Hi Hi! (with pics)

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5 Year Member
Nov 27, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Sierra Vista, AZ
Well I completely forgot to say hello to every one... I was so concerned with the 10 eggs I have.

Any who, I'm Jess. I live in Sierra Vista, AZ and I'm now "mom" to 10 Sulcata eggs.

I have had turtles and torts on and off for years as I ran a State funded reptile rescue back when I was married. I have some knowledge on torts but I'm more experienced in Box turtles and water turtles.

At the moment besides the eggs, I only have 2 reptile house guests. I wouldn't call them pets due to the fact that they are not what you can hold.

I have one Mojave Rattlesnake and one Western Diamondback Rattlesnake.

The WDB was given to me by Game and Fish after they had a female that was from a home raid give birth to 5 babies. this little guy was the only one to survive and he has some sort of gland disorder and is what you would call a "middgit". He is now 4 years old, very fat, but is only about a foot and a half long :p His name is Buzzer.

My Mojave is a sad and scary case.

he was the victim of a weed eater. his mother was giving birth when a man found her and killed her and the babies. the man tossed all the snakes over his fence but missed one of them. I guess his son found the baby later in the day because his mother came home and found him "playing" with a hurt snake. she took the kid and the snake up to me in Tombstone. the kid dropped the snake in my hands and i about had a heart attack that instant... i was able to get the mother to get a critter keeper for me so i could unload the time bomb sitting in my hands. I was then able to inform them it was not a hurt gopher snake but in fact a hurt Rattlesnake.

after 47 stitches, lots of fluids, and a small dose of Baytril the little guy started to recover. "Mick Tyler" was given his name from the scars that formed "lips" on his mouth. I am a big fan of Stephen(sp?) Tyler and Mick Jagger. Mick (for short) is now 4 years old and 4 feet long and has an impressive 21 rattles!

Both Mick and Buzzer, along with my large collection of native inverts travel to schools teaching kids about reptiles and other dangerous but beautiful wildlife we have in our little state.

So yeah that is me and what I do... I'm different but that is ok.

I hope to get a lot of info from this forum to help expand my knowledge on torts and maybe help other people with questions I might be knowledgeable in.




Buzzer (not a fan of anything near him!)

My snakes get a view of some humans upclose


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Welcome! Being a bit different is just fine in this group. :cool:


New Member
5 Year Member
Nov 27, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Sierra Vista, AZ
Thanks every one. I used to love taking photos of my snakes when I had a good camera but sadly my mother desided it would be cool to assault me (me and the hubby lived with her for about a year) so when i went to pick my stuff up at her house I found everything of mine and my husbands sitting outside and half of my lab equipment, computers, and my camera were stolen so I'm stuck with a crappy cell phone now.
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