May be ready for a redfoot... help!

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Mar 19, 2009
My reptile room will have an opening soon. It is a 4x4 space that is fully enclosed and holds humidity and temps very well.

I'm thinking of getting either one or 2 redfoots. And I think I want to go with hatchlings.

For those that have taken the redfoot plunge, I'm interested in your thoughts:

1) Where to get a good deal on the tort(s) - don't need any high end version, just would like a nice little CB tort or 2 from a reputable breeder who can get them safely to me in WA.

2) 1 or 2? 2 would be definately pushing my budget for this, but may be doable. Pros and cons of getting a pair like that?

3) What about future breeding? It is not my ultimate goal, but always something that has sounded interesting to me. Would it be better to get one and when I can finally tell the sex for sure, get a mate?

Thoughts on this ad? It is local, so that is good. Price is high, but they are open to offers. I do want a hatchling... but open to anything at this point. They clearly were not raised in an ideal situation, but don't look too bad from just the pics.


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5 Year Member
Feb 21, 2010
Chad .... well welcome to the redfoot addiction. I have had several diffrent torts... through out my 45 years and by far the redfoots are one of my favos. Many reasons include:
Easy to care for ... much easier on climate swings.
Omnivorious. = Will eat an array of foods,,, even protien source.. (which in my belief is needed for Reds) , Thus your not just limited to " Green/hay type foods.
Much like a large suclutta .... in that they tend to have a " dog like" personality and very aware of your presence. Exspecially at feeding times.
They dont get that big ... and are easier to manage with limited space.

Also … nothing beats their color. There are so many varieties and so called sub species. The color combos is matched by no other.

My belief is RF’s for sure are a “ group” type animal and not some solo / loner tort that you read about. Mine are all aware of each other and even have a “ dominate Male” of the herd. Making his rounds and checking on everyone through out the day and night.

With that in mind .. GO RED BABY! …..

I currently have 17 redfoots/cherrys and well …. Ya could say ..
“ I DIG UM “



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Jan 4, 2009
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Well Chad finally taking the plunge and thinking about a Redfoot huh? Good for the you and your family. I love them myself. I'm going to say Douglas Beard for a reputable breeder, he's been shipping for 17 years and my Eddie is a beauty. I did look at the ad and those are beauties too, but how do you know they're one of each I think you would have to get pictures of the plastron first to be able to make sure of that unless you live close by. I loved how they said that they were "tame". I got a laugh out of that one. :D I think they paid too much for them to begin with though. Good luck and let us know what happens.


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Chad,I'm very satisfied with the pair I got from Terry K.He always has some beautiful babies and he has never steered me wrong regarding their care.


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Mar 19, 2009
Candy said:
Well Chad finally taking the plunge and thinking about a Redfoot huh? Good for the you and your family. I love them myself. I'm going to say Douglas Beard for a reputable breeder, he's been shipping for 17 years and my Eddie is a beauty. I did look at the ad and those are beauties too, but how do you know they're one of each I think you would have to get pictures of the plastron first to be able to make sure of that unless you live close by. I loved how they said that they were "tame". I got a laugh out of that one. :D I think they paid too much for them to begin with though. Good luck and let us know what happens.

Do you have a link to a guide for sexing redfoots? I'll email them and ask for pics.

Does Mr. Beard have a website?


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Douglas Beard is "Elegans" on here. If you go to the member list just put in Elegans and you can pm him. I've called and talked with him many times he is a very nice person to talk to. He has a lot of information on tortoises. :)


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Apr 10, 2008
No, I do not have a website yet. I should and just have not gotten around to building one or paying someone else to do so yet. I can send you picts of the tortoises that I have available, usually within a day or two. I produce Bolivians, Cherryheads and Northerns. I am sure that regardless of whom you buy a redfoot from, if it is a healthy on you will love it. I can not say enough about them as great companions. Douglas


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Mar 20, 2010
sorry for the side note, but you can build a website easily on and its cheap! About $10 a month for a .com domain!!
I did our site through them -


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Apr 10, 2008
It is about the time to do it, and maintain it. I take care of hundreds of reptiles daily plus work at a nursery full time from 8am to 5pm. I do not have a whole lot of spare time, I have customers for most of my product without trolling through the vast world wide web. Thanks so much for the info though. Douglas


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Mar 19, 2009
Thanks everyone for the info. Very much appreciated.

