Lady Hermann not her usual self


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Jun 14, 2020
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That's amazing Angie, I'm so glad you have come through the day safely.
It's been very wild here, tree down next to our daughter's house, fearing for our roof and chimneys. So far so good, still very rough and we had violent sleet just now.
Zola is so clever!! He never ceases to astonish us with his Co-operation and intelligence.
Respectful shell strokes and leg smooths from Ruth xxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
That's amazing Angie, I'm so glad you have come through the day safely.
It's been very wild here, tree down next to our daughter's house, fearing for our roof and chimneys. So far so good, still very rough and we had violent sleet just now.
Zola is so clever!! He never ceases to astonish us with his Co-operation and intelligence.
Respectful shell strokes and leg smooths from Ruth xxx
Zola sometimes astonishes us, actually. The peeing thing started when we were out, several years ago, and he hadn't peed yet that day on my lap, like he often did ( with plastic sheet and paper towel pads between him and me, obviously) and R decided to carry him to the public toilet nearby - and Zola waited until his dad had been, then went himself - in the proper receptacle !! Now he usually goes beside the car - in fact, sometimes you can tell he is really trying, but can't quite manage it. There is a constant puddle of tortoise pee and urates by the car, in our carport.
It may seem ridiculous, but it really does show a quite impressive ability, I think. Also, he likes to "go" when he is playing by my feet in his room, which is why I always have newspaper under my feet - I prefer Waitrose free weekly paper , as the print on that seems less messy !!
I hope the storm is going over for you now - we did have the loudest hailstorm I've ever heard a while ago, and I wa in the conservatory with Zola at the time, so we got the full benefit of the stones on the roof.
Have a peaceful night
Angie x


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May 19, 2015
Zola sometimes astonishes us, actually. The peeing thing started when we were out, several years ago, and he hadn't peed yet that day on my lap, like he often did ( with plastic sheet and paper towel pads between him and me, obviously) and R decided to carry him to the public toilet nearby - and Zola waited until his dad had been, then went himself - in the proper receptacle !! Now he usually goes beside the car - in fact, sometimes you can tell he is really trying, but can't quite manage it. There is a constant puddle of tortoise pee and urates by the car, in our carport.
It may seem ridiculous, but it really does show a quite impressive ability, I think. Also, he likes to "go" when he is playing by my feet in his room, which is why I always have newspaper under my feet - I prefer Waitrose free weekly paper , as the print on that seems less messy !!
I hope the storm is going over for you now - we did have the loudest hailstorm I've ever heard a while ago, and I wa in the conservatory with Zola at the time, so we got the full benefit of the stones on the roof.
Have a peaceful night
Angie x
Hello again, Ruth - I hope things are a bit quieter for you now. We ventured out to Bude, seeing a lot of damage on the way - including a very large and old tree in the centre of Bude, this has probably appeared on a few postcards in its time - it was on a small grassy triangle which was right in the town centre, where 3 roads meet - amazingly, it fell in such a way that no other damage was done !
On our way we saw quite a few daffodils by the roads, and outside our house there are some bluebell leaves - and, I was delighted to see Teztez's rose is still intact, and has partly opened - it is obviously very suitable for Teztez - and Zola too - both strong and brave !!
Angie xxx


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May 19, 2015
Sorry to say the rose had blown away overnight - I had thought of cutting it to bring in, but that seemed disrespectful.Still,it may produce some more early flowers - I shall keep checking . It is still extremely windy, and R hasn't been able to take Zola for his proper walks - it's all very stressful. I hope you are all ok, and that there have been no power cuts to upset The Lady.
Angie xxx


