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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
I decided to remodel one of my old enclosures into a new home for one of my Homes Hingeback groups.

This pen has been sitting empty for several years and as you can see, was pretty over grown. The bottom wire and lip was still in great shape, so it was kept.

We decided to combine it with one of the Russian enclosures to make a duplex. During the winter a heavy snow storm with high winds had taken out that enclosure's upper walls and roof, so it was needing work done on it too.

First we added corner supports and trimmed the willow down to the stomp (again).

With the support frames up.

This is Jeff working on attaching the wall wires. I have the sweetest husband. This is how he spends his "at home, off time"!:D

I have a door! For some reason, this door is just about my most favorite part of the duplex. :rolleyes:

One of my big issues was how to use the existing pool. While it had been fine for the original housing of a NA wood turtle, it was a bit too deep for the Homes.

Next came the fun part...the planting. While I still have a few things to add, here's a taste of how it looks.

The pool filled in with blocks and rocks until it's more shallow and easily accessible. Doesn't have the moving water I want, but I left it so once I stay at home, it can easily be added.

With some plants and whimsey added around it.

Some of the hosta plantings on the more shaded side.

What is an enclosure without atleast one Althea (Rose of Sharon)?

I love the old willow stump, so we kept it. As you can see, the willow is once more coming back.

A longer over view. It's a rather small enclosure, only about 12' by 12', but for a couple of Homes it should be large enough.

A little different then it was at first.

Like I said, I still have a few things to do, like the hide areas and I am going to try a nesting box.

So thoughts? ideas? suggestions?


5 Year Member
Mar 4, 2010
That looks WONDERFUL and you're right, you do have a sweet husband for helping with such a super enclosure for your Homes!!! Lucky you and lucky torts :D


New Member
5 Year Member
May 28, 2010
you could put a bear in that thing! he would tear it up but yes you could!

nice job.


New Member
5 Year Member
May 15, 2010
I absolutely LOVE what you have done, it looks great! I really like how you adapted the old pond to work. I may just have to steal your idea!


5 Year Member
Mar 1, 2009
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Ontario, Canada
Wonderful job on the enclosure, and you've got a great hubby, handy as well.
Great size to work with.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
5 Year Member
Dec 29, 2007
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Looks great. The logs (attracts bugs and grows fungus) and water feature will be well used by torts. You'll enjoy playing find the tort.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Laijla said:
That looks WONDERFUL and you're right, you do have a sweet husband for helping with such a super enclosure for your Homes!!! Lucky you and lucky torts :D

It's kinda a joke that Jeffs bleeds for my tortoises. ;) It seems everything he works on ends up causing him some big scrape or cut that bleeds. I've come to think of it as sorta like a the bottle of used to christen ships and boats.:p

terryo said:
What a great enclosure. You're so lucky to have all that space to work with. Wonderful!
I just wish I had all the time and money to get all of my space worked up. It's such a slow process that isn't helped by the time I need to be out on the road making money to fix them up. :( Would help if I had your wonderful plant growing abilites.

khanvict said:
you could put a bear in that thing! he would tear it up but yes you could!

nice job.

:D nah not big enough for a bear. :D

BHolmes said:
I absolutely LOVE what you have done, it looks great! I really like how you adapted the old pond to work. I may just have to steal your idea!

The pond was my major stumbling block. It was either work with it or go to the trouble of digging it out and then having to fill back in with dirt. I hadn't recalled how deep it was, until I started cleaning it out. Then it just got deeper and deeper. :rolleyes:

The pictures make it look really shallow, but it has spots where it is almost to swimming depth. We put back up the one side area that thru the years had been kinda smushed down and inward. Still we left the two low spots for better drainage for water exchange.

Traveller said:
Wonderful job on the enclosure, and you've got a great hubby, handy as well.
Great size to work with.

