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I'm a Harry Potter fan too!
I have read all the books and seen the films - they are generally pretty true to the text so worth a watch!

So, Lyn: Which House would you have been in at Hogwarts, and what would your patronus have been?

I think I would have been in Ravenclaw, and my patronus would have been a horse. [emoji38]


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Apr 26, 2012
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@Moozillion and all that like it my singing:
My newest "production"

That's GREAT!!!!! :):):):<3::<3::<3::<3:

You sound like maybe you sing alto? Middle range?

I used to have a very high voice- in my 20s I sang first soprano (the highest) but not anymore! I haven't sung much for almost 40 years, and my voice has definitely gotten lower.
Bee, the way you look when you sing :<3: reminds me how much I used to enjoy singing before I got distracted by boring things like a job!
Maybe I will think about taking lessons again and we can have a duet! :)
You are an inspiration! :):<3:


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Jan 7, 2018
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Good Mornooning Adam, Linda and Lena and any other Roommates who are up and about.
Managed to pop in earlier today. For once I cannot believe that we are already on Thursday. It feels like yesterday was Monday and the day before that and the day before that etc. etc. ;)

Today there is a little bit of breathing space. So yay.

How is everybody doing? A few things that I would like to touch base on:

1. Nice to have you back Adam, the CDR is just not the same without you.
2. @Bambam1989 we haven't heard from you in a while. You okay?
3. @DE42 How are you doing. Are you back to being your normal self?
4. Sabine, we need a photo or two more of Ma and Mo please. And have you managed to sort out your temp problem yet?
5. Kathy how is little Uzi doing? And your Son, no further health problems I hope.
6. @Toddrickfl1 It has been a while since you have popped in, I hope you haven't been frozen in those freezers that you work in. Do we need to come and rescue you? If you do, Blink twice.
7. Heather, I think we need some more photo's of your critters as well. And I also want to know if the other squirrell survived.
8. Mark, has the storm passed you yet? I think they were talking on the news yesterday on our radio about Hurricane Florence. I hope all is okay on your side and that your critters and garden are surviving the bad weather.
9. Lyn, I was very happy to read that your neighbours haven't cut anymore plants again so far. I know how you feel after having to get back in the swing of things after a long holiday. I hope that Lola is behaving or at least as much as He does.
10. Gillian - How is Oli doing? Is your weather how you like it yet?
11. Ed - How is your Mom doing and have you received your bumper thingy that you were looking for the other day yet?
12. Yvonne you can be as agrophobic as you like, in the CDR no-one can see you so it is a safe place to be. Much safer than anywhere else..... Just saying!
13. Bea - I am getting withdrawal symptoms again. I need a quick fix with some photo's of Jacques and Elsa.
14. @Laura1412 - How are you doing?
15. Lena - What's the chances of a video of your daughter having her first lesson? Or at least a photo of her pretending to play.;)
16. Linda - how did the yoga go? And Let us know what the doc says about your shoulder. Good Luck

As it is autumn on your side at the moment (or at least it should be) Those of you who have torts - are you going to be hibernating them? Just curious.

Anyway chat again sooner or later and Not see you in the CDR.
Hey all how has everyone been? No @CarolM I'm not frozen but good to know I'd have rescuers should the situation present itself lol. I haven't been able to be on here much lately, I've been working 12hr days and the situation with my father has been a nightmare! He is currently back in the hospital do to a vitamin/auto deficiency caused by lack of nutrition because the rehab facility he was sent to failed to help him eat, and also neglected to perform the therapy he was sent there for. I have filed complaints with the state and a Medicare/VA fraud investigation is now going on. He is worse now then when he was sent there 45 days ago now I can't find another rehab to accept him because the first one used up all his benefits. They even started taking his social security checks without my knowledge! Long story short today I had to retain a lawyer and a lawsuit is pending. So my life has been a little hectic lately. I hope everyone in the CDR is doing well though, and their torts are happy and healthy! Here is a pic of Murphy earlier today. This is his "I'm taking a poop face"!IMG_20180909_152517352.jpg


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Oh that is so sad, but she did her best.

Awww, that is so cute that she snuck it to school. Sorry the little guy didn’t make it.

I remember when I was in like 7th (1982) grade I found a baby bird and somehow I found a phone # to some rehab place and they told me to feed him baby cereal and put a heating pad under the box. I tried my best but he didn’t make it. I totally forgot about him until I read this.