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Jun 14, 2020
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Hello Angie,
Yes, we are all okay, thanks, at last the wind has dropped. Thankfully we didn't have any power cuts, so really got through the whole thing unscathed. I saw pictures of the tree in Bude, very interesting.
I hope your friend David came through the storms undamaged also.
Teztez is undisturbed by the tumult outside, and I am planning for her awakening, I have got her heat lamps and UVB strip light ready. Not long now. I am sorry Zola is missing his drives, but at least he is safe. Soon he will be able to bask his golden shell and gorgeous legs in warm sunshine 🌞
Much love from Ruth and Lady Teztez xxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Angie,
Yes, we are all okay, thanks, at last the wind has dropped. Thankfully we didn't have any power cuts, so really got through the whole thing unscathed. I saw pictures of the tree in Bude, very interesting.
I hope your friend David came through the storms undamaged also.
Teztez is undisturbed by the tumult outside, and I am planning for her awakening, I have got her heat lamps and UVB strip light ready. Not long now. I am sorry Zola is missing his drives, but at least he is safe. Soon he will be able to bask his golden shell and gorgeous legs in warm sunshine 🌞
Much love from Ruth and Lady Teztez xxx
Hello Ruth - I'm glad things are going fairly well for you all. We were sorry about the tree in Bude, but it was amazing how it fell in about the only place where it would do no serious harm -almost as if it knew ! We had several very brief power cuts, but of course even so, we had to go round the house setting timers and turning things on again. We haven't seen David since, but his house is still there !! I think he may have been away singing in a choir somewhere.
It will be interesting to see how Teztez gets on with waking up this year. Zola is ok, and he has been having a special fireside cuddle with me every evening - I get him settled on my shoulder, and turn the light off - we just sit watching the fire - I obviously hold him, but stroking him all the time - we can sit like that for a long time, and I love it when he presses his little head against my face.
Love from Angie and Zola xxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
! hope all is well with you, dear guardian of the Lady - I look forward to hearing the news of Her awakening. I am still saying goodnight to her every night, and my Mama and I often think of Her. It is still very windy, and quite cold, so I haven't been anywhere for proper walks with my Papa recently - on Monday, we are going to Barnstaple to get some new radicchio for me - maybe the daffodils will be open on the way there - they are such a lovely cheerful colour - like dandelions - but my Mama won't let me eat them.
Love from ZxxX


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Jun 14, 2020
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Dear Zola, we think of you very often.
The Lady is still breathing gently in her chilly cave. When we open the door, she moves her nose and legs and it is reassuring to know that she is still alive and waiting for spring warmth.
Thank you for your good night wishes, we appreciate them very much and I am sure they comfort poor Teztez in her lonely darkness.
I can understand your wanting to eat the brave daffodils but am glad that your mama protects you from anything poisonous. Dandelions are just as yellow and will do you much more good.
I hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey to Barnstaple and get your new radicchio supply.
Meanwhile, all the best dear and noble Zola, thinking of you having lovely cosy fireside cuddles with your mama, it sounds ideal in this wintry weather.
Love from Lady Teztez and her patient guardian, Ruth. Xxx


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Zola, we think of you very often.
The Lady is still breathing gently in her chilly cave. When we open the door, she moves her nose and legs and it is reassuring to know that she is still alive and waiting for spring warmth.
Thank you for your good night wishes, we appreciate them very much and I am sure they comfort poor Teztez in her lonely darkness.
I can understand your wanting to eat the brave daffodils but am glad that your mama protects you from anything poisonous. Dandelions are just as yellow and will do you much more good.
I hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey to Barnstaple and get your new radicchio supply.
Meanwhile, all the best dear and noble Zola, thinking of you having lovely cosy fireside cuddles with your mama, it sounds ideal in this wintry weather.
Love from Lady Teztez and her patient guardian, Ruth. Xxx
Hello dear Ruth , carer for the Great Lady - I hope all is going well. We did go to Barnstaple, but it was rainy, and we couldn't see the daffodils very well. But we are going to Tavistock next week. My mama is having her head injections at Tavistock hospital,and I will be in the car outside to welcome her back, and then we will go up on the moor to see if there are any lambs yet- and any more daffodils on the way.
Love from Zola to you and Teztez xxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
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Hello dear Ruth , carer for the Great Lady - I hope all is going well. We did go to Barnstaple, but it was rainy, and we couldn't see the daffodils very well. But we are going to Tavistock next week. My mama is having her head injections at Tavistock hospital,and I will be in the car outside to welcome her back, and then we will go up on the moor to see if there are any lambs yet- and any more daffodils on the way.
Love from Zola to you and Teztez xxx
Hello o gorgeous one, hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey and are able to meet your friends at the hospital.
We hope your Mama's injections will be successful, and are sure that your comforting presence and endearing and noble face will make her feel better.
It was so spring like yesterday, I am getting ready to gently lift the Lady's box from her fridge and place it in a cool room so she can gradually warm up.
I have to make sure her hut and lamps are all ready and remind her papa that she will need to be indoors for a while yet.
Love from Ruth xxx


