Leo shell problem!

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Sep 5, 2012


My Leo is in overall perfect health and is currently having a growth spurt! However when I touched a a certain spot on her shell (indicated by the pen) she violently shook side to side, as if it was painful. I know her shell is in perfect shape and is by no means damaged in any way. The one spot is slightly flaky. Is she shedding a scute? Is it growing pains? She does NOT like to be touched there and I really want to understand this behavior.
Please help!


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She looks good to me - can't see any reason why she shook unless she just didn't like it.


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The area might be itchy. Sometimes tortoises do that. Sometimes they rub up against things like that. The other day my Sheldon was with me while I was getting his food and he wouldn't stop rubbing his body against the dishwasher, lol. I've seen him do it before against flower pots, my own ankles, his water dish, etc. it's hard to say why they do it. Sometimes I wonder if their shell gets itchy because its growing. Or it just feels good to them. Cats do it sometimes. But I would think if she was in pain she would try to get away not rub into it.


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Sep 5, 2012
Wow! Thanks everyone! I'm so relieved that this is a normal behavior!
Tort Forum to the rescue! (As usual). :)


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I believe that they do this when they feel something touching them. Maybe it's a statagy to bounce a male off who's trying to breed, or show dominance. Usually if you tickle the back of their shells, they'll "dance". Mine will do it if I squirt their back with water.


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Sorry to be the party pooper here. But, if he only does it when you touch just that one spot, I really wouldn't call that normal. Also, I see a difference in the area you are pointing at and the rest of the shell. I hope I'm wrong, but it looks like there could be a small spot starting get shell rot. See what other experienced members have to say. Good luck, hope I am wrong.


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I am 100% certain there is no shell rot.
She does have thick growth rings (going through a growth spurt).

Follow up, I just learned tortoises don't shed scute like turtles do.


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The spot at the end of the pen, looks different then the rest. Looks dry and almost stringy. Its a small spot, more long then round. That's the point where I think your pen is pointing. I would keep an eye on it. I just never heard of a tort acting like you said if touched ina certain spot. Now if she does it when you touch any spot, or scratch her back in all spots, then they will sometimes act like they don't like it or sometimes like they do like it. Just keep an eye on that spot. Hopefully nothing comes of it. It just looks different and not right.


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i agree with wellington, i do see a difference in the scutes where the pen is pointing. I've never seen shell rot so i can't say it's that but it does look cracked almost? and i do feel if she does that every time you touch that one spot, she probably doesn't like it for a reason. if she only reacts to that particular spot, it can't be good.


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It has the same pattern and lines on the other side of the shell 100% symmetrical so it must be part of her shell. It's most certainly not cracked. It appears dry and perhaps itchy? Can I moisturizer that spot on her shell with cetaphil?


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I don't mean this in a harsh way. Im just concerned. I just don't think you are seeing what we are talking about. I blew up your pic. It's a little blurry, but you should be able to see the area I am talking about. It does look dry, but it also looks to be cracked. Of course I can't feel it. So, just so I know you understand the spot I am talking about, so you can double check it, and relieve my concern, I am posting the pic and please double check it for me. As for what you can put on it? I am not sure. See what others say for that. Maybe send emysemys a pm, she has lots of knowledge in treating different things. Here's the pic.


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wellington said:
I don't mean this in a harsh way. Im just concerned. I just don't think you are seeing what we are talking about. I blew up your pic. It's a little blurry, but you should be able to see the area I am talking about. It does look dry, but it also looks to be cracked. Of course I can't feel it. So, just so I know you understand the spot I am talking about, so you can double check it, and relieve my concern, I am posting the pic and please double check it for me. As for what you can put on it? I am not sure. See what others say for that. Maybe send emysemys a pm, she has lots of knowledge in treating different things. Here's the pic.

I can totally see the crack now.

Does she do this rubbing every time you touch that spot? Is it only when you touch that spot? I agree with Wellington you should contact emysemys. It still might be nothing but it could be something and if it is you want to get it taken care of. Please keep us updated.


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yagyujubei said:
The shell is perfectly normal.

I wouldn't call that perfectly normal. It is dry and cracked looking. It doesn't match the rest of the shell. My young leopard doesn't have dry, cracked looking patches. I also am concerned because of the reaction when it is touched. I would keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get worse. I hope it is normal. However, if it was, it wouldn't have caught your eye to take a picture and ask about it.


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wellington said:
I wouldn't call that perfectly normal. It is dry and cracked looking. It doesn't match the rest of the shell. My young leopard doesn't have dry, cracked looking patches. I also am concerned because of the reaction when it is touched. I would keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get worse. I hope it is normal. However, if it was, it wouldn't have caught your eye to take a picture and ask about it.

My Redfoot has a few crack looking parts but they don't look so deep. I think it would say a lot if its only when that area is touched. I hope the OP comes back to update us.


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you said it looked exactly like this on the same spot on the other side? not just the color and pattern, but physically? if so, it could just.....be her shell. you should post a picture of the other side.

MovieActor said:
It has the same pattern and lines on the other side of the shell 100% symmetrical so it must be part of her shell. It's most certainly not cracked. It appears dry and perhaps itchy? Can I moisturizer that spot on her shell with cetaphil?


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Under a tortoise's carapace is their bone. The carapace (shell) is less than a 1/16" in some areas. The small area in question is where the two scute scales make contact (intersect).
As I see it, the lighter colored scute toward her front looks good and thick but the darker scute in question has a very small area where the scute is perhaps too thin, and not growing properly and slightly exposing the bone, too small to see. There might have been a puncture from months ago, a dog bite or some kind of accident? This area could also be from a scute formation defect.
I would not put anything on it, it could make it worse, and cause her more pain. Try to keep that area clean and dry, and leave it alone. If there is the starting stages of shell rot or infection, I would bring her to the vet soon. The vet might give her an antibiotic.
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