
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Are you selling these things or did you buy them?

On Sunday, I posted five stone eggs for sale (in time for Easter). They were super cheap, so somebody wrote to me right away and we set a pickup time. A couple of hours later I get another message — from the mayor of our town! Turns out she wants them too...

I had to politely turn her down. Could be a mortal offense in some countries and at least a personal grudge for life in Turkey. Denmark is a weird place. [emoji85][emoji23]
Oopsie. !!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Yikes. Not the most pleasant thing to find in your kitchen. Hope Milly is fine.

You and Liam were very humane about the invader. I wouldn’t have been. [emoji33]
Nope, I would have bashed it to smithereens. Liam got to it before me. I don't play with dangerous stuff and putting it in the vlei just gives it the opportunity to come back again. Horror of horrors. The worst is that I had no clue that they were around where we stay. Maybe I should have realized that they would be but... So it is shoe checking from now on and they better hope that I don't see them before my kids do. Otherwise they will end up looking like a pancake!!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Ok folks. Calm winds, sunny blue skys. It’s time to hit the (cold) waters this morning. Kayak is loaded on the truck, gear packed and it’s time to set out for an early March water adventure.

Ogh, no Coon family last night. See.....everything was perfectly set up, extra food, camera clicking, good lighting, clear sky. No racoons.

I’ll try again tonight.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Okay lets do this. @bambam a summary to help you catch up.

Cheryl adopted another tort - it's name is Littlebit, Cheryl even drove 12 hours to go and fetch her. Now that is dedication. Her original owner is so very happy that Cheryl was able to help out and take Littlebit on. In fact she has posted here a few times.

Heather picked up a bargain and got herself some tort ornaments for the tort garden one of which looks very cool and I envisioned it being a bird bath, (although I did not post that) and others envisioned it being perfect for some succulents. She is umming and ahhing about the redfoot she saw and her and her son have been ambushing hubby to get it for their anniversary present. ( her hubby and her anniversary - not her and her son's just in case you thought otherwise.;))

Linda has been off and on for a while as she is still struggling with the flu/cold or was it Bronchitis, can't remember which but it has hit her for a loop and she has been woman down for a while. She did go to visit the in laws this week or was it her mother. Oh dear my memory is failing.......UUUUGHHHH I am getting old.

Cathie G has finally figured out how to post a pic and has threatened us with lots of pictures (she has still to learn that she fits right in with the rest of us picture happy posting roommates)

Lyn is still trying to recover from the accident. She has gone through purple, blue and greens casts so far and Lola thinks the green one is food and tried to take a bite or two once or twice. However she has been using her knee too much to get around and has now ended up straining it a bit. So if you see her scooting around on her knee you have our permission to tie her down so that she can heal and get better.

Sabine has popped in once or twice and all is good for her - just has a lot of animals to take care of right now. Ma and Mo although still babies for her are about the size of my adult Angulata tortoises - just shows you how quickly and big the Aldabra torts get.

Mark has been dazzling us with his wood working skills and will have a fight on his hands about which bowl goes to which roommate if he is not careful. Then he still teases us with beautiful wooden chests. Mark also has a raccon family visiting him and he has been trying very hard to get some decent photos to share with us of them. The one or two that we have had are of cuteness. Although apparently they don't stay that way once they start causing nonsense.

Johnandjade have connected with Linda via phone and said that he is doing much better and hopes to be back online with us soon.

Yvonne was taken down as well with the virus going around the CDR, but last I heard she was doing better and is being amused by people trying to sell a mixed breed dog as a rare breed for about $600 (not sure if that was the right amount that they posted on their add)

Lena is still being run off her feet on the weekends with all the activities arranged for her daughter. Which was awarded with a lesson at the consortorium (damn I cannot remember the correct name now - not even sure if that is a word. - well it is now) anyway suffice it to say it was somewhere really special and a real achievement for her daughter. She was dressed in this really beautiful black dress with flowers and was the youngest child there. We are all really proud of our Denmark daughter. :D

Ed popped in and gave Linda permission to pass his number to anybody who wants it and wants to chat to him. But does not believe that anybody will. If it did not cost so much from here I would have asked for it.

Anne is having fun with her thread of the mud turtles and I must admit she has tempted once or twice to get some turtles myself. Pinstripe and Bold are just so cute, we however would like some more pics of her bearded dragon as he feeling left out. And he is part of the family after all. By the way @Pastel Tortie how is hubbies new job going and have you finally sorted out the new schedule?

Bea I suspect has been reading our posts here but mainly enjoying Bold and Pinstripes thread as well. Jacques has some competition for cuteness. Speaking of Jacques she did it again and gave Bea a hard time. She was taken to the vet again because she was all swollen and they did not know why. But the vet could not find anything and she seems fine now.

