First time brumation...

Elvis Fan

New Member
Feb 15, 2021
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Elvis is an adult male. Last weighed at around 12lbs. I adopted him on November 1st, 2020 and was not really prepared with my enclosure. He wasn't exactly lethargic yet, but I allowed him to soak a bit and he was able to defecate before boxing him up and putting him in a dark corner of my garage. I live just east (18 miles) Los Angeles, in the low hills of Whittier. The outside temps at night have been mid to upper forties, but my garage seems to hover between 55 and 60 degrees. Some times we will disturb Elvis when looking for tools and he'll hiss. And I have taken him out once (late January) to weigh and make sure he isn't burning to many calories because of the temp in the garage. He seems really healthy. I've read that he should only hibernate for approximately 120 days, but I'm thinking that's arbitrary. Should I bring him out 1st of March, or just wait until he gets really active and lets me know it's time? Second question, my enclosure is about 120 sq. feet. I would love to get a 2nd tortoise but I've heard that mature tortoises can be territorial when it comes to other males that they did not grow up with. Or, what about the mixing of tortoise species? Can you tell I'm new to this?


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Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
When you bring him out depends on the weather. You want to watch the forecast and wait til you have a stretch of days in at least the 70's, and nights no lower than 55°. You also should be able to expect the temps to get warmer. What I mean by that is don't get him up for a short warm spell. You don't want cold to return after he's outside unless you have a heated night box prepared.

If you have an indoor enclosure for him, you can get him up as soon as he moves around in his box without you searching for tools.

I had a DT named Chug, about the same age as Elvis, who I brumated in a fridge. We lost power for 8 hours the end of Feb one spring, his fridge warmed up, and since he'd be getting up soon anyway, I took him out of the fridge.

The weather was not warm enough, so I put him in a huge cardboard box, put in a box hide, put a warm light on him, and put the entire thing up on a table. He lived in that for 2 weeks.

He also lived in a bathroom for a week once while I treated his yard for fire ants. He didn't like it, but it worked.

If I was you, I would get him up as soon as he starts moving around. Put him somewhere, maybe a box or a bathroom like I did. Give him soaks and a water dish, and feed him. When the weather cooperates, put him outside.

As for getting another one, only if they are kept separate in their own enclosures, in and out. If you put another male in with Elvis, they will fight. Maybe not the first day, or even the first month, but eventually they will fight. Sometimes they will fight to the death of one.

If you put a female in, you're breaking the law. It's illegal to breed DT's. And they will still fight.

Different species should never be housed together, regardless of gender. First, they'll fight. (Are you getting the gist here??:)) Also, different species are sensitive to other species' pathogens. A DT might be made ill by a bacteria that is normal for a Russian, for example.

If you do build facilities to house two, make sure to use caution to not cross contaminate from the new one to Elvis. The new one should be quarantined for at least 3 months, and 6 is better.

Elvis Fan

New Member
Feb 15, 2021
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Lots of great info! With all my reading on the various subjects, I was fairly certain of what the response would be, but I also was getting an idea in my head that there were some grey areas on things. It's better to hear it from others. Thanks again.


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Jun 30, 2018
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Lots of great info! With all my reading on the various subjects, I was fairly certain of what the response would be, but I also was getting an idea in my head that there were some grey areas on things. It's better to hear it from others. Thanks again.
You just good advice from one of our 'experts'. Elvis does not want or need a companion

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