
luke lowery

New Member
Mar 29, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
I live in Indianapolis Indiana I am looking to get a tortoise any breeders around me?

What kind of tortoise should I get, I was thinking a Brown or a red foot.

I have a shed that's insulated with heating for colder times (had already used to be chicken coop) have pot bottom or whatever had brain fart, for water dish. What kind of tortoise should I get? And any other things to note?


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Hello and Welcome. Either tortoise will be fine as long as you put in the work to give proper housing and care. I suggest getting the one you really want as long as you have plenty of room for it as an adult.

luke lowery

New Member
Mar 29, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Hello and Welcome. Either tortoise will be fine as long as you put in the work to give proper housing and care. I suggest getting the one you really want as long as you have plenty of room for it as an adult.

I was leaning more towards Brown because I like the idea of it getting big but not to big and the housing should be fine the housing is about the size a double wide parking spot and about 8 foot tall shouldn't be a problem the yard is fenced in also so when it grows it can wonder yard more but I plan on buying baby so probably don't want it wondering yard.


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I was leaning more towards Brown because I like the idea of it getting big but not to big and the housing should be fine the housing is about the size a double wide parking spot and about 8 foot tall shouldn't be a problem the yard is fenced in also so when it grows it can wonder yard more but I plan on buying baby so probably don't want it wondering yard.
If you get a baby, best to keep it in the house in a properly sized enclosure. Then move it outside in a couple years or so. It's easier to care for them properly when in a smaller yet proper size enclosure inside when they are young. I don't know much about their exact care, temps humidity etc, but @tortadise may be able to help.


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Hey Luke, welcome from Texas. I keep the Redfooted and be happy to answer any questions you may have should you choose this species

DeLoy Johnson

New Member
Mar 30, 2017
I live in Indianapolis Indiana I am looking to get a tortoise any breeders around me?

What kind of tortoise should I get, I was thinking a Brown or a red foot.

I have a shed that's insulated with heating for colder times (had already used to be chicken coop) have pot bottom or whatever had brain fart, for water dish. What kind of tortoise should I get? And any other things to note?

Get rid of the chicken poop it will make the tortoise sick. Tortoises bite and taste soils when mineral seeking, or selecting a nesting area.


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Hello and Welcome! ! !


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Jul 14, 2015
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Central Texas, Austin area
Thanks I'll be sure to tell you what I choose still getting things ready and deciding how to get one. Is online buying smart? Or should I find breeder?
I did the online only bcs I had no clue. I found this forum in the first couple wks after getting my baby torts (thank God!!!) I happened to get lucky but many others don't. !You see, many of those online places apparently just "flip" those animals after They buy them in bulk from breeders or... smugglers i guess... There are so many stories of brand new tort keepers who ordered on line from random place, got a very young baby tort who has been kept way too dry which coupled with a "beginners mistakes" of a novice keeper often ends up in very brief tort keeping culminated with that hatchling premature demise. You see, Luke, animal trade is a big business machine were there is wuite a bit of money to be made and unfortunately animal welfare is not always on top of the priority list. On this very forum you will find great reliable breeders and sources that are simply the best. If I ever get to buy a baby tort again, I know where I'm going to look:) there is a section of this forum dedicated to buying/selling/swapping, check it out. Once you make up your mind about what species you want, then people can recommend few breeders of that species, maybe there will even be one in your area. But start with checking out the breeds that you find attractive, research their care requirements, and see what's best for you. Then let us know here what you are after and things will just roll from there. Or at least this is how I may proceed once ready to add couple of RF girls to my Tortoise Garden:) I know my Forum Friends will stir me in the right direction in whatever my next step will be and they will do this same for you and every member who reaches out here for help