Leopard - what to do?

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5 Year Member
Jan 30, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Chesapeake City, MD
Hi all,
What do you do when your vet's advice conflicts with the advice of experienced keepers here? Specifically, I am housing 4 baby leopard tortoises that have been here 1 week (all were shipped). Two belong to a friend and are only here temporarily. One was exhibiting what I thought might be respiratory infection symptoms so I took it to the vet today.

3.5 x 3.5 plastic container with organic soil substrate, topped with sphagnum moss and cypress mulch. Temps are consistently 80-85 in the enclosure with basking spot 100. Humidity is 80%. I am able to keep things stable by using an indoor greenhouse. Pics and description here:

Three of the youngsters came from one breeder and are doing very well. Active and eating and gaining well. The other is eating, but soon after arrival began blowing bubbles occasionally. Yesterday, after soaking (which I am doing for all twice daily) he extended his neck and appeared to be choking or gasping. I called a vet from the list on this forum and took him in this morn.

He prescribed antibiotics, injected ev third day. But also advised me to change the set-up. He definitely was not a proponent of raising babies in a closed environment with high humidity.

I am inclined to keep their environment the same....warm and moist. Only 1 is exhibiting any symptoms, and that one came from a different source. It is hard to stay the course in some respects because the vet and the breeders consistently recommend open tables, 1 humid hide and only 1 to 2 wkly soaks.

I was worried about this before I went this morn. It is hard to sort thru all the conflicting advice. Would appreciate any suggestions!

Here's a pic:



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I have not had experience with a sick Leo. However, this is what I have been learning on here. I would keep your set up as you have it. Tom, never has a sick tort and he raises more then the vet has probably even seen. Second, I would move the sicker one to its own enclosure and bump up the heat to 85 ambient day and night with the 100 basking. Hopefully others will have more suggestions. Good luck


5 Year Member
Mar 1, 2012
Can I ask what antibiotic was prescribed and what dosage?


New Member
5 Year Member
Jan 30, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Chesapeake City, MD
Thanks all. I don't have another stable set-up at the moment. I do have a 20L empty aquarium....but no add'l heat sources/lights. I guess it is a good idea to have a warm hospital/quarantine tank available. The baby is eating and gained a bit of weight this week.....6 grams. The others all gained 14 grams in the same week. So....as far as heat source for 20L...I can prob just use a CHE and then maybe not a mercury vapor bulb....just a plain bulb?
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