Help! - injured three toed box turlte overnight care?


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Sep 19, 2023
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Hello all,
My sweet three toed box turtle, Nausicaä, was attacked last night, presumably by a raccoon, and now she is missing her tail and had a deepish wound where her tail should be.
I immediately put her into a bath with water and povidone-iodine, which is what my vet had me use about six six years ago when I had another injured box turtle.
There were already maggots, but I think I was able to carefully remove them all.

She is in a clean, dry box with a towl and a heat lamp now, but I wanted to know if anyone had suggestions for emergency first aid until I can get her to the vet- hopfully I can get in first thing tomorrow morning.

I wasn't feeling well today, so my dad took care of the turtles this morning and didn't notice anything wrong, but somehow Nausicaä had gotten out of the pen and had crossed the garden to get to the back porch this evening to find us, so she is still alert and moving around.

Thank you all so much ♡


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Sounds like you have it covered. Keep her warm but be sure she isn't stuck under a heat light, that she can't move away from. Do not use any more iodine, its okay for a one time use but using it too much delays healing. Be sure all the maggots are gone. Check in and around tail and legs, if you haven't.


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Sep 19, 2023
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Sounds like you have it covered. Keep her warm but be sure she isn't stuck under a heat light, that she can't move away from. Do not use any more iodine, its okay for a one time use but using it too much delays healing. Be sure all the maggots are gone. Check in and around tail and legs, if you haven't.
Thank you so much, I am a complete mess and you have brought me a lot of peace of mind.

Her box is a large storage box, and the heat is only in one corner, she seems quite happy going from one side to get warmer, and the to the other where there is a little "towel cave".
I will check again for maggots before I go to bed - I checked all that area before, but she doesn't have a tail at all anymore and the maggots were inside of the wound. I am just really hoping the attack didn't damage anything around that area too horribly.


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Sep 19, 2023
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My vet has hope, and Nausicaä is staying the night at the for wound care and observation. I didn't take a photo, but if she makes it through the night alright and comes home tomorrow I can post a photo then. The wound was up into her anus, and dispite my best efforts there were still a couple of maggots in it, so the vet will know more afte he does a full cleaning of the wound. He's a such an amazing turtle lover who works with the local zoo, and really wants to try to save my sweet girl ♡


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May 19, 2015
What a horrible thing to happen - I'm so very sorry, and I do hope she will get over this. You are very lucky to have a vet who can actually help you.
Good luck and best wishes from Angie


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Sep 19, 2023
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Sep 19, 2023
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Nausicaä has come home, and her wound is looking much better - it still looks pretty horrible though, but my vet hopes she'll heal alright. The wound is up into her cloaca, and even though I had removed about 10 maggots when I found her, our vet had to remove 10 more under mild sedation, before doing a therapeutic lazer and giving her an antibiotic injection & a topical antibiotic. He's prescribed Silver Sulfadiazine and Manuka Honey mixed together and applied once a day, and an antibiotic injection ever 48 hours.
She's set up in my bedroom with a basking spot of 88°, and is still active and alert but hasn't wanted to eat yet, even though my sweet dad ran out to the pet store to get her red wigglers and meal worms (not her usual food, but one of her favorite treats). Hopefully she'll start eating tomorrow ♡ This is only the second raccoon attack I've had in 22 years of having turtles, and I'm looking into getting solar powered electric fences for the two big pens at least, if anyone has fences they suggest!


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Wow. I'm so sorry this happened to your turtle. What antibiotics did your vet use? Sometimes they won't have much of an appetite.

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