

5 Year Member
Nov 15, 2013
I live in northern MN and you can call me e :)

After 2 years of reading/researching (and nagging my husband, lol) my family is finally ready to adopt a Russian Tortoise!

The only problem I seem to be having is finding the actual tortoise. I'm hesitant to just walk into petco or something and buy one but the rescue situation where I live is slim to none :-( It's already too cold here to have one shipped in from somewhere but that method kinda makes me nervous too.

So after lurking here for awhile I thought it was finally time to introduce myself and ask for help/guidance.

We'd like a male, but one "young" enough that our son will be able to noticeably watch it grow.

Any ideas for me? Please and thank you!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Hi and welcome! The wanting your son to be able to watch it grow, pretty much rules out Petco (which can be a great place to find them) and stores like them or from a rescue as most will be adults. How far would you drive to get one?


5 Year Member
Nov 15, 2013
We liked the idea of a hatchling because boy are they cute! But reading further it's just a different kind of care and, so far as I could tell, not necessarily recommended for a first time tortoise owner...not to mention the whole won't-know-the-sex thing.

I guess I could go 2-2.5hr one way to pick on up? But I'd be hesitant to drive that far just to look - it'd probably have to be a done deal/vet check/etc. before hitting the road?

I think being guaranteed a male would take precedence over being able to watch any growth? My son has his heart set on a boy and picked out a boy name two years ago. I didn't think I cared and names can be unisex but the rescue we thought was going to be available turned out to be an egg bound female in need of surgery. I knew about the egg laying but not about the problems that can be associated with it which now has my husband completely freaked out, lol. Not that other issues don't come up in either sex but my husband now feels that if we get a male that at least eliminates the egg one :p

I've been reading "bad" things about petco - wild caught, ill, mistreated by being placed in tiny glass cages, etc. Is it not someplace that needs to be immediately ruled out? My sisters boyfriend of 5yrs is the aquatics person there so I'm guessing I could probably get more "behind the scenes" details from him if I knew what questions to ask...

That being said, I know they currently have 2 in the store but I'm not sure of the sexes...


Active Member
5 Year Member
Jul 7, 2012
Hello! Welcome! Everything Jacqui said and with Russians, you're not really going to be able to perfectly identify the correct sex if you still want noticeable growing room. So you may have to decide which is more important to you.


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I get mine from Petco I have never had any problems there.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
e79 said:
We liked the idea of a hatchling because boy are they cute! But reading further it's just a different kind of care and, so far as I could tell, not necessarily recommended for a first time tortoise owner...not to mention the whole won't-know-the-sex thing.

Hatchlings can be a bit trickier and harder, but certainly nothing that is beyond the average person's ability.

e79 said:
I think being guaranteed a male would take precedence over being able to watch any growth?

Just about the only way you will be able to tell for sure is with an adult or one atleast close to being an adult... or one that has "flashed" it's care taker.

e79 said:
I've been reading "bad" things about petco - wild caught, ill, mistreated by being placed in tiny glass cages, etc. Is it not someplace that needs to be immediately ruled out? My sisters boyfriend of 5yrs is the aquatics person there so I'm guessing I could probably get more "behind the scenes" details from him if I knew what questions to ask...

I am a firmly stander in the "it's okay to get a Russian from Petco" camp. I have gotten several over the years from there and all have been healthy animals. I don't believe a tortoise at these stores, should be ignored just because there MIGHT be another one taken from the wild if this one is sold. The bad care is not at all petstores, just as not all rescues or breeders are good. You just need to look at each place, each animal and go with what you think. Plus I do believe they are the ones with the 50% off sale the day after Thanksgiving.

Main things are you want to see them active, clear eyes, no bubbles or whistling noises, and eating.

e79 said:
That being said, I know they currently have 2 in the store but I'm not sure of the sexes...

Normally they will be the smaller ones. They will have the longer tails and carried to the side. Also shoot pictures and come back on here and we will give you a gender ID. We will need to see the tail, a view from the butt end is helpful, and if you see where the opening is located on the tail helps too.


5 Year Member
Nov 15, 2013
My contact at Petco said they currently have one larger one and two smaller ones but that one of the smaller ones hasn't been eating :-(

I'm starting to feel compelled to rescue all of them, lol.

I think I might go in and take a peek - my friend is actually at work now so I'll see if I can get him to snap some phone pics for me...


5 Year Member
Nov 15, 2013
I got another Petco update...

"All males, all have long tails. The little guy stopped eating when the barometric pressure dropped outside. Which happens to some reptiles in winter. Store has a 15 day return policy, but if you come when I'm working I'll take him back within the first couple months. Also if the vet finds anything wrong you can either return him to us or we will pay for his treatment."

Trying not to let my excitement cloud my judgment...thoughts??

Yvonne G

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Hi E:

Welcome to the Forum!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Take all cash, except for $40 out of your purse. Also all credit cards, debit cards, and checks. Now go to the store and see for yourself. See if they look good to you. Does one "speak" to you.

The reason I say to do this, is so you do not impulse buy. $40 gives you emergency cash or you can buy gas, but not enough for the tortoise.

... oh I would still give the one not eating a negative score at this point.


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As a tfo member and a manager at a petco we do offer some good torts that have room to see growth. Usually there is a Black Friday sale with half off reptiles (don't hold me to it I haven't seen the ad).


5 Year Member
Nov 15, 2013
I got another update:

"The bigger one is only 4 inches around the littler ones are 3in. Can't really tell the difference between the little ones till i put food down. If i were to buy one it would be the bigger guy because hes the most active and a pig.

The little ones only came in 3 weeks ago haven't I had much time monitoring them. The bigger one we have had for a few months."

So add that to the health/return policy and the fact that the guy taking care of him is basically my brother-in-law and, well, I'm awfully tempted to just go get him right now - ack. Need to uncloud my judgment and think reasonably here, lol.

I like the "leave your money at home" aspect...I can also just put a hold on him without a deposit or anything because of my connection...I could do it right now over the phone if I wanted...



Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
:D Oh! :D I would go and see them. I like holding them in my hand along with watching them. For me, normally one "speaks" to me. I want them to feel like a rock, not a feather. I want to see the eyes, nose, and mouth. I want to see one that moves. Before even seeing them, the one not eating is in third place.

If you really like one of them, then go for it. I like to sleep on a buy, but then again sometimes it just "feels" right to me to get one. Don't bring him home until you have your enclosure set up. If money is an object, you could take a chance on getting him on their sale.

Do not feel rushed or pressure. There are lots of Russians out there. Do you have a local tortoise Vet?