DT burrow

Gabriel Luna

Oct 12, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Monterrey, Mexico

Temps in my city are starting to decrease, but El Niño just dont want the cold to arrive in my city and I started to built a burrow for my tortoise, because I prefer they can live outdoors.

I use brick and a plywood roof (18mm), but I dig a one brick down, so the burrow is some kind of undergound burrow.

I need to buy something to see the temps and humidity inside the burrow.

I want to show the burrow to the forum so I can improve it with your comments and suggestions. My tortoise lives there happily since I built it.

The burrow needs more soild over the roof, and I want to put some plants on it. I put some rocks in the entrance, and cover with soil. In a picture you can see I put some bushes in the entrance, just to insolate the inside, but some air can enter.

Here's a few pictures, sorry for the quality.

IMG_20151216_192641.jpg IMG_20151216_192646.jpg IMG_20151216_192656.jpg IMG_20151216_193307.jpg IMG_20151216_194927.jpg IMG_20151216_194935.jpg IMG_20151216_194942.jpg IMG_20151216_201316.jpg IMG_20151216_201320.jpg
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Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
That looks good, Gabriel. Do you get much rain during the winter? I don't like for my hibernating tortoises to get wet while they're sleeping. And I'm assuming there is no floor, so the tortoise can continue to dig down as he wishes?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
I can tell you with certainly that your burrow would not work here where Iive, but I don't know what the weather extremes are in Monterrey. I prefer to hibernate my animals indoors where it is safer.

Gabriel Luna

Oct 12, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Monterrey, Mexico
Hi, we dont get a lot of rain but it can get to freezing temps in January or February.

The burrow doesn't have floor just soil, so yes, they can dig more.

@Tom The weather in Monterrey is similar to California. In a bad winter we get like -2 Celsius. But this year in Christmas Eve we have 30 Celsius, so the weather is weird around the world.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Hi, we dont get a lot of rain but it can get to freezing temps in January or February.

The burrow doesn't have floor just soil, so yes, they can dig more.

@Tom The weather in Monterrey is similar to California. In a bad winter we get like -2 Celsius. But this year in Christmas Eve we have 30 Celsius, so the weather is weird around the world.

Too warm outside is almost as bad as too cold. From what you've told me, your tortoise would be safer hibernating inside out of the weather extremes.

Gabriel Luna

Oct 12, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Monterrey, Mexico
The tortoise use the burrow to hide from the sun. Inside my house I don't have the space to hibernate my tortoises, that's why I built the burrow outside.

Even at 30 celsius they stay at the burrow.