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Jun 14, 2020
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1646667295208543660768662807495.jpghello my dear friend Zola,
I Am happy to greet you again!
thank you for all your kind thoughts and wishes.
I am having my first bath of spring, sticking my head out to feel the cool water on my cold dry throat.
There is so much news about you that my guardian is eager to tell me.
I am so glad you didn't forget me in my cold dark cave.
Love from Teztez
I have been weighed and I am 1424g


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
View attachment 341419hello my dear friend Zola,
I Am happy to greet you again!
thank you for all your kind thoughts and wishes.
I am having my first bath of spring, sticking my head out to feel the cool water on my cold dry throat.
There is so much news about you that my guardian is eager to tell me.
I am so glad you didn't forget me in my cold dark cave.
Love from Teztez
I have been weighed and I am 1424g
Welcome back, dear and most admirable Lady Teztez. I never forgot to say goodnight to you,and I shall continue to do so, if your devoted Guardian doesn't feel there would be any impropriety in my doing so.
Thank you for your kind communication -
I shall be looking forward to hearing more from you in the future
Zolla xxxX


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Welcome back, dear and most admirable Lady Teztez. I never forgot to say goodnight to you,and I shall continue to do so, if your devoted Guardian doesn't feel there would be any impropriety in my doing so.
Thank you for your kind communication -
I shall be looking forward to hearing more from you in the future
Zolla xxxX
Hello dear Ruth - I hope the Lady Teztez is continuing to recover well from her chilly experience. I had an interesting day yesterday, as we went to Tavistock to the hospital - it isn't terribly big, and isn't as scary as the one in Plymouth. The nurse who treated my mama has met me several times, and said my papa and I could come into the room too.
She held me on her lap and stroked me - she was really pleased to see me again.
My mama had 35 injections in her head and neck area - she tried to be brave because I was there, but I could tell it was painful. Then we drove back - it was grey and rather rainy, but there were snowdrops, primroses, and lots and lots of daffodils. it seemed the daffodils looked extra bright , and that there were even more than usual - perhaps they are trying extra hard to cheer everyone up this year.
Also we saw some lambs, but none really close - I expect the farmers are keeping the little ones out of the rain. One year we saw a field of lambs wearing coloured plastic rain jackets !!
Pleas give my humble regards to the Lady.
And accept my love and best wishes yourself
Zola xxX


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Jun 14, 2020
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Hello dear and inimitable Zola,
I am glad you could support your brave mama during the horrid treatment and I'm sure your friends were delighted to see you and enjoy stroking your beautiful shell.
Calm tortoise presence is very reassuring at the moment. We are very pleased that Teztez is recovering nicely so far from her long, cold sleep.
She has had several baths and I could see her drinking the clean warm water through her nose! I could see her throat swallowing while her nose and mouth were submerged. She has done some good wees and got rid of some urates ( excuse me, but I'm sure you understand that it's a good sign)
She has eagerly snatched her soggies out of my fingers and accidentally shown me how sharp her beak is!
She has eaten some cucumber and cress but seems to be very sure when she has had enough to eat, turning her graceful head and neck firmly aside.
She has her heated hut in the corner of the aga room with her lights arranged nearby so she is warm and safe until the weather warms up. Its nice to hear her crunching and scrunching around on her orchid bark and she comes to her doorway and looks out.
Thank you for your kind good night wishes, I'm sure they help, as Teztez has been quite calm and getting on very well so far. She seems to have recognised her surroundings and our voices this time, and her shell is toasty warm.
With the uncertain and saddening background of war it is comforting to spend time with a tortoise!
We can rest assured that God is in control. Evil over reaches itself in the end. We are praying earnestly for the Ukrainians and for those bravely helping them.
Much love to you and Angie,
From Ruth and Lady Teztez xxx