He is rather handy. He had to work around the fact that years ago when what is now my exhusband and my older son put in the base wire, they were not worried about exact measurements. The result is, no two sides are the same and the top of the wire varies too. You don't notice it as much with just the wire, but once you add the wood frame you really see how crooked it is.

Itort said:
Looks great. The logs (attracts bugs and grows fungus) and water feature will be well used by torts. You'll enjoy playing find the tort.

Most of the logs were ones already in there. :cool: I think that's kinda one of the ways to tell if you have a good enclosure...that your tortoises can hide and disappear from you easily. :D

Scooter said:
Looks great I'm sure the torts will love it!
Thanks! :) That is the important test, if they like it.

Stephanie Logan

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10 Year Member!
Aug 17, 2009
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I want a Rose of Sharon!

Will you have wire covering the "roof" of the enclosure too then to keep predators out? Will they be out there 24/7, or do you bring them in at night? I'm trying to think how moderate Nebraska's summer nighttime temperatures are.

Congratulations, it looks great. They are going to love that pond.


Active Member
10 Year Member!
Apr 8, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Montreal, QC, Canada
Wow Jacqui!!! Beautiful enclosure! Do you mind if Hermy and I come live in it :D? You both did an amazing job, It must be very peaceful just sitting there looking at the torts enjoying their home :).


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Stephanie Logan said:
I want a Rose of Sharon!

Will you have wire covering the "roof" of the enclosure too then to keep predators out? Will they be out there 24/7, or do you bring them in at night? I'm trying to think how moderate Nebraska's summer nighttime temperatures are.

Congratulations, it looks great. They are going to love that pond.

:D So go get one! They are not that expensive at places like Home Depot. Altheas are one of the plants I think I plant in every tortoise enclosure (sometimes several of them. :D). I like using plants that are pleasing to the human eye, hardy, and are food/hide sources for the animals.

We were going to have a roof, but for now I put that on hold. We have never had an issue with predators, which is also why we can use chicken wire rather then a stronger type wire for the walls. My personal belief is, if you have something that keeps animals from ever realizing what goodies might be on the other side of the fence, then you can use less strong methods of protection. Helps too, that we have dogs. :cool:

Another issue with the roof is the amount of heavy snow we normally get. It can be hard on the roofs. :cool: It's why to Russian walls/roof came down (plus the heavy winds that storm).

I will be adding PVC piping and spray heads across the top to make a shower system (like we had on the Russians).

Yes, as a general rule, once it warms up enough for the tortoises to go out, they stay out 24/7 until fall's weathers become too cool. I like trying to keep mine as natural and wild as possible, so very little handling is done and as much time in the natural flow of light and temps.

Isa said:
Wow Jacqui!!! Beautiful enclosure! Do you mind if Hermy and I come live in it :D? You both did an amazing job, It must be very peaceful just sitting there looking at the torts enjoying their home :).
Having you both would not only be a pleasure, but an honor. :) I spend a lot of time just sitting and watching. It's my excuse for why my house is dirty and my yard a jungle. :D

I have found tho that I spend most of my observing time over in the Redfoot/Leopard enclosures zone. In all the years we lived here, that area was never used or visited. Turning that corner into a tortoise zone has just brought it to life. It's just amazing.

I think one of the things folks forget when building their enclosures, is to set aside a location where you can just sit and observe your shells. It is so relaxing and calming. Another big plus is you can learn so much about your tortoises by simply watching them.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jan 4, 2009
Location (City and/or State)
Alhambra, CA
Wow Jacqui you do have a wonderful husband. What a great enclosure you have there for them I love it. Please post pictures of them in it. I love the little rock pond that you've made for them. :)[/i]


10 Year Member!
May 6, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
This is one fun habitat...the torts should be quite comfortable in this one...GREAT JOB! Rose of Sharon...how funny! I just had a unique experience today...Mortimer climbed (which he NEVER does) into an elevated planter and devoured all the leaves and flowers and new growth...what a character.
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