Is a CHE ok to use for a basking spot?


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5 Year Member
Oct 9, 2013
Hi all, after struggling to keep my temperatures stable over winter (I live in the UK). I switched from a 40w spot bulb to a 150w CHE hooked up to a habistat pulse thermostat. My temps are 95F basking spot and 75F cool end, I use an Arcadia 10UVB strip light for lighting. I'm housing my two 8 month old stars in a tortoise table keeping half covered to try and keep humidity in. The humidity ranges between 50-80%. My question is, will my setup be ok as it is or should I provide a spot light for a basking spot as opposed to a CHE?


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Usually the light attracts them to the basking spot. However, if they use it there is no reason it can't work that I know of. In the colder winter months in the states, most of us use more then one heating device.


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Oct 9, 2013
Well they normally spend most of their time sleeping in the nearest corner to the CHE, about 6 inches away. They rarely bask right under it. Does that sound ok?

Levi the Leopard

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I personally don't like the desiccating effects on the shell from them being under a CHE for too long. I like using the CHE on a thermostat where they benefit from the warmth in surrounding areas...but I'd personally never use it as the main basking source.

You mention they are 6" away from the CHE..that might be ok. I'd check the temps regularly... the only way to know if it will work in YOUR situation is to try it out.


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Hi @webby333

If you post a picture of your setup, it might give us some ideas. Many keepers use a Mercury Vapour Lamp to give a combined basking lamp and UV source. You can buy them from Amzon more cheaply than a pet supplier. The one winter I had to keep Joe up at home in the UK, I used a CHE for supplementary heat by night, but did not need it during the day due to the central heating.

Your tortoise will need to bask directly under the heat source to get the 35C temperature it needs to digest its food properly, so hanging out close to it will not be enough. As said earlier by wellington, they do seem to be attracted to the light from an incandescent or MVB lamp. Remember that light levels are just as important for healthy activity as temperature. If it is too gloomy, your tortoise will still be underactive and fail to thrive. You have to convince your tortoise that the daytime light is full summer and not gloomy winter Britain!

I also advise buying a temperature gun (less than £15 from Amazon) so that you can accurately measure the temperatures under the basking lamp.


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See, in my opinion...if the torts gravitate to the warmth during the night with the CHE then that is awesome...during the day they are triggered by that should be something you work into their life for at least 10-12 hours...


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5 Year Member
Oct 9, 2013
My torts always have 12 hours of light a day from the UVB 10.0 strip bulb, so it's never gloomy. Since starting this post I have now changed my setup a bit, I now use a 40w incandescent bulb along side my CHE which is on a thermostat with a humid hide in the corner where they normally sleep. The humid hide temp is 30c, basking spot 35c. Humidity is 80+ most of the time. One of my torts used to wake up with sticky eyes but now she sleeps in the humid hide every night her eyes look fine, it's made a massive difference. My tort table is partially covered with cardboard and tin foil to help keep the humidity up. I will post some pics soon. I will look into a temp gun, that would be very helpful as I only have the one digital thermometer. Thanks for all your replies and suggestions

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