Counting Down

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5 Year Member
May 8, 2012
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New York
So originally I was waiting to get my first RT so I could save up enough money but I got an increase on my credit card so I decided to go ahead and start working on it. I set up the enclosure - got the 50G rubbermaid, 70% coir brick, and 30% play sand. I have the lamp but not the bulb - going to order from amazon this week. So I think Im going to go pick up the little guy from the petstore by the end of the month. I have an outdoor enclosure for him so he can stay there during the day and around the evening ill take him in. The outdoor enclosure is 8 bricks stacked together and then I have wire inside the dirt buried about 6 inches down. I have a VERY shallow dish that Im going to use for food and I have a nice sized tub to soak him. Everything all together is gonna run me about 250$. Im going to the petstore tommorow to look around - ill be sure to take pics of the guy and post them here before I buy so you can tell me what you think. He has VERY VERY VERY slight pyramiding but Im sure I can correct that if I get him soon. The petstore is feeding him fruits (tomatoes and etc.) I should probably ask them not do that correct? And as usual any of your opinions would be appreciated. I dont wanna mess this up - I plan on him outliving me =]


The Dog Trainer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Sounds like you are ready. Some people like the sand mixture, but personally, I'd leave the sand out.


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5 Year Member
May 8, 2012
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New York
Ive heard mixed, I figured Id add it because I have 50 pounds that I got for like a dollar lol Sand will mostly be on bottomish


Well-Known Member
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Apr 10, 2011
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How exciting....yes, pics and I absolutely agree...sand is no good (in my opinion and experience).....:D but there are folks that do like it and mix it in....


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5 Year Member
May 8, 2012
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New York
So my luck... I went to the petstore to buy my new Russian tortoise that I have wanted for awhile and he was sold. As I was there the guy brought the tortoise back - dead. He had it for 3 days. Any ideas what could have went wrong? He said the tortoise just stopped eating when he got it home and he died 3 days later. Doesn't make sense to me.. Tortoises can go without food for 3 days atleast.


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5 Year Member
May 8, 2012
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New York
I'm not sure about dehydration because it did have a place to soak in its tank. They have another 2 baby ones in the store now but they aren't moving and they don't look good. So who knows "/


5 Year Member
Nov 6, 2009
I had great luck buying my first female from

As for the enclosure, all good, but I'd just say, do you ever see dogs running around loose where you live? One of my torts was once attacked by a dog when she was in her outdoor pen.

So now I've made a new one caged in on the top and sides too.
Just saying, dogs can be dangerous.

Good luck with your new tort when you get him!


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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A russian won't die in 3 days from not eating, it was sick before it was sold, it could have been any number of things, dehydration sticks out most in my mind, did you ever actually see it eat in the pet store? Parasites could have played a role in it's death, without a necropsy, it will be next to impossible to diagnose. It could have been a one time thing, but to be safe I would look elsewhere for a russian.


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5 Year Member
May 8, 2012
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New York
It ate like a pig. I'm somewhat friends with the owner because I'm in there so much do I used to give him some greens and he would destroy them. Such a pig! Ive seen him get soaked, I'm just not sure. The owner said he was in there for 2 1/2 years (longer than I thought). I just don't know what could've happened to him. I wish I knew the people who bought him. Anyway the owner got a new Russian in and I have pictures but for some reason he doesn't look like a Russian. Any help?
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