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello dear and inimitable Zola,
I am glad you could support your brave mama during the horrid treatment and I'm sure your friends were delighted to see you and enjoy stroking your beautiful shell.
Calm tortoise presence is very reassuring at the moment. We are very pleased that Teztez is recovering nicely so far from her long, cold sleep.
She has had several baths and I could see her drinking the clean warm water through her nose! I could see her throat swallowing while her nose and mouth were submerged. She has done some good wees and got rid of some urates ( excuse me, but I'm sure you understand that it's a good sign)
She has eagerly snatched her soggies out of my fingers and accidentally shown me how sharp her beak is!
She has eaten some cucumber and cress but seems to be very sure when she has had enough to eat, turning her graceful head and neck firmly aside.


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Greetings, dear Guardian of the Lady - we are so glad Teztez is making good progress - I think she must find it very pleasant to wake up in a warm and friendly place, rather than have to struggle through cold mud and brambles to reach the surface again. I am sorry, dear Ruth, that she is a bit over-enthusiastic with her soggies grabbing - I suppose when you wake up starving in Paradise, it is hard to mind ones manners. I look forward to the next report.
I do understand about urates - I always get extra praise when I produce some - when my Mama and Papa first started to look after me, I didn't do any for a long time, and they were very worried, and contacted the Tortoise Trust - I started getting given lots of cucumber, and also dandelion leaves - now my insides work fine.
My mama gave me another fireside cuddle this evening - I know it makes her feel better, and I have to admit I like it too -I suppose it is a bit more difficult for you with the Lady, as she is quite a bit bigger than me !! There is rather more shell to stroke !
Love from Zola xxx and Angie xX


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Jun 14, 2020
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Dear and respected Zola,
We are so much enjoying Teztez this spring, it was so warm and sunny this morning that I took her outside and she had fun walking around and letting the sun shine on her shell.
There is a cold east wind, so I watched her carefully and did not let her get chilled.
She is doing well, has eaten a few soggies and some plantain and clover leaves.
She has managed a poo, ( excuse us) this has caused her some discomfort as food making its way through her system which has been in lockdown since last September is not an easy matter. Still, all the cucumber and baths seemed to have helped, and she is internally ok as far as we can tell.
I am so happy that you are having lovely fireside cuddles with your mama.
I have begun doing shoulder cuddles with Teztez, she seems to like her shell being stroked, but emits impatient sounding exhalations when she wants to get down and exert her personality on her surroundings.
She does love her throat being caressed, and rests her head in my fingers as I gently stroke her cool throat.
She is such a funny lady and has a definite mind of her own.
She sends greetings and appreciation for your kind interest in her welfare and remains your faithful friend
Lady Teztez
and her amused retainer, Ruth xxx


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May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth - thank you so much for these lovely photos- I especially like the middle one - she looks very determined - and if you have just taken these, she is looking very well after her long sleep.
Zola is asleep now, after quite a long drive and walk to the sea, so I will show him the photos later - I am sure he will be glad to see her, safe and well.
Love from Angie xxx
Sorry, Ruth - I wrote the above before your post appeared - I will reply properly later,with Zola's help, of course
Angie xxx


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth - thank you so much for these lovely photos- I especially like the middle one - she looks very determined - and if you have just taken these, she is looking very well after her long sleep.
Zola is asleep now, after quite a long drive and walk to the sea, so I will show him the photos later - I am sure he will be glad to see her, safe and well.
Love from Angie xxx
Sorry, Ruth - I wrote the above before your post appeared - I will reply properly later,with Zola's help, of course
Angie xxx
Hello again, Ruth. It is bitterly cold - wind and rain - and the room where the computer lives is coldest of all, so I've put the heating on and will bring Zola in later to see the photos - meanwhile, here is an old one which reminded me of your photo of Teztez on the path -there is something particularly endearing in the way they are both moving - purposeful and determined - don't you think ?
Angie (Zola was a lot younger then, as you can see by his shell pattern !Zola_leaving.jpg

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