
  1. Henry_andres

    Growing plants

    Hi! I recently got some seeds for my tortoise I have a couple different ones along with a grazing grass seed mix. Should I grow these seeds outside or in a pot in the tank? I am not sure if some of the seeds will thrive outside right now cause it’s starting to get a little cooler outside but I...
  2. baileypete

    How to avoid bugs when planting grass in enclosure?

    Hi! I've been wanting to plant grass in my enclosure again for Vic, my baby leopard tortoise. He loved having it in his enclosure before, however, after awhile of having it, there were very small bugs flying around the grass, and also flying around Vic and crawling on him. I took the grass out...
  3. IRTehDuckie

    Where do you Supply from?

    I used to get a mix of seeds online, but the website that i used before is no longer a business sadly. they used custom blends for me while being a repeated customer had my info etc. Since they are no longer a thing, I am having trouble finding a good seed mix for my tortoise that has a nice...