Kathy has been beguiling us with her driving techniques and cleaning skills. Although some us think she just took her buggie or whatever you call their adventure mud vehicle ;) and bought a new one, it was so clean after she was through with it. Her turtle has been enjoying it's basking spot in the new pond that they constructed for it.
Oh and she has a robot vacuum which I am going to steal one night when she is not looking. He he he

Ray had his operation and seemed to be doing well, except we have not heard a peep from him in a while..... @Ray--Opo are you okay? How is Opo doing and how are you doing?

Todd from his own thread about Marge had a scare as little Marge decided to flip over in her soaking water. Luckily Todd saw it quick enough and was able to right her. Sjoe that was a close call.

Me - well we have been getting some rain which is Yayyyyy and have been fighting off scorpions. Okay Okay my son Liam fought the scorpion and released it into the vlei, I would have flattened it personally, but lucky scorpion was found by Liam instead.:rolleyes:

Okay so who have I left out this time?

The normal residences of the CDR are all doing fine, we seem to have too many socks etc. being knitted which have been blocking the vents. Which is why so many of the roommates have been down lately. Willy and Silly have been stealing any pilchards that they find, the jellyfish are still playing games , only they have now cottoned on to the game of hide and seek. The one legged pirate is in cahoots with Ray and they are swapping stories about their war wounds. (maybe that is where Ray has disappeared to?) The leprechaun is still trying to hide his chest of gold from the rest of us, as he does not want to share (the selfish Leprechaun) , I have been missing some carrots in my corner so the snow leopard must still be around. Montgomery has been mopping around as he is not happy that Linda has not been around very much to replenish his coffee, tea and hot chocolate supplies etc. I tried giving him some rusks but he did not know what they were and in his opinion they were not biscuits.:rolleyes: I haven't heard anybody complain about the hedgehogs so that must either mean that no-one has stepped on them recently or they have been getting out of the way quick enough.


Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
All caught up but it is 4 minutes to go before I need to be in the office. My son found this in our kitchen early this morning. First time we ever found one of these where we are. Milly unfortunately was sniffing it and Liam said that it stung her. But I could not see any wound or redness etc. I am not sure if it is a poisonous one or not. Milly was not rubbing her nose or anything. So I really hope that she is okay. I will go back home at lunch and check on her. But in the 2 hours from the time she apparently got stung I did not see any difference in her behaviour or any swelling etc. Holding thumbs. Anyway Liam caught it and put it over the wall into the vlei. But from now on I will be checking my shoes before I put any feet into them. [emoji85] View attachment 266528
Nasty little blighter!
Hope Milly is OK.

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
Okay lets do this. @bambam a summary to help you catch up.

Cheryl adopted another tort - it's name is Littlebit, Cheryl even drove 12 hours to go and fetch her. Now that is dedication. Her original owner is so very happy that Cheryl was able to help out and take Littlebit on. In fact she has posted here a few times.

Heather picked up a bargain and got herself some tort ornaments for the tort garden one of which looks very cool and I envisioned it being a bird bath, (although I did not post that) and others envisioned it being perfect for some succulents. She is umming and ahhing about the redfoot she saw and her and her son have been ambushing hubby to get it for their anniversary present. ( her hubby and her anniversary - not her and her son's just in case you thought otherwise.;))

Linda has been off and on for a while as she is still struggling with the flu/cold or was it Bronchitis, can't remember which but it has hit her for a loop and she has been woman down for a while. She did go to visit the in laws this week or was it her mother. Oh dear my memory is failing.......UUUUGHHHH I am getting old.

Cathie G has finally figured out how to post a pic and has threatened us with lots of pictures (she has still to learn that she fits right in with the rest of us picture happy posting roommates)

Lyn is still trying to recover from the accident. She has gone through purple, blue and greens casts so far and Lola thinks the green one is food and tried to take a bite or two once or twice. However she has been using her knee too much to get around and has now ended up straining it a bit. So if you see her scooting around on her knee you have our permission to tie her down so that she can heal and get better.

Sabine has popped in once or twice and all is good for her - just has a lot of animals to take care of right now. Ma and Mo although still babies for her are about the size of my adult Angulata tortoises - just shows you how quickly and big the Aldabra torts get.

Mark has been dazzling us with his wood working skills and will have a fight on his hands about which bowl goes to which roommate if he is not careful. Then he still teases us with beautiful wooden chests. Mark also has a raccon family visiting him and he has been trying very hard to get some decent photos to share with us of them. The one or two that we have had are of cuteness. Although apparently they don't stay that way once they start causing nonsense.

