Going to pick up new Forest tomorrow, what do I look for?

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Apr 16, 2011
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Hi everyone! Great forum!

We are going tomorrow to the pet store to pick up what is supposed to be a Forest hingeback. We are totally new to this & have been trying to research all we can on this species. We were hoping you could tell us what to look for when we get there. My husband is going to check it out today when he goes to town. We'll be bringing it home tomorrow for our daughters b-day. It's supposed to be around 4-5 inches. I guesss we'll find that out when we get there.


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Look it over carefully. Clear , dry eyes, dry nose. Feels heavy when picked up. I would have them feed it while you're there. Alert, active. Good luck.

Yvonne G

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Hi Crystal2658:

Welcome to the forum!!

Is "Crystal" your name? May we know where you are?

I'd love to see pictures when your get your new tortoise home.


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Thanks yagy for your post. I will watch for those. What about any parasites? How is that known? Is it just through their feces or on body too?

"Crystal" is my username. I have also updated where we're located. We will definitely be posting pics ASAP.

Looking forward to all your input the farther we get. Thanks to Everyone who helps!!


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Your "forest" Hingeback will most likely be a Home's Hingeback. I have never seen an erosa for sale anywhere in MI, but I am sure it is possible.

As far as what to look for...

Choosing a Healthy Individual

The Home's typically available in the pet trade are wild caught and imported from Africa. This means that they have most likely undergone less than desirable treatment during the importation process. Lack of food, water and overcrowding are the most common issues that imported tortoises suffer. Choosing an individual that has dealt well with these stressors is important to achieving long term success in captive care.

A healthy Home's Hingeback should have clear, wide open eyes, lacking any swelling or weeping. Watery eyes and bubbles around the eyes are signs of being kept too dry. They should feel heavy and solid, rather than light and hollow, like a card board box with nothing in it. They should be strong, and able to resist gentle tugging on a limb.

Because these tortoises are wild caught and imported in less than desirable conditions, it is important to have a fecal sample examined by an experienced tortoise veterinarian to determine what the parasite load of the tortoise is, and how to properly treat it.

You can read my entire care article at http://www.tortoiseforum.org/Thread-The-Home-s-Hingeback-Tortoise#axzz1JhaqZDoN

Welcome to the forum! What store are you getting it from? I am in Cadillac so not far from you.


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Hi! What a lucky girl to get a tortoise for her birthday. How old will she be? Is this a first tortoise for all of you?

First thing, commonly folks call both the Erosa and the Homes a forest hingeback, so check to see which one your really getting. I am betting it will be a Homes as they are cheaper and more often found.

Now I know you have been told to look for dry eyes, but on both of these Hingebacks having a kinda watery look to the eye is okay. By the way, your going to love their big doe eyes.:cool: This hingeback has more watery eyes then most, but this is normal for this animal.


If it is active that's a great thing, but often because a hingeback can get stressed easily, it may be more in the normal new hingeback-in-the-pet-store position. Which looks like this:


It would be better to see him like this, but these are no doubt freshly captured wild animals that are under stress.

The main thing I look for, is if it feels like it has some weight to it. You can listen for wheezing, but that too may simply be from stress and not being kept right, which happens all to often with these guys.

Parasites are something you usually won't even see unless your looking thru a microscope. Having some worms is also normal, it's only when the amount blooms into too high of numbers you have problems. So for this part, you will need to take a stool sample to the Vet. I would hold off a bit on worming to see if he is eating first, but that is just me.


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Welcome to the forum, looking forward to seeing the new tortoise..


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Kyryah, we are getting it out of Big Rapids from the Animal Shack.

Thanks for all the info. Hopefully everything goes good tomorrow & we will be posting pics in the evening after the b-day party.

I hope ours is as adorable as yours Jacqui!


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Be careful with the Animal Shack. I have seen some very sick critters in there in the past, specifically a couple of very, very ill Burmese Pythons.

I was just there on Wednesday... The only tortoise they had was a big Sulcata in a VERY small pen.

Good luck!


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We got Fred today. I believe it is a male Home's. It's a bit bigger than we were expecting, approx. 6.5 inches. Daughter loves it though! Does his shell look healthy? It is slightly indented. Isn't this a sign of dehydration, or am I being too picky?

His eyes & nose look really good and he has weight too him. Still waiting for him to eat for us. I gave him portabella mushroom pieces & strawberries. They said he ate for them. They received him on Thursday.

We have him in a large plastic tub at this time. We will be building a 2.5 x 4 foot later this week for him.


Kyryah... Thanks for the advise. I know they said the Sulcata was a rescue they were trying to heal and was not for sale yet. Poor thing. When we were there it was wandering around the store. Would love to have something like that, but they get too large.
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He looks good, the shell looks completely normal. I believe that it is male, but a picture of the tail will seal the deal. Male Home's have HUGE tails, almost as large as their leg.

It may take him a few days to eat. Your best bet is to leave him alone and have him somewhere quiet. They take some time to adjust to new surroundings.

Does he have a hide? What are the temps in the enclosure?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Yes, it is a Homes. I really like the fact that Fred is already out and about! He looks very good to me. Has a few shell marks and chips, but that is common for WC (wild caught). One question I have is on the one photo it looks like a whitish coloring on his plastron (bottom shell). Is that his shell, something he walked through, or just a trip of lighting?

Has he done some soaking?


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I'm happy to hear his shell looks normal.

Jacqui...The white you see is glare from the camera. He was in soaking when I picked him up. Figured it would be a good time to get a nice clean bottom pic.

Kyryah...We haven't seen his tail yet. My daughter has already asked about it too. Beginning to wonder if he even has one..LOL He must keep it tucked up under him as he walks around. Is this normal?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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It is pretty normal for them to keep their tails tucked up. When you pick him up, does he totally close up the rear end or can you glimpse the tail still then?
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