
Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
East Texas
Annddddd I have now caught up again. Sjoe it is hard work (NOT). I love it when there are lots of posts and the CDR has been busy. Makes my life a little less boring.
It is windy and cold here in the Cape. With a new week to look forward to. Still haven't won the lottery, so got to carry on working for now. That Lottery is going to be mine one day......eventually. In ten days my Eldest (Liam) will be turning 20. It is actually very strange to know that he will be twenty, as I tend to think of my boys as being my babies still. But they do need to grow up at some point I suppose.

And it is time to make some enquiries and or comments again I think:
@Bee62 - How are the lambs doing by the way, they must be getting really big by now.
@DE42 - Please let us know when you are back online and how you are doing? We still worry especially since we have not heard from you in a while
@ZEROPILOT - So nice to have you pop in again recently and very happy that your Mom was having a good day. How are you feeling lately.
@Moozillion - Thank you so much for the update about Jacques, although you should tell him that it is a rule that you have to try food at least once before you turn your nose up at it. And How is little Elsa doing lately. Some photo's would be nice.
@Yvonne G - So glad we can entertain you with our lives, and will endevour to carry on doing so. Did you ever sort out your cat peeing porblem btw?
@Gillian Moore - Was lovely to not see you in the CDR. Please do it more often, you are part of the family and we miss you.
@Maro2Bear - Hi Mark Adam is nearly at the end of his catch up, so you can come back again, hopefully with some lovely new pics that will set a nice and relaxing mood.
@Toddrickfl1 - Your Majesty you only have 11 days left to enjoy being at the top. How is your Dad's rehab going? And how are Snap and Murphy doing?
@Kristoff - I love your sense of humour please don't ever stop being you. Any new interesting Geocatches found lately?
@JoesMum - I seriously do not know where you get all your energy from. You are a wonder woman. Only a few more days and then it is off to MOM.
@EllieMay - Looks like Linda has some competition in the energy department. You sure are one busy lady as well. I love reading your posts about your place and animals. Thank you so much .
@Bambam1989 - Please when you do get into your ART room again post a pic of your sculture as it is before you start again on it, so we can see a before pic and an after pic. Clunker is just adorable thanks for including pics on his update thread.
@Dipa - How is your little star doing? And is it still very hot where you are?
@rjamesbeasley - How's Life treating you? Have you shown us a pic of your babies yet? I can't remember.
@mrnewberry - Thank you for that gorgeous pic of your little ones. They are beautiful. But how about sharing some pics of your other passions as well. I would love to see a pic or two of your bird and the knives that you make.
@Momof4 - How are you feeling today? All better I hope. And we haven't heard any updates on your new tort that joined your family last month. How is it settling in. Much Happier than it was at your sisters I hope.
@Lyn W - I really really hope that the Police woman makes it round to your neighbours so that they can sort them out. Did Lola behave over the weekend and has the little doggie gone back yet?
@Tidgy's Dad - And last but not least. Welcome Back Adam, we are all very happy that you are back. The CDR is just not the same without you. Although we did try, and we even managed to welcome some new members relatively decently while you were gone.

Now to sit back and enjoy the response posts coming in.
I will definitely post a pic. I doubt it will be today though.. hubby ordered a gable fan and it arrived today, so it's getting installed really right now. I'm seriously on the verge of just dragging everything into the dining room and working there. If he wants to eat without staring at a pile of clay, I bet he finishes rewiring my lights!

Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Would she fit in a jiffy bag?
View attachment 247573

Actually, that's a bit of a sore point.
The whole of Fes has run out of Jiffy bags and I need some to post things to people.
It costs much more to post boxes.
I went to one shop and asked and the man said, "Ah, you speak Arabic?"
"A little" I replied modestly.
"Are you a Muslim?" he asked.
"No" says I.
"Then i shall not speak to you" says he!
The first time this has happened in 13 years!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Ottawa, Ontario
And with that, I have finally caught up!
Well done, Roommates, for keeping this Room running so busily while i've been away! :<3:
Brilliant on welcoming new Roomates and giving great tort advice to them and each other. :<3:
Not so good on letting the One-Legged Pirate and Leprechaun Substitute get away with murder, the place being overrun with meerkats and eating the Wool Spider (if she existed) . :mad:
I've enjoyed reading through all the trials and tribulations, travels and trips, postcards and potted plants. :<3:
Sorry to hear about the problems and health issues some of you and your pets have been going through. :(
But proud of your kindness, team spirit and the support you give to each other. :<3::<3::<3:

And it's interesting to note, that since I returned, the male Roommates have all just about vanished. :confused:
Never mind, i'm quite happy sharing the Cold Dark Room with a dozen lovely ladies!
Love you all, Roommates. (men and women) . :)

Welcome back, Adam! :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Thanks for asking Carol, I don't know how you remember everything!!
Lola had his usual weekend not eating much and is still very active, but has been feeding himself today :)
He is currently tucking in to some lovely fresh ribbon plantains - all hand picked and individually washed and soaked and served on a slate platter! :rolleyes:
Michelyn Star stuff!!!:D
The pooch is back with owners and is a real cutie and not at all aggressive towards Lola - but no chances were taken as I know all too well that could change in a heartbeat! :( He didn't really take any notice of him at all.
Now may not be the right time for me to have a dog though.
No PO still.
Hope you are having a good day in spite of work and the weather.
Wow. Now if you could cook I'd ask you to come and give some of the Michelin star care over here. Lola does not appreciate you enough. Don't worry when and if you ever want a dog the time will be right.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Are you talking about the cat peeing on my evaporative cooler? It happens on and off all the time. Anytime a cat decides to go up on the roof. Right now there is no cat pee smell. If only I could figure out how to keep them off the roof.
Oh dear. Maybe our resident Merlin ( Adam....hint hint) can give you better ideas than we were able to.