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Jun 24, 2014
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So here's my next question. Has anyone raised a tortoise/tortoises using an open table, heating the substrate and providing a basking area? Maybe providing a heated (heat from using a CHE) humid hide for sleeping and a place to hide out?

I had read a thread a while back where someone had set up and open table for their tortoise and humidity levels down at tort level was good. I have always thought a tort table didn't make sense cause your CHE would be running constant but if your using pads or heat ropes to only do the substrate, the CHE wouldn't be an issue. Another reason I have stayed away is because of humidity but after I read that thread and add that the rep room my table would be in is kept at 85-87 degrees and humidity runs 65-88% all the time I don't think that would be a concern either. I have used closed chambers, followed Toms care sheet as close as possible, since day one and my guys are very smooth, my sulcata hatchlings are very healthy and seem to be doing just fine. My leopards are totally different story. I'm down to just one leopard now. She seems to be healthy tho, so fingers crossed. Anyhow, I had planned on building a huge enclosed chamber in my rep room but have been wondering about the whole table idea since I have noticed the change in my guys when I reduced their substrate temp. Plus I'm thinking with a table I could build multiple levels which is just more walking space.
My idea for the enclosed chamber:
L shaped, one side 8x4 the other side 4x4, 30" tall. I would have the basic same set up that I have now. Basking area, on warm side, CHE set up on thermostat, zoo med t5 high output 10.0 UVB tube lights would light entire thing, basking and UVB tube lights on timers. On the cool side I would have a 18"x18" ceramic tile for a feeding station, it's textured so they get good traction but it's a breeze to clean daily. Terra cotta saucer for water on cool side. Right on the edge of the warm side another larger terra cotta saucer used as a "jacuzzi". I was planning on switching the substrate. I was thinking organic soil so I could literally plant the entire enclosure w grasses and plants. Multiple humid hides and perhaps some other decor as sight barriers and hiding places.
The open table;
I could build levels that are attached w ramps, use organic soil and plant it full of grasses and plants. Use pads or heat ropes to keep substrate heated to 87-90 degrees. Each level would be lighted w the UVB tubes just as the enclosed one would and a basking area and humid hides provided in one or a couple levels. I haven't given the table as much detailed thought as the enclosed chamber cause the idea just popped up but I would like some feed back on this, like I say, toms suggestions and care sheets is what they are use to and they seem to thrive from this but I also think I could create more walking room w open tables so I wanted to reach out and see if anyone has used the open table and how it did for them, feed back of ya see any problems or things I have missed. I'm getting ready to go get supplies in the next couple days and just wanted some info from more experienced tort parents.
Thanks in advance!


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Jul 11, 2014
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Spokane Valley WA
I had tables and had to enclose all of them with plastic to get my humidity above 50. Just my 2 cents. Sorry to hear about your leopards. Good luck.


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Jun 24, 2014
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Northeast Tennessee
I had tables and had to enclose all of them with plastic to get my humidity above 50. Just my 2 cents. Sorry to hear about your leopards. Good luck.
Thanks! I did think about making a removable "tent" made out of clear shower curtain just in case I needed it. My rep room (a 10x10 bedroom I didn't use) is set up like a huge enclosure itself. I have ceramic heated tile, ceramic heater on thermostat, and humidifiers all set up that keep the entire room 83-87 and humidity bounces around between 60-88% most the time. (I have the Sudans in there right now cause they got in trouble outside) lol.


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Jul 11, 2014
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Thanks! I did think about making a removable "tent" made out of clear shower curtain just in case I needed it. My rep room (a 10x10 bedroom I didn't use) is set up like a huge enclosure itself. I have ceramic heated tile, ceramic heater on thermostat, and humidifiers all set up that keep the entire room 83-87 and humidity bounces around between 60-88% most the time. (I have the Sudans in there right now cause they got in trouble outside) lol.
They get grounded did they? Little time out? That made me laugh. I have exactly the same deal with a bedroom. I try to keep the humidity down in the room to protect my house. It fluctuates from 50-75. If you keep the whole room humid though, i don't see why you would need to cover the enclosures.


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If you are able to keep the whole room they are in humid/correct temps I don't see a open table being a problem. I currently don't have any rooms that are set up to be like that so all my indoor enclosures have to be covered in order to keep correct humidity/heat in.

Also, wow I didn't know you only had one leopard baby left, really sorry to hear that. :(

I haven't tried heating the substrate with anything yet, though one enclosure I have seedling heating mat under the substrate under a hide.


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Jun 24, 2014
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They get grounded did they? Little time out? That made me laugh. I have exactly the same deal with a bedroom. I try to keep the humidity down in the room to protect my house. It fluctuates from 50-75. If you keep the whole room humid though, i don't see why you would need to cover the enclosures.
They got grounded alright. Lol. I fixed them a shed for the winter, figured they could come and go as they wanted cause they have always returned to their hide box at night. Nope, weather turned cold and they apparently forgot what they was suppose to do. Two evenings in a row I went out to check and found one of them outside, in 30 degree weather, ice cold. I said well I guess I will b deciding when u come in and out, so they will be living in the rep room till spring now. It's a hassle to take them in and out when weather permits somedays but it's better then one possibly getting sick or worse. So I guess you could say they got grounded for the next 5 months. Lol.