Johnandjade have connected with Linda via phone and said that he is doing much better and hopes to be back online with us soon.

Yvonne was taken down as well with the virus going around the CDR, but last I heard she was doing better and is being amused by people trying to sell a mixed breed dog as a rare breed for about $600 (not sure if that was the right amount that they posted on their add)

Lena is still being run off her feet on the weekends with all the activities arranged for her daughter. Which was awarded with a lesson at the consortorium (damn I cannot remember the correct name now - not even sure if that is a word. - well it is now) anyway suffice it to say it was somewhere really special and a real achievement for her daughter. She was dressed in this really beautiful black dress with flowers and was the youngest child there. We are all really proud of our Denmark daughter. :D

Ed popped in and gave Linda permission to pass his number to anybody who wants it and wants to chat to him. But does not believe that anybody will. If it did not cost so much from here I would have asked for it.

Anne is having fun with her thread of the mud turtles and I must admit she has tempted once or twice to get some turtles myself. Pinstripe and Bold are just so cute, we however would like some more pics of her bearded dragon as he feeling left out. And he is part of the family after all. By the way @Pastel Tortie how is hubbies new job going and have you finally sorted out the new schedule?

Bea I suspect has been reading our posts here but mainly enjoying Bold and Pinstripes thread as well. Jacques has some competition for cuteness. Speaking of Jacques she did it again and gave Bea a hard time. She was taken to the vet again because she was all swollen and they did not know why. But the vet could not find anything and she seems fine now.

Kathy has been beguiling us with her driving techniques and cleaning skills. Although some us think she just took her buggie or whatever you call their adventure mud vehicle ;) and bought a new one, it was so clean after she was through with it. Her turtle has been enjoying it's basking spot in the new pond that they constructed for it.
Oh and she has a robot vacuum which I am going to steal one night when she is not looking. He he he

Ray had his operation and seemed to be doing well, except we have not heard a peep from him in a while..... @Ray--Opo are you okay? How is Opo doing and how are you doing?

Todd from his own thread about Marge had a scare as little Marge decided to flip over in her soaking water. Luckily Todd saw it quick enough and was able to right her. Sjoe that was a close call.

Me - well we have been getting some rain which is Yayyyyy and have been fighting off scorpions. Okay Okay my son Liam fought the scorpion and released it into the vlei, I would have flattened it personally, but lucky scorpion was found by Liam instead.:rolleyes:

Okay so who have I left out this time?

The normal residences of the CDR are all doing fine, we seem to have too many socks etc. being knitted which have been blocking the vents. Which is why so many of the roommates have been down lately. Willy and Silly have been stealing any pilchards that they find, the jellyfish are still playing games , only they have now cottoned on to the game of hide and seek. The one legged pirate is in cahoots with Ray and they are swapping stories about their war wounds. (maybe that is where Ray has disappeared to?) The leprechaun is still trying to hide his chest of gold from the rest of us, as he does not want to share (the selfish Leprechaun) , I have been missing some carrots in my corner so the snow leopard must still be around. Montgomery has been mopping around as he is not happy that Linda has not been around very much to replenish his coffee, tea and hot chocolate supplies etc. I tried giving him some rusks but he did not know what they were and in his opinion they were not biscuits.:rolleyes: I haven't heard anybody complain about the hedgehogs so that must either mean that no-one has stepped on them recently or they have been getting out of the way quick enough.

EXCELLENT summary, as always, Carol!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Okay lets do this. @bambam a summary to help you catch up.

Cheryl adopted another tort - it's name is Littlebit, Cheryl even drove 12 hours to go and fetch her. Now that is dedication. Her original owner is so very happy that Cheryl was able to help out and take Littlebit on. In fact she has posted here a few times.

Heather picked up a bargain and got herself some tort ornaments for the tort garden one of which looks very cool and I envisioned it being a bird bath, (although I did not post that) and others envisioned it being perfect for some succulents. She is umming and ahhing about the redfoot she saw and her and her son have been ambushing hubby to get it for their anniversary present. ( her hubby and her anniversary - not her and her son's just in case you thought otherwise.;))

Linda has been off and on for a while as she is still struggling with the flu/cold or was it Bronchitis, can't remember which but it has hit her for a loop and she has been woman down for a while. She did go to visit the in laws this week or was it her mother. Oh dear my memory is failing.......UUUUGHHHH I am getting old.

