Female Red Footed Tortoise

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5 Year Member
Dec 29, 2011
I have to agree, tortoises would not make a good classroom pet but let me tell you from experience what does . Just like stated above leopard geckos make fantastic classroom pets, especially if you get an adult that's used to being handled. they are very curious and very long-lived so they bond to you and begin to enjoy the students in the room....I want to mail comes out of his cave and greets us several times a day, he also eats half of long metal tongs so the kids get to do that.

I was also able to do a very nice unit on proper habitats and care of living things using hermit crabs that were adopted from people keeping them in wire cages rather than humid enclosed terrariums.....they also live quite long if well cared for and make fantastic classroom pets they even "sing" when they're happy!!!!
They also came in handy when I did a unit on omnivores and decomposers

Personally I am not a fan of rodents but have several teacher friends who love their gerbils hamsters and guinea pigs.....i'm sure there is a small animal rescue in your area that can help (again lots of fantastic lessons here about being a good citizen showing compassion to others and proper care of pets)

If you want to have a tortoise I say go for it (as long as you have the space) but as far as bringing him or her into your classroom?? maybe once or twice for a visit but not to stay indefinitely.....IMHO


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5 Year Member
Dec 29, 2011
Sorry just one more idea....
If you go to
WWW. Petsintheclassroom.Org
You can get start up grants for them and sustaining grants. I was able to get a large terrarium for both a hermit crab enclosure and a leopard gecko enclosure (with Accessories). AND 50 bucks every year to sustain them!!!! It's worth a try❤️...


Active Member
May 31, 2015
Hi all,
I am looking for a new home for my sweet 4-5 year old red footed tortoise. I adopted her from a coworker who wasn't looking after her and she's lived in my classroom ever since. She's gotten proper care, a good diet, lights, and enclosure, but she is getting larger every day (around a pound and half) and needs more room. She loves being in a space with lots of activity and is very active. Please let me know if you feel you have a place for her with you.
Thank you!

If she is still available, I would be happy to adopt her.
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