Has the world gone crazy?!?!?!

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Jan 17, 2010
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La Mesa, CA.
So it seems every other day some man is killing his wife and kids or some mother is killing her child. I don't understand how this has gone from being some thing that hardly ever happends and shocks people to being everyday news. I just don't get it. How does a person kill someone they once loved? Well last night it happend again, but this time it was a San Diego police woman and her daughter who were killed by their son and brother. This time they were also friends of my sister's family. The daughter was on a softball team with my niece when they met. The mother had just lost her husband ( a police officer too) and my sister was morning the death of our dad and they had gotten close talking about their losses and how they were dealing. I just don't understand how you can stab someone to death and then stab another person. My sister said she thinks he must have went crazy. She know the killer too. I guess one of the reasons I can't wrap my head around this is because of the force it takes to stick a knife in something, to stab something or some one would take a lot of work unlike a gun shot it is personal. I know I am rabbling and babbling, but I could never post something like this on facebook too many people would know the victims and it might cause them pain. Here I am a far away person and most of you wont even hear about the bad new in San Diego.
Does anyone know how the world went crazy?


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Apr 15, 2010
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Don't know...but part of me thinks these types of things have always been happening...it's just they didn't get the type of attention we give them today.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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These things have always happened, just in today's world they can highlight it more.


10 Year Member!
Feb 22, 2011
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It's horrible. My condolences to your sister for losing her friend in such a violent way.
I don't know what can make a person stab someone else and most of us will never know, because we just can't imagine. Something is 'wrong' with people that kill others, they probably nurture their anger for years and then, someday, they just snap. Which is scary to think of, especially if it's your own son. I also hear stories like that everyday - murders out of jealousy, money, rape, drugs etc.
But I can imagine it shocks you, as this incident happened to someone you knew. It would shock me too, actually, it does, even though I don't know them. I just don't understand how a (teenage?) boy can kill his own mother and sister...?


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Jan 17, 2010
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La Mesa, CA.
I don't think these things have always happend so frequently. We had two cases of family killings on the news today. I don't know why this 20 year old young man decided to kill his mother at 1: something am. The mother had told my sister he took the death of his father hard. After killing his sister he threw her out the second story window and then sat with her until the police got there. This is the story I was told I don't know how accurate it is. They have another sister, I don't know her name, but I will pray for her. I really think a lot of people have lost that moral thing in you that keeps you from crossing the line. Maybe they think they can push the restart button, but in life there is no restart button.

Thank you Mary Anne, but I did not know the victims. It still makes me sad. The girl was only 18 and getting ready to go to collage, same as my niece. My niece and sister are very upset.


5 Year Member
Apr 25, 2011
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San Tan Valley, Arizona
I'm sorry to hear what you and your family are dealing with. :/

Unfortunate things like this are what gets media coverage. Someone giving a homeless man a pair of new shoes doesn't make the news. This does.

Recently, within yelling distance of my home, a man shot and killed his 2 kids and wife. The wife was originally expected to live, but didn't. Out of concern for what kind of neighborhood I just signed a 30 year mortgage for, I tried to find some info on it. I was... shocked isn't the right word, but dismayed by the findings. I've lived in this town since I was 12 and it was considered BFE. Not only had I not heard about most of the nasty things that had happened, but there was alot more than I had expected to find. And this is coming from the girl whose graduating HS class was 75, and at least one student a year had died. (Nothing violent, mostly freak accidents).

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it does happen frequently. But it's not until we see it in the news or it affects us very closely that we're even aware of it. But on the other hand, documented cases of property and violent crimes, especially against children, has steadily declined since the 90s. (source)


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Mar 25, 2011
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I am in agreement with most that things like this have always happened, but now the media puts more coverage of these types of things on the news because it draws in viewers so it appears like its a huge problem. Also law enforcement uses the media more to help with crimes where in the past they were more reluctant to involve the media.

Turtle Guru

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Jul 14, 2011
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hey im so sorry aand tell your sister and you know what Pray to the LORD he will ease your pain Prayer to the LORD helps everything well im sorry for the losses ill keep you guys in my Prayers.


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Jan 17, 2010
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Please do not give me any sympathy. I did not know these ladies. I had seen the girl play softball, but they were my sister and niece's friends. If you want to send prays then send them to the William's family and their loved ones.
I am of the oppinion that the world has become jaded and hardend to crazy behavior. I know the media has helpped us see it more but I think it happends more too.


10 Year Member!
Nov 5, 2010
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SW Forida
Things are getting worse at many levels. We are in a big MESS and it is going to continue!


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Oct 7, 2010
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As October noted, violent crime is on the decline in the US, but on the rise in other "once safe" countries, like germany. Statistically, its now safer to grow up in the US than when I was kid. I've heard lots of theories on this, one being the discontinuation of lead in fuels and paint. Lead causes neurological damage.

I forget the exact statistic, but to my best recollection more than 1% of the population "qualify" as psycopaths. This means chances are you run across them every day (assuming you cross paths with more than 100 different people a day). The majority of them "toe the line" and are beneficial members of society and may go their entire lives without causing much harm. Some have less self control, they make up a large portion of prison populations.

In other words its always been there, but perceptions change over time. Media exposure, statistical reporting, etc influence the way we collectively feel about how safe or crazy our world is at any time. Its been stated many times over that the lawless "wild west" was far safer than we are today. Maybe crimes were simply way under reported then.
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