Cathie G has finally figured out how to post a pic and has threatened us with lots of pictures (she has still to learn that she fits right in with the rest of us picture happy posting roommates)

Lyn is still trying to recover from the accident. She has gone through purple, blue and greens casts so far and Lola thinks the green one is food and tried to take a bite or two once or twice. However she has been using her knee too much to get around and has now ended up straining it a bit. So if you see her scooting around on her knee you have our permission to tie her down so that she can heal and get better.

Sabine has popped in once or twice and all is good for her - just has a lot of animals to take care of right now. Ma and Mo although still babies for her are about the size of my adult Angulata tortoises - just shows you how quickly and big the Aldabra torts get.

Mark has been dazzling us with his wood working skills and will have a fight on his hands about which bowl goes to which roommate if he is not careful. Then he still teases us with beautiful wooden chests. Mark also has a raccon family visiting him and he has been trying very hard to get some decent photos to share with us of them. The one or two that we have had are of cuteness. Although apparently they don't stay that way once they start causing nonsense.

Johnandjade have connected with Linda via phone and said that he is doing much better and hopes to be back online with us soon.

Yvonne was taken down as well with the virus going around the CDR, but last I heard she was doing better and is being amused by people trying to sell a mixed breed dog as a rare breed for about $600 (not sure if that was the right amount that they posted on their add)

Lena is still being run off her feet on the weekends with all the activities arranged for her daughter. Which was awarded with a lesson at the consortorium (damn I cannot remember the correct name now - not even sure if that is a word. - well it is now) anyway suffice it to say it was somewhere really special and a real achievement for her daughter. She was dressed in this really beautiful black dress with flowers and was the youngest child there. We are all really proud of our Denmark daughter. :D

Ed popped in and gave Linda permission to pass his number to anybody who wants it and wants to chat to him. But does not believe that anybody will. If it did not cost so much from here I would have asked for it.

Anne is having fun with her thread of the mud turtles and I must admit she has tempted once or twice to get some turtles myself. Pinstripe and Bold are just so cute, we however would like some more pics of her bearded dragon as he feeling left out. And he is part of the family after all. By the way @Pastel Tortie how is hubbies new job going and have you finally sorted out the new schedule?

Bea I suspect has been reading our posts here but mainly enjoying Bold and Pinstripes thread as well. Jacques has some competition for cuteness. Speaking of Jacques she did it again and gave Bea a hard time. She was taken to the vet again because she was all swollen and they did not know why. But the vet could not find anything and she seems fine now.

Kathy has been beguiling us with her driving techniques and cleaning skills. Although some us think she just took her buggie or whatever you call their adventure mud vehicle ;) and bought a new one, it was so clean after she was through with it. Her turtle has been enjoying it's basking spot in the new pond that they constructed for it.
Oh and she has a robot vacuum which I am going to steal one night when she is not looking. He he he

Ray had his operation and seemed to be doing well, except we have not heard a peep from him in a while..... @Ray--Opo are you okay? How is Opo doing and how are you doing?

Todd from his own thread about Marge had a scare as little Marge decided to flip over in her soaking water. Luckily Todd saw it quick enough and was able to right her. Sjoe that was a close call.

Me - well we have been getting some rain which is Yayyyyy and have been fighting off scorpions. Okay Okay my son Liam fought the scorpion and released it into the vlei, I would have flattened it personally, but lucky scorpion was found by Liam instead.:rolleyes:

Okay so who have I left out this time?

The normal residences of the CDR are all doing fine, we seem to have too many socks etc. being knitted which have been blocking the vents. Which is why so many of the roommates have been down lately. Willy and Silly have been stealing any pilchards that they find, the jellyfish are still playing games , only they have now cottoned on to the game of hide and seek. The one legged pirate is in cahoots with Ray and they are swapping stories about their war wounds. (maybe that is where Ray has disappeared to?) The leprechaun is still trying to hide his chest of gold from the rest of us, as he does not want to share (the selfish Leprechaun) , I have been missing some carrots in my corner so the snow leopard must still be around. Montgomery has been mopping around as he is not happy that Linda has not been around very much to replenish his coffee, tea and hot chocolate supplies etc. I tried giving him some rusks but he did not know what they were and in his opinion they were not biscuits.:rolleyes: I haven't heard anybody complain about the hedgehogs so that must either mean that no-one has stepped on them recently or they have been getting out of the way quick enough.


Excellent as always!:)
Do you ever take minutes in meetings ?
Just wondering if that's where you developed this skill you have!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon/morning to you all.
Happy Pancake Day!!
My nephew has just bought me some ready made, microwaveable pancakes and some Jif lemon so that's what I'm having for tea.
Couldn't possibly make themself - it would far too dangerous to try tossing them while I have a broken leg.:rolleyes:
(I'll have to think of another excuse for next year.)

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