Any doctor here

Yvonne G

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Hi Mina:

When we say "separate them," we mean set up each tortoise individually. This is the only way you're going to get them well. When they have to compete with other tortoises in their habitat it is very stressful for them, and stress contributes to their staying sick.

Mina Adel

Mar 17, 2016
Thank you all.
He is much better now.
It was drug induced diarrhea.
They are worms free now.
But they really took large doses 100mg mebendazol once every 2 days for 3 times.
If someone able to donate a book for me. I will be grateful.
Or soft copy. Photos by camera.


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Or soft copy. Photos by camera.
It's over 400 pages. It's not something we can copy. You could look to see if there is a version available online.

For these animals to recover they must:
1. Be separated - one per enclosure
2. Have a proper size enclosure with substrate and lighting including UVB as they don't get outside.
3. Receive the correct diet and have constant access to water
4. Not receive any further medication unless properly prescribed by someone qualified to do it.

The book, any book, is irrelevant and useless without you doing what we say.

Did you contact the sanctuaries I gave you links to?


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A tortoise that size should have gotten about 5mg amoxicillin, which is not even a good antibiotic for tortoises. You gave a 200x overdose. And it does nothing for parasites. You will have to wait for the tort to clear it and see if it survives. Unfortunately not much else you can do right now except optimize care. The damage has already been done, Without good care you can pour all the meds in the world into them (at correct dosages and usages please) but they will not get better. Please do not give medications without a veterinarian's supervision. This kind of use of medications is what kills animals or develops resistant infections that can't be treated,


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But they really took large doses 100mg mebendazol once every 2 days for 3 times.

Why?? This is not appropriate dosing either. Over 50mg/kg can cause severe myelosuppression in tortoises. Basically it suppresses their immune system so they can't fight infections, or even the regular bacteria in their intestines if bad enough. This is not a drug to be taken lightly. Having parasites can actually be safer. If you're talking about the same tortoise then you gave a 500mg/kg dose. You overdosed by 10x on a medication that is barely safe to use at normal doses. You are killing these animals. Just take care of them and give them their own space, appropriate diet and heat, and stop medicating them.

Mina Adel

Mar 17, 2016
I am doing as you all advised me.
And I will always tell you the updates
I just used a 100 watt lead lamp to hear them.
I am feeding them dandelions. Clover. Optuna pads. Mellow weeds. Hibiscus leaves and flowers. Vine leaves.
I see they are much active than before and they eat a lot. I like that.
And I stopped all meds.

Mina Adel

Mar 17, 2016
Why?? This is not appropriate dosing either. Over 50mg/kg can cause severe myelosuppression in tortoises. Basically it suppresses their immune system so they can't fight infections, or even the regular bacteria in their intestines if bad enough. This is not a drug to be taken lightly. Having parasites can actually be safer. If you're talking about the same tortoise then you gave a 500mg/kg dose. You overdosed by 10x on a medication that is barely safe to use at normal doses. You are killing these animals. Just take care of them and give them their own space, appropriate diet and heat, and stop medicating them.
Please.... I am so worried ... are they gonna die or be ill again..
And For deworming I have to repeat the course again after 10 days.
If not they will have worms again. Their eggs will hatch.
And the members told me deworming them is important.
Sorry for elongation.
Can I repeat the course with less doses?


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Are you sure you gave an overdose? Are you maybe reading the dosage on the syringe incorrectly? That sounds like an enormous dosage so I just want to make sure.

Where did you get the dosing information from?

The problem with deworming is it is very, very harsh on a tortoise. You're essentially giving them poison that is too weak to kill them but strong enough to kill the parasites. However, dewormers CAN kill a tortoise that is not doing well, which is why regular fecal tests are important. They allow you to nip the parasites in the bud while the tort is still healthy.

I agree, you should stop medicating them. Provide food, water, soaks, and a safe, warm, comfortable place for them to recover. Individually. No torts housed together.


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Jun 23, 2012
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Please.... I am so worried ... are they gonna die or be ill again..
And For deworming I have to repeat the course again after 10 days.
If not they will have worms again. Their eggs will hatch.
And the members told me deworming them is important.
Sorry for elongation.
Can I repeat the course with less doses?

Do not repeat the dose. You will have to wait a few months and try again IF you are positive they do actually have parasites worth treating. If you are just doing it as a precaution it is better to not do it at all. At regular doses it can depress their immune system for up to 5 weeks. With an overdose it could last much longer than that. I do not know if they will be okay unfortunately. Only time will tell. Focus on giving them the best care possible to support them through it as much as possible.

Mina Adel

Mar 17, 2016
RE: Welcome to Tortoise Forum .org !


I have a 4 yr. old Sulcata male, and a 15 yr. old California Desert Tortoise male. I live in Southern California. I hope this website catches on!!!
Another one that has runny nose. I used it only once.
She is better now.

Mina Adel

Mar 17, 2016
Hi Mina:

When we say "separate them," we mean set up each tortoise individually. This is the only way you're going to get them well. When they have to compete with other tortoises in their habitat it is very stressful for them, and stress contributes to their staying sick.

What is the adequate size of enclosure for one tort ?
Egyptian tortoises are very small.


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Jan 3, 2015
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What is the adequate size of enclosure for one tort ?
Egyptian tortoises are very small.
They are small but very active. In my country the minimum size required by law is 2m² for an adult.

By the way, I believe that deworming is hardly ever necessary. As far as I know all tortoises have pinworms, even if faecal tests are negative, you'll never get completely rid of them. Even I had pinworms as a child and never took any medication.
They are only dangerous if the immune system is weak (because of some other illness, stress or whatever) but then deworming probably won't solve the problem. But that's only my opinion.