Introduction: Beginner looking for some suggestions


New Member
Aug 12, 2015

My name is Juan, I'm 19 and in college. I have been considering getting a tortoise for a few months now, and I've been doing some basic research, but I know that forums are the place to get the best information! I have lots of experience with reptiles and amphibians, but I haven't kept any for a few years. I also have various planted aquariums with some beautiful fish that I keep well maintained.

I would love to have a larger tortoise, but I will be keeping it at college for most of time for the next 3 years, so I will probably have to stick to a smaller species. I will be living in Ohio and Maryland (Ohio mostly), so that means humid hot summers and cold snowy winters. I plan on building my own enclosure if I get a tortoise, so any advice on that would be welcome!

What tortoise species would you recommend? Do you think it would be do able in college? I have plenty of room at home, but at school it is very limited--though there are a lot of pesticide free (actually pesticide free) grassy sunny areas I could take the lil guy to hang out in.



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Aug 27, 2012
I'd wait. You'll be moving a lot, having to go between college and home for breaks several times a year in bad weather & you can't leave the tortoise behind or in the car. You may want to travel a bit. If you don't have backup, it could be very rough on your animal. Not every landlord is understanding of torts as pets.

Doing your research so you're ready is good.


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Welcome to TFO!!:tort: Glad to hear you are doing lots of research, but definitely take into consideration what johnsonnboswell said :)


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
Thanks for the advice! As far as moving around goes, I already transport two tanks to and from school whenever I leave on breaks--I drive both ways and there's always plenty of room in the car. I also have a neighbor who has a few turtles/tortoises and was nice enough to offer to take care of it if when I go out of town.
The landlord point is VERY good. I hadn't thought of that, but my parents point out that I will have to find pet friendly housing anyways given the pets I already have.
I think waiting is a solid idea, but I'd like to explore the idea of keeping a tortoise a bit more since some of the issues that come up are manageable from my end! I guess the main question is would a 6 hour drive every 4 months or so be too much for a tort?


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I know some people travel with their torts, and maybe some of them will chime in. A lot will depend on the age and type that you get. I would definitely NOT travel with a hatchling....their temps and environment need to be kept very consistent and the stress of being in a car and moving might be too much. Maybe you can find a smaller species that is an older juvenile or adult?

Yvonne G

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Welcome to the Forum, Juan!

Tidgy's Dad

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Hello, Juan, and a very warm welcome to Tortoise Forum.
Hatchlings and juveniles don't travel well and get stressed easily, an older tortoise would need an enclosure of 4' by 8' which may be difficult for you to achieve in digs and would still be uncomfortable with moving around.
Doing your research and waiting until you have a place of your own would be my advice.


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5 Year Member
Aug 27, 2012
I've moved half way across the country and back with them, and I've also driven all day with tortoises. It can be done, but it's a nuisance and very worrisome. Run the thought experiment:

How do you keep them warm enough in the winter? Especially when you stop to eat, get gas & use the restroom. Tortoises are not welcome in food establishments. Keeping them warm can be easier than keeping them cool. If you leave your car windows open, it's a security risk. If your car breaks down, how do you cope? If you want to detour, it extends the traveling time and risk. It takes no time to cook an animal in a closed car in the summer.

All this is surmountable, but it's something to consider. The tortoise will pee & poop in its carrier, which adds to the nuisance.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
Wow you definitely bring up some great points. And although I do deal with similar issues when I move my fish, I feel they are much more prominent with tortoises. I will definitely have to consider moving and similar issues before I decide if I want to get a tortoise or not.

Are there some species that you think could do well considering the environment I would be able to provide? Maybe some beginner species so I can narrow down my searches when I do more in depth research.

*I am not trying to dismiss any concerns with traveling. I just feel that, as you said, they are surmountable. I will still take them strongly into consideration before making my decision. I just want to get the full picture--care, cost, other externalities--before I actually decide.

Thanks a lot by the way! this has been very helpful so far :)


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I taken a tortoise in the car 6+ hrs before. It can be done safely. Just takes thought.
I highly suggest you stay with the smaller species. They can move with you and be lifelong pets if well cared for.


Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
Hello Juan
Welcome to the TFO from AZ , why don't you stay on the forum for awhile and see what people try to put their torts and turtles through . And see what you can learn to help your future tort with . Have a great tort day !


The Dog Trainer
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The biggest problem I see for you is the lack of space for large enclosures both inside and out.

Even the smaller species still need a 4x8' enclosure inside and even bigger outside. Can you fit a 4x8' enclosure in your car? Perhaps you could build a matching enclosure at each location. Your tortoise could ride in a small cooler for the trip and then you'd have a proper enclosure waiting on either end of the trip.

Letting them run loose outside is a recipe for disaster. No matter how good your intentions are or how attentive you intend to be, there will always eventually be one moment of inattention and your tortoise will be gone. Also, because you have no control or knowledge of what happens in those areas, how do you know some gardener didn't spray some "weed n' feed" or bug pesticide an hour before you arrived. Grounds keepers do this sort of thing all the time, and often their managers and employers don't even know or care about it. They just want the lawn and flowers to look pretty. How do you know someone else hasn't put out snail bait, or flung a cigarette butt? Dropped a coin? Maybe a dog on heart worm medication pooped there and the owner didn't pick it all up? There are so many things that could go wrong in an open area like that.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
Okay! Thanks for all the advice. I think you're right and this isn't the best time for me to get a tortoise. I will still lurk around and keep reading! Maybe I can get a Hermanns tortoise in a couple years of I get off campus housing, or once I have my own place

Thanks again everyone!


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Welcome! Do you go to school in Ohio? What school? I live in Ohio - I agree with the humid summers. Hot not so much!


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
Lisa, I go to Oberlin. I moved in today! You're right, the summers are more warm than hot, but the humidity makes it feel worse haha
Where in Ohio are you?


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Lisa, I go to Oberlin. I moved in today! You're right, the summers are more warm than hot, but the humidity makes it feel worse haha
Where in Ohio are you?
yes, the humidity makes it very uncomfortable. I am in an eastern suburb of Cleveland.

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