bulb wattage (Freaking out!)


New Member
May 7, 2017
so we are only three nights into this whole being new to the tortoise world, I changed mostly everything people said other than his tank, we are going to build something big for him. I ordered him uvb 100 watt bulb and a 100 watt ceramic heater bulb. I had the coil bulb and everyone said get something else. so we put it in, and there's no way I'm using that bulb, he will fry being in that little tank. so I have to stick with the coil until he's in his new house? :mad: that uvb bulb puts off a ton of heat

Taylor T.

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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New England
Sorry for the late reply. Cats have been known to occasionally attack baby tortoises, but are usually not too dangerous. Dogs are a much larger threat. They view tortoises as chew toys and will go after your Leopard even once he is quite large(Especially the Bullmastiff due to its large size). You will need a secure lid for your new enclosure. If possible put the enclosure on a table or something to make it less tempting to the other animals.

To address your question about the UVB bulb being too hot, you should not use the coil bulb. He can survive for up to two weeks without UVB, which should be enough time for you to get him a proper enclosure.
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