His name is Curious.


New Member
Sep 10, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New Mexico
I was given a tortoise who was found wondering on a main blvd. in our city. The tortoise is now living in my backyard.Can you tell me what type tortoise it is?1662940724042.pngI have been feeding it some carrot shavings, and kale. I have Bermuda grass in the yard. One day when we had a thunderstorm (not usual for our region) the tortoise was all over the yard getting into puddles and seemed to prefer being in the downpour. Need advice on care. It has dug a hole under a cement area that it has to climb up into because the area has lots of dirt below a slab of cement. For the last 4 or 5 days it seems to be sleeping most of the time. Day temps have been around mid 80's, night temps low 60's. I can look to where it's resting, by kneeling and looking up under the hole it's dug. It seems to be moving every so slightly, so I don't think it's dead. When I 1st got it, it would walk all over the yard, but lately it's been staying in its dwelling. I've had it about a month. So any and all information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


New Member
Sep 10, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New Mexico
OK box turtle. Thank you, thank you. Please if you could recommend, my main concern is I know absolutely nothing and will have to bone up on how to care for it. Right now, I don't know if I should invade the little turtle's privacy and check on whether or not it's in some sort of hibernation stage or leave it alone. It seems odd that it's not moving around like it used to. I want to help it but I'm not sure how. I will read up as much as I can now that I know what type it is. Should I reach in and pick it up gently where it is, or should I leave it alone? I would gladly return it to where it was found, but where to begin? It was on a street that is surrounded by high rise apartments. I sort of understand now why it was so active during the rain storm. Up until that storm, I was thinking it was a tortoise, and wasn't needing too much water. I am totally ignorant about turtles, even tortoises. I want very much to do right by it. It's been about 4 or 5 days since it stopped coming out of its den (for want of a better word). I look at it everyday, and it seems to move position enough for me to know its still moving. I would like to know what you think I should do next. I think I went to the internet before finding this forum, and it seems to have conflicting information about care. Of course, I was looking for care of a tortoise, not a turtle. I am truly a novice. I will in the meantime look at threads on box turtles to learn more. Thank you again. Just knowing what it is helps.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
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Jul 22, 2014
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I don't know anything about box turtles but this is a caresheet for Box Turtles that may help you to start off but hopefully other keepers of Box Turtles will be able to offer more advice.
There may be more information you can use in the Turtles thread of the Species Specific section.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Hi there! Thanks for caring for this little guy. Just follow the instructions on the sheet, it's a good one. Welcome to the forum and to tortoise keeping. I see you are in New Mexico. I stayed in Santa Fe once a long time ago. I am in Jamaica in the Caribbean.


New Member
Sep 10, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New Mexico
I don't know anything about box turtles but this is a caresheet for Box Turtles that may help you to start off but hopefully other keepers of Box Turtles will be able to offer more advice.
There may be more information you can use in the Turtles thread of the Species Specific section.


New Member
Sep 10, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
New Mexico
I will definitely study the Box Turtle Care Sheet. Thank you for sharing it. When I have time, I try to read through threads on this forum to learn more. I am glad for all those who take the time to share what they know. I think Curious is in a state of brumation. I was most concerned because it is still warm here, day temps mid to high 80's, night temps low 60's high 50's. I am trying to learn more about brumation. Have a great day!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
The desert box turtle (Terrapene western ornata) is native to New Mexico, and should not be taken from the wild. It would be best for you or the person who gave it to you to put him back where he was found. It may even be illegal in your state to take him from the wild.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
The desert box turtle (Terrapene western ornata) is native to New Mexico, and should not be taken from the wild. It would be best for you or the person who gave it to you to put him back where he was found. It may even be illegal in your state to take him from the wild.
They said it was found on a main street in the city.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Hi there! Thanks for caring for this little guy. Just follow the instructions on the sheet, it's a good one. Welcome to the forum and to tortoise keeping. I see you are in New Mexico. I stayed in Santa Fe once a long time ago. I am in Jamaica in the Caribbean.
Hey Tammy...how are ya? hurricanes yet? Is that really you? haha


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
I will definitely study the Box Turtle Care Sheet. Thank you for sharing it. When I have time, I try to read through threads on this forum to learn more. I am glad for all those who take the time to share what they know. I think Curious is in a state of brumation. I was most concerned because it is still warm here, day temps mid to high 80's, night temps low 60's high 50's. I am trying to learn more about brumation. Have a great day!
I'm thinking he's hungry...Give him some berries, or night crawlers, or slugs, snails, melons, anything that's on that care sheet. There are not that many box turtles around anymore, I am all for breakin laws, but it really is wrong to take them from the wild. they are losing territory, food and the wild life.Pretty soon all the box turtles are gone. So feed it and soak it good...then while it's soaking, please think about where you got it...apartments...so it's probably someones pet so try to find the owner first. put notices on poles, not the description, as they need to describe the turtle to YOU. Notices at Vets offices, really look for the owner...then take it to the best spot. Not in the city...drive out and put it by water...and ask us questions so you provide the best,..."foster" care100_2503.JPG