Best tortoise for my situation?

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Aug 18, 2013
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Hello again! As stated in my introduction post, I am in the market for my first tortoise. I am not able to get more than one (space doesn't permit), and I understand the lifelong commitment, so I want to make the right choice. You probably get this type of question a lot, but it really is an important one, so bear with me! :) I am looking for something a little unique, a little larger, and not an avid burrower (don't need it to burrow out of it's pen!). I have been in contact with quite a few red-foots, and I really like their personalities, not to mention their nice size :) I am not sure, however, how suitable as a beginner tortoise they are, with humidity issues. Leopard tortoises are a favorite of mine too, but living in Ohio, we don't always have the temperatures desirable in the summer. (I have a large indoor space for a tortoise but I want it to have an outdoor pen too). Burmese mountain tortoises are very attractive, hardy tortoises I have been looking at, but their large size kind of turns me off of them. I am in a loop here...please help me! I have a budget of around $150 (just for the tortoise itself, not supplies, food or vet bills). Thanks so much for your help!


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I like the Marginated as well. I live in Ohio and the marginated is the tortoise I'd like to get.


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Aug 18, 2013
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Really? I most certainly have to look into those! Thanks guys! I never considered such a tort! :D I love how you responded with that one sole, amazing word "Baoh...:)


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I would have to agree. Marginated is a good tortoise to get for your situation. You can also go with a russian but its a digger.


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Aug 18, 2013
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Yea, Russians aren't going to go well with me with that digging....LOL.. Quick question, the marginated tortoises are really cool, but I'm still looking for something a little bigger. I know that no tortoise is the "perfect" pet, but I want to get the closest. Does anyone have any recommendations for a slightly larger tort, somewhere in the ballpark of 14-16 inches? So right now I am mainly considering leopards, red-foots, marginateds, and elongateds.


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I really love leopards. They are absolutely beautiful! Best part is they get big but not to big[SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES] I got mine for 145 from tortoise supply


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Aug 18, 2013
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Narrowed things down to two species...Red-Foots and leopards. Since my springs, falls and winters are harsh here, those seasons will be spent indoors (I am planning to build a 5x5 enclosure, will this be alright for an adult male?) For leopards, I would get babcocki, I don't like the pardalis as much... ;)

Terry Allan Hall

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Tortoise7 said:
Yea, Russians aren't going to go well with me with that digging....LOL.. Quick question, the marginated tortoises are really cool, but I'm still looking for something a little bigger. I know that no tortoise is the "perfect" pet, but I want to get the closest. Does anyone have any recommendations for a slightly larger tort, somewhere in the ballpark of 14-16 inches? So right now I am mainly considering leopards, red-foots, marginateds, and elongateds.

First off, unless it's a female, and an exceptionally large specimen, marginateds are a bit smaller than that...averaging 12" for a female, 10" for a male.

Leopards are inclined to be shy and may not do as well in your climate.

Don't know much about elongateds, but finding one may be difficult.

From what you've said so far, I think a redfoot would suit you well...size is about right, great personalities, curious and intelligent. Really good looking, colorful torts, particularly the Cherry-heads.

And several members here breed them, so you could purchase direct, w/o poorly informed pet-store employees (not all of 'em, but substantial numbers are clueless) giving it questionable care...and that's a "plus".
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