Baby RES turtle and new owner!


Jul 8, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Minnesota, USA
My fiancé and I got a russian tortoise hatchling awhile back and love him so much. But I never expected my fiancé to share the love that I have for these amazing shelled species. Well tonight, we went to a county fair and played a tossing game they had (you usually win a teddy bear or a goldfish or something like that). My fiancé threw the ping pong ball and he made it to the center container (grand prize). Wow right? The guy handed us a plastic bag with water and a tiny baby RES turtle. All I could think of was how cruel to carelessly practically hand out helpless baby turtles to careless and ignorant people, even little kids. My fiancé immediately said we are keeping him and giving him a home he deserves. So now we have a new addition and need some advice. It is currently midnight as we are getting home so we are going to put him in a Tupperware container for the night with access to some swim able water and dry ground. Tomorrow we are getting him his own tank and a landing and obviously his own lamp system. I don't dare simply google RES care because of all the misguided info I could have gotten into with my Russian tortoise that way. This forum has helped me a lot with my RT so I know I will get the advice I need and what's best for our new addition. I have taken a picture I will add as well. We decided to name him Spike.


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I hope you enjoy your new family member! But yeah I remember the last time I went to a fair and there were carnies that had RES and little bunnies as "prizes" I had never seen that before, I always thought it was a bit weird to use real animals instead of fake for a prize. :/


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Jul 12, 2013
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Winnipeg, MB
Is that still allowed? That's just so cruel! But I'm glad he ended up with you guys. Keep us posted on his progress, please.

May, Aussies, & THBs

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
They are breaking the law . You can't sell or give turtles away like that . There's a four inch law . The only way around the law is for teachers education purposes

Redfoot NERD

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I'll try to answer your question.

Kaitlynn - you don't need to spend a fortune to provide all the needs for this little one!

1 ) since these sliders are so cold tolerant you don't need to heat the water.. that will only make fungus growth easier to happen.. and you don't need to spend the $$ for a heater.

2 ) they are good swimmers so don't worry about them drowning in more than 6 inches of water. I really like corkbark for them to bask on.

3 ) get a submersible filter from Walmart.. [ black and are a round cylinder type with open top where the filter pad drops into.. no tubes - water comes in thru slots in bottom ] they're only $20 [ maybe rated at 20 gallons of water? ] I've used these forever!

4 ) some kind of light may be the most expensive thing for him.. and will be the only thing you really need to get at a so called pet store. I seldom get anything from a petstore because they [ try to ] sell you stuff you don't need.

5 ) Reptomin from Walmart will be fine too. The smallest size will last a long time and feed only one or two of those "pellets" once a day! Any not eaten in a few minutes scoop out right away!

I would get a plastic tub about 20 gallons or so to start.

This is simple and a little one like him will be fine in the simplest set-up to start! The less you have in the tub the better!

He just needs water to swim and eat in and a place to bask... and that's it!!!
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Jul 12, 2013
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Winnipeg, MB
@Redfoot NERD thanks for the advice! Not that I have turtles, but always good to know and share. The no-heater point makes perfect sense!

May, Aussies, & THBs


Jul 8, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Minnesota, USA
I'll try to answer your question.

Kaitlynn - you don't need to spend a fortune to provide all the needs for this little one!

1 ) since these sliders are so cold tolerant you don't need to heat the water.. that will only make fungus growth easier to happen.. and you don't need to spend the $$ for a heater.

2 ) they are good swimmers so don't worry about them drowning in more than 6 inches of water. I really like corkbark for them to bask on.

3 ) get a submersible filter from Walmart.. [ black and are a round cylinder type with open top where the filter pad drops into.. no tubes - water comes in thru slots in bottom ] they're only $20 [ maybe rated at 20 gallons of water? ] I've used these forever!

4 ) some kind of light may be the most expensive thing for him.. and will be the only thing you really need to get at a so called pet store. I seldom get anything from a petstore because they [ try to ] sell you stuff you don't need.

5 ) Reptomin from Walmart will be fine too. The smallest size will last a long time and feed only one or two of those "pellets" once a day! Any not eaten in a few minutes scoop out right away!

I would get a plastic tub about 20 gallons or so to start.

This is simple and a little one like him will be fine in the simplest set-up to start! The less you have in the tub the better!

He just needs water to swim and eat in and a place to bask... and that's it!!!
Thank you bunches!! This was super helpful :)


Jul 8, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Minnesota, USA
You are welcome.. a lot easier than those "scientific" volumes that is out there.. huh?

This is not rocket surgery or brain science......................
Yes!! I felt the same when I got my russian tortoise. I felt that I needed to know certain things that didn't even turn out to be useful or even the right information cause of how outdated it was. Now that I have owned my tort for awhile I realized I was stressing over the little silly things and it gets easier, especially with help! :)

Yellow Turtle01

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Jun 12, 2013
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when I first got my russian, I freaked out when he pooped in his water dish! :oops: he does it everyday, on schedule!