Adult Leopard Tortoise in South Dakota?!


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Sep 6, 2011
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In the early to late fall they get out. But not in the dead of winter. Mainly because I have been constantly trying to give them a winter hide that would keep them warm if they did want to go out. Just never able to get it right where I was comfortable with it. Once they are in for winter, they seem just fine with it.


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Also, mine will have to climb a long very slanted ramp.which they have done for years in the summer. But it's not the easiest.
With Levi have the whole shed it would be much easier to do.


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10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2013
Thanks for all the additional info.

@wellington Barb, do your tortoises get to occasionally graze during winter in Chicago? Or are they locked up in the shed full time for the winter months.

@zovick have you ever tried timothy or orchard hay pellets? I used them years ago with Levi was small as a way to add variety. I didn't feed much of it and I didn't feed it long term. Would feeding those in addition to other foods be a good idea?

@Yvonne, glad to hear Maggie's shed maintains temps. I wonder how different it will be in SD though.

I know where there is a will there is a way and with enough $$ all things are possible.
BUT.... the whole reason we might be moving in the first place is because my hubbs has been out of work for 6 months now. After struggling to find work here (and surviving the last 6 month with zero income) we have to do something. That's why the house is on the market and we are trying to find work elsewhere.
See how this further complicates my dilemma? ...sigh....
I never tried hay pellets, but don't even know if those were available in the years when I would have needed them. That being said, they would be fine to feed if the tortoise would eat them.

In your current position, I think I would try to SELL my tortoise to a good home to make some $$ and to avoid the terrific cash outlay you will need to make SD habitable and safe for the animal.

Sorry to say it, but sometimes, you just have to move on and do what is best for the situation at hand rather than what you would like to do in a perfect world. This, to me, seems like one of those times.


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Sep 23, 2023
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As a South Dakota born and raised before moving for work. I can say the winters are long and cold. To be truthful it's supposed to snow there soon according to my parents. As far as taking the tort with I would say yes without question. In Rapid City, South Dakota is the reptile gardens and the have several large tortoises.

Levi the Leopard

10 Year Member!
Oct 1, 2012
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Southern Oregon
not in the dead of winter.
What do you feed during the winter?

Rapid City, South Dakota is the reptile gardens and the have several large tortoises.
Just looked this place up. Super neat. If we end up moving there, I'll likely apply for work.
Sorry to say it, but sometimes, you just have to move on and do what is best for the situation at hand rather than what you would like to do in a perfect world. This, to me, seems like one of those times.

I appreciate all of the insight you have shared so far. It is valuable information that my husband and I are covering, together.

Right now, there are still many things up in the air. But once we actually have a direction, I'll be able to weigh the real pros/cons to make a decision.
To be continued....


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Sep 6, 2011
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What do you feed during the winter?

Just looked this place up. Super neat. If we end up moving there, I'll likely apply for work.

I appreciate all of the insight you have shared so far. It is valuable information that my husband and I are covering, together.

Right now, there are still many things up in the air. But once we actually have a direction, I'll be able to weigh the real pros/cons to make a decision.
To be continued....
As far as food. I strip my mulberry trees of their leaves and dry them or freeze them. I feed the leaves, grocery greens, cactus, mazuri, mulberry powder that I add agar agar too to make it a gel and layer pellets. I forgot to add orchard grass hay and pellets
It will be tuff the first winter if you move during the winter. But there is nothing wrong with the better grocery greens. In Wills one thread from a few years ago, a lot of the grocery greens turned out better then we all thought. He also sells some good stuff you could get to top them off with that would make them even better.

Levi the Leopard

10 Year Member!
Oct 1, 2012
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Southern Oregon
As far as food. I strip my mulberry trees of their leaves and dry them or freeze them. I feed the leaves, grocery greens, cactus, mazuri, mulberry powder that I add agar agar too to make it a gel and layer pellets. I forgot to add orchard grass hay and pellets
That's right, you said that. Doh!

It will be tuff the first winter if you move during the winter.

Yep. Tough for all of us. We'll see what happens. :oops:


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Oh and another tip. Go to the local grocery and ask for the greens they throw away. There is nothing wrong with them, they just peel off the outer leaves and throw them away. At least that's what my grocery store does. I have gotten all great looking greens, a huge box and all free.
You can also try asking if they can order cactus for you. I get a huge case for like 25-30 bucks. I chop it up and processor and freeze.


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I personally think you should take em'. I believe it IS DOABLE . It would be impossible to re-home my Leopard, Seymour, I just would not be able to do it.
That being said the word's of the day is "adaptable" & "Flexible"!
You'll have to be flexible and adaptable. as conditions change you'll have to be able to go with it, and change thing up with the changing conditions. Please keep us filled in on your decision and how things work out.

Levi the Leopard

10 Year Member!
Oct 1, 2012
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Southern Oregon
It looks like our move is temporarily on pause. :tort: ❤️

I submitted some resumes on Tuesday. By Thursday, I'd had 2 interviews and a job offer. My hubbs has been out of work without hire for months...go figure.

I'll be taking the job to keep us here for now. It's not enough to be the sole bread winner, but 1 job is better than no job.

I've been a stay at home mama the last 15 years while running animal jobs on the side. (training consultations, birthday parties, etc.) Going to an office job, sitting at a desk from 8-5, M-F is going to be a huge change. But South Dakota would have been a huge change, too.

So, that's where we are at. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and comments. I was about 99% sure I was going to take Levi with me but now I don't even have to worry about it.


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It looks like our move is temporarily on pause. :tort: ❤️

I submitted some resumes on Tuesday. By Thursday, I'd had 2 interviews and a job offer. My hubbs has been out of work without hire for months...go figure.

I'll be taking the job to keep us here for now. It's not enough to be the sole bread winner, but 1 job is better than no job.

I've been a stay at home mama the last 15 years while running animal jobs on the side. (training consultations, birthday parties, etc.) Going to an office job, sitting at a desk from 8-5, M-F is going to be a huge change. But South Dakota would have been a huge change, too.

So, that's where we are at. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and comments. I was about 99% sure I was going to take Levi with me but now I don't even have to worry about it.
Good luck with everything!


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It looks like our move is temporarily on pause. :tort: ❤️

I submitted some resumes on Tuesday. By Thursday, I'd had 2 interviews and a job offer. My hubbs has been out of work without hire for months...go figure.

I'll be taking the job to keep us here for now. It's not enough to be the sole bread winner, but 1 job is better than no job.

I've been a stay at home mama the last 15 years while running animal jobs on the side. (training consultations, birthday parties, etc.) Going to an office job, sitting at a desk from 8-5, M-F is going to be a huge change. But South Dakota would have been a huge change, too.

So, that's where we are at. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and comments. I was about 99% sure I was going to take Levi with me but now I don't even have to worry about it.
Woo hoo! The thought of you having to part with Levi was tragic.

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