So now I'm leaning towards 2 even more. And still leaning toward hatchlings.

Still more interested in price over special colors\markings. You know... "she has a great personality" and all that ;)

So if I get a pair of hatclings, I won't know the sex for several years, right?

If they do turn out to be a m + f pair, is it OK if they breed considering they are from the same clutch?

If they turn out to be both males, is this likely to be an issue later with fighting (as with some russians and sullies)?



10 Year Member!
Jun 22, 2008
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Gilchrist Co., Florida
Fighting is not usually a big issue with RF's. USUALLY!
As for the same clutch thingy, Just ask for un-related animals.
Most of us can do that.
Just buy from 2 different breeders!


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Why do you want to breed them?


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Mar 19, 2009
Generally when you breed a pair of tortoises, the intent is to produce offspring.


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Mar 19, 2009
Anyone ever order from Tyler (blue beast reptile)? Seems to be the best deal i've come accross so far. But still looking.

With the 20% off they are doing now, I can get 2 hatchlings for $204 including shipping. Seems like a killer deal to me. But not ready to pull the trigger... Have until Sunday for the 20% deal...

Also emailed the folks on the CL ad listed above asking for pics of the plastron. Haven't heard back yet...


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 21, 2010
chadk said:
Anyone ever order from Tyler (blue beast reptile)? Seems to be the best deal i've come accross so far. But still looking.

With the 20% off they are doing now, I can get 2 hatchlings for $204 including shipping. Seems like a killer deal to me. But not ready to pull the trigger... Have until Sunday for the 20% deal...

Also emailed the folks on the CL ad listed above asking for pics of the plastron. Haven't heard back yet...

Tyler and his wife are very cool peeps! .. I have bought torts in the past from them ... all thru Herp shows. Also they truley seem to care for their products and customers~

One word of advice....Your basically making a choice on Price?
Not a good idea...... these little guys live a long time .... you can't put a dollar amount on somthing that brings years of joy in return!


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Mar 19, 2009
The only difference I see is size, color, design. and other cosmetics. I'm just looking for a couple buddies. Are you saying personality will be that much different based on where I get them??


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 21, 2010
chadk said:
The only difference I see is size, color, design. and other cosmetics. I'm just looking for a couple buddies. Are you saying personality will be that much different based on where I get them??

NO NO .. not at all ... Just a thought that " a good deal .. or cheapest " dosnt assure you would be happy down the road .. or that its a perfect " buddy" . Honest, a Buddy" type tort .. is one that has been in captivity for a length of time .. and is used to human interaction. Although Redfoots right off the bat learn feeding most any age.
As far as hatchlings .. they are neat .. but take a few years to be your " buddy" most of the time they eat then sleep.....Also keep in mind with hatchings comes greater health risks .. as they are just developing their own immune systems.. and can be " sickend" with radical changes in climate, diet ect..... You just need to pay alot of attention to them ... Then if you have a larger enclosure ... just tracking/finding the little buggers to put them to bed .. can be "trying".
Iam not against them by any means ... they are all awesome .. just a lil heads up if this is your first time with hatchlin's
Anyhow .. any choice you make .. Iam sure will be a good one ..
Happy tort~N ..
JD~ :)
PS: .. If you want some awesome reds.. try Terry K or Tom .. they both have nice looking RF"S .. and very reputable redfoot guys.


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10 Year Member!
Mar 19, 2009
JD - I get it now. No, I'm not choosing hatchlings over older torts just for a price break. It's just that I have adults and juvi torts and box turtles, but would love the chance to raise one or 2 from hatchlings. I think the wife and kids would really love the experience too. I'm patient enough to wait for them to grow into their personalities.

Stephanie - my wife is very happy that I'm trading my 2 big snakes for 2 cut little torts...
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