baby-food soaked and all that. My personal feelings are I have no idea where my petco goes to the vet or if the vet is even knowledgeable. I think the week observation they want is silly since they already decided they didn't know whats wrong. I think its best he adjust to his new home as soon as he can.

With the wild caught, they are quite traumatized, think of what they went through to come to you, they were scooped up by big huge "monsters" they'd never seen before, crammed into teeny tiny spaces and put in the dark on a long journey, and distributed to a pet store where they're with a bunch of other torts when they've never been around any. He will be shy, he'll be a lot to work for, and with Nank he's still shy after 2.5 years, but I know what he doesn't like and work with him. Its a lot to adjust to. When he comes home put him in his "home" and leave him alone, feed him clean the water and all that, but don't touch him too much, you can talk to him to get him used to you and warn him you're coming. Try not to hover over him, prey comes from the sky and you're a giant to him and that's frightening. Eventually he'll come to know you as the one who bring food, eventually you'll be able to pick him up for a little and he wont have "accidents" my Nank will even sit on my chest and nap now while watching TV. Its a slow process though, I think of it like adopting an abused animal, and if you think of what they've been through it kind of was. As long as he has a place of his own where he is safe, he'll start to feel safe and comfortable, he'll open up some and keep getting less shy.

Food: yes if they were enthusiastically eating cucumbers in the store feed those, with some healthy greens you want him to eat, he may not think your idea of food is food to him. Franklin was cucumbers and tomatoes, it was a slow adding of greens and subtraction of the tomatoes and cucumbers that got him eating what I wanted. Also if he starts going long periods of not eating try baby food soaks: Ive never done it but its a trick I've read so many times get some strained carrot baby food mix it with water and soak him in it, he'll get in some nutrients from it.

If his enclosure has glass walls try blocking his ability to see out, taped paper works well, he just may feel too exposed while trying to get comfortable.

Last but not least, I know what you mean about being so attatched, and more-so than pets you had as a child, franklin was my first pet, we have a cat and I've had fish but the cat is the families not MINE, and Nank is. He relies on me to wake him up, on me to feed him and give him water, he relies on me to make sure he's healthy and ok. I know why you brought him right to the vet, theres nothing wrong with being paranoid, its what saves tortoises lives actually, but in the future (when the vet bill is all on you, rather than petco's guarantee) Surf the forum first, look for questions similar, ask questions, people will tell you if you should go to the vet, but they'll teach you how to care for whats going on if its not serious enough for a vet trip and will even tell you if you're just paranoid and should calm down.

Sorry my posts so long, I guess I had a lot to say! Well wishes for Morty.


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Aug 27, 2012
I think the vet's week of observation is of no value.

Do realize that if you bought your equipment at the pet store and set it up the way they recommend, there is a great deal of room for improvement. Pet stores often recommend inadequate bulbs and give altogether bad advice. Their job is to turn over stock. They have no experience with long term care of individual animals.

So, while your stressed tortoise needs time and food retraining, look into ways to improve his habitat. Proper humidity, temps, UVB for 14 hours a day.


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My tortoise will eat anything I give him now, and will eat out of the hand of almost anybody. But this is only at home, has never ever eaten at the vets office. So a week of observation may be just a week of wasted time in my opinion. I hope everything works out.


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I believe you need to go retrieve him...put him in his enclosure and set up a routine he can depend on and ...take a deep breath...tortoise take a long long time to settle into a captive setting (especially if the tort was wild at one time)....the stress of going back and forth can be more hazardous to the torts health than letting the tort settle...a tort can go A LONG LONG LONG time without eating and be fine.....

Yeah, maybe I did jump the gun, but I tend to be pretty conservative when it comes to health. If something had been wrong, I'd have wanted it caught sooner than later.

I would also present this question to you....if the tortoise is in the same place it was purchased at....and lets say the tort is "sick" and that place did nothing about it...what would you suspect they are doing now? That tort is not getting any better care in the pet store hospital than it would have if it had been left to settle in its own new space....again, just my with everyone else here....I wish that tortoise well.

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