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Hey all how has everyone been? No @CarolM I'm not frozen but good to know I'd have rescuers should the situation present itself lol. I haven't been able to be on here much lately, I've been working 12hr days and the situation with my father has been a nightmare! He is currently back in the hospital do to a vitamin/auto deficiency caused by lack of nutrition because the rehab facility he was sent to failed to help him eat, and also neglected to perform the therapy he was sent there for. I have filed complaints with the state and a Medicare/VA fraud investigation is now going on. He is worse now then when he was sent there 45 days ago now I can't find another rehab to accept him because the first one used up all his benefits. They even started taking his social security checks without my knowledge! Long story short today I had to retain a lawyer and a lawsuit is pending. So my life has been a little hectic lately. I hope everyone in the CDR is doing well though, and their torts are happy and healthy! Here is a pic of Murphy earlier today. This is his "I'm taking a poop face"!View attachment 251439

I’m so sorry you have to go through this!! It’s so hard trying to get the best care for our elder loved ones!!


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Apr 26, 2012
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Louisiana, USA
Hey all how has everyone been? No @CarolM I'm not frozen but good to know I'd have rescuers should the situation present itself lol. I haven't been able to be on here much lately, I've been working 12hr days and the situation with my father has been a nightmare! He is currently back in the hospital do to a vitamin/auto deficiency caused by lack of nutrition because the rehab facility he was sent to failed to help him eat, and also neglected to perform the therapy he was sent there for. I have filed complaints with the state and a Medicare/VA fraud investigation is now going on. He is worse now then when he was sent there 45 days ago now I can't find another rehab to accept him because the first one used up all his benefits. They even started taking his social security checks without my knowledge! Long story short today I had to retain a lawyer and a lawsuit is pending. So my life has been a little hectic lately. I hope everyone in the CDR is doing well though, and their torts are happy and healthy! Here is a pic of Murphy earlier today. This is his "I'm taking a poop face"!View attachment 251439

Oh, Toddrick! That’s awful!
YES!!! You need to sue for theft, medical neglect.
So sorry this happened!![emoji53]


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Jul 12, 2016
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More pets for the CDR...

I’m waiting on a shipment of “Mystery Snails” to arrive here tomorrow (i hope) from Florida (website: Life With Pets). They (a group of 5 or so) will make a nice addition to our Betta fish aquarium, are interesting to watch, actually mate and lay egg sacks... hopefully some interesting colors. Updates to follow of course.

Are they coming by snail mail? ;)
Looking forward to the pics!


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Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
Beautiful Piano!!!

The squirrel did not make it. It survived about a week longer than the other. My daughter was so attached that she snuck it to school on the first day because she couldn’t stand to leave it. It passed that afternoon:-(
Oh Shame. At least your daughter tried very hard. And the little squirrell had a little longer to enjoy lots of love.


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Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
Good morning Carol! So I answered about the squirrel and I will take some new critter pics for you hopefully this evening... I have been leaving early and getting home late... my busy season:-(

Btw, I know it’s already been said by others, but I’m very proud of you for your life changes. I know it’s not easy and I hope you find all the support and encouragement you need from us!
Thank you Heather. All the support and encouragement that I have gotten so far from you all have been a huge help and I appreciate every little bit.

Thank you all so much.


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Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
Good Mornooning Heather! It’s mid afternoon here and having done some meeting paperwork after yoga, I have just boarded a train for London.

I am meeting JoesDad for dinner and then we are going to the British Library to hear a talk by Michael Palin (ex Monty Python) and David Schneider called “Reflections on Writing Comedy”

Should be good :)

Decision on shoulder being made tomorrow :)
So was the talk good? Dinner with hubby especially if it is out is always very good.


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Oct 30, 2017
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Oct 30, 2017
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Bad memories of both stations. Plus Russell Square station. I had to disturb people around those areas in 2005 to find a “story” for my job interview with Reuters. Most people didn’t appreciate it. :rolleyes: (I didn’t get the job [emoji17])
So sorry you have those bad memories. I did not know that there was a Russell station. My maiden name was Russell and it is so nice to see it spelt correctly. LOL just some random info for you all about me.;)


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Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
G’day all

Overcast and partly rainy. Mixed rain coming and going, but still calm before Florence hits south of us and moves up toward our area. Calling for about 3-4 inches of rain.

I did get out kayaking for some brisk paddling this morning Nice and peaceful - many turtles in the water, none basking, a few Blue Herons, but little else. No deer, no eagles.

View attachment 251412
The Calm Before The Storm - Scotts Cove, Laurel, MD
I would love to have a log cabin somewhere there and be able to enjoy that scene every morning and evening.


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Oct 30, 2017
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South Africa - Cape Town
Yes I'm doing well, things are just hectic here(in a good way). We have been trying to get our house ready to sell, there are alot of things that need to get done. Hubby has been getting job offers left and right lately and he just has to decide which one. There are two in Texas and one in Missouri that sound good.
We hope to be moving in less than 6 months!
I still haven't updated Clunker's page but I have been popping onto the forum occasionally.
Hope everyone is well and will try to chat soon.
So Glad that you are all okay. Good Busy is always a good thing. It is when it is a bad busy then we can worry. Good Luck on the decision making and getting the house all ready for the market. I really hope that all goes according to plan and that you get the price that you want. Give CLunker a Hello rub from all of us.

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