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Jun 24, 2014
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Ok so I have another question.

I have a leopard baby that was started dry. She is the last one left from when all my leopards got sick. I weight all my torts at the same time every Monday. I soak her twice daily most of the time but somedays I run out of time and she only gets one soak. She is fed a varied diet.
The thing is she hasn't really grown that much. I got her in August 2014, and she was 30 grams. So last Monday I weighted her and she weighs 61 oz. so I looked back to see what she weighted the last time and that's when I realized, she's been at 60grams since
so my questio is;
WILL SHE EVER GROW? And if so, will she grow to her normal size?


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Jul 11, 2014
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They tend to stall out. Usually around 50 grams I think. My last one was almost a year old when he passed and had been 50 grams give or take a gram for 6 months. Don't despair, some make it over the hump and then grow like crazy, as I understand it. Growing to normal size eventually. Hoping yours makes it. Good luck.


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Jun 24, 2014
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I looked back in my weigh book, She has been between 58-63grams since October 2014, she has apparently stalled out. She eats like a machine, she mostly eats a varied diet of greens and I have finally got her to eat Mazuri, she will eat about half the nugget. She does everything a normal one would do, Her poo is fine, her eating is fine, she gets in her water bowl and drinks, I have witnessed that. I don't know if it's normal for them to sleep all the time, she comes out of her hide area in the AM, eats, goes back to her hide area. She comes out again in the evening time and eats again then goes back to her hide area. I'm assuming this is ok cause my sulcata so the same thing. I really hope she gets over this hump and makes it. How do they act before they are going to die?


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Sep 24, 2013
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I looked back in my weigh book, She has been between 58-63grams since October 2014, she has apparently stalled out. She eats like a machine, she mostly eats a varied diet of greens and I have finally got her to eat Mazuri, she will eat about half the nugget. She does everything a normal one would do, Her poo is fine, her eating is fine, she gets in her water bowl and drinks, I have witnessed that. I don't know if it's normal for them to sleep all the time, she comes out of her hide area in the AM, eats, goes back to her hide area. She comes out again in the evening time and eats again then goes back to her hide area. I'm assuming this is ok cause my sulcata so the same thing. I really hope she gets over this hump and makes it. How do they act before they are going to die?

She currently sounds like besides the stall in weight gain that she is actually doing very well. I believe the way they act before they pass is mostly lethargic type behavior.


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Jul 11, 2014
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My first one that i lost got soft. Pepe, my last one didn't. He was a bit less active, and i had thought he was eating a bit less in the week or 2 before he died. Both of them, their poop got softer with almost a white color. Not urates, but pale poo. Hoping for the best for you. She sounds like she is hanging in there.


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Jun 24, 2014
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My first one that i lost got soft. Pepe, my last one didn't. He was a bit less active, and i had thought he was eating a bit less in the week or 2 before he died. Both of them, their poop got softer with almost a white color. Not urates, but pale poo. Hoping for the best for you. She sounds like she is hanging in there.

When you say their poo got softer and pale in color, was this something that happened very close to them passing or awhile before?
She does seem to be doing great. Well she eats like a machine, probably about 3 piles of greens that's the same size as her and about every other day I attempt to sneak in at least a half nugget of mazuri. She isn't the biggest fan of mazuri. Lol. She typically isn't active tho. She literally comes out of her hide area when her lights first come on for breakfast, that trip she usually makes a trail through her water dish over into her food dish, she will come out around noon-1ish, eat again, this time it's a straight shot from hide area to food, then another straight shot from hide area to food around 6-7, right before lights go off. Other then that she is in her hide area. I had to rearrange her hide area so the UVB could get to her cause we can't go outside at all due to temps and I was scared she wouldn't get enough UVB. So I'm worried that her being more inactive might not be a good sign to watch for but the soft pale poo is something I know I will notice if she happens to have same symptoms cause she poos everyday while she is in her morning soak.


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I honestly don't remember for how long. It was a while. Maybe a month or so. With Pepe it was normal sometimes. I was really surprised when he passed. He had some new growth lines and gained a gram or two the week before. I am sorry I can't be more help or have better news. There is always hope as long as she is eating good, that is a really good sign. Their appetites declined. I wish you the best Amanda. I am praying she grows soon.
How old is she? She is eating better than Pepe was and is bigger. You're supplementing with calcium right? Hopefully you can get her some sunshine soon. I feel like that helps.


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I'm not real sure how old she is. I got her in July/August (can't exactly remember) last year and she has just a slight amount of white growth on her shell and weighted around 45 grams or so, I'm not sure if that helps guest amount her age or not. I do supplement. Twice a week I give all my sulcata calcuim/vitD and multivitamin and with her I supplement 3x week with calcium/vitD and multivitamin, plus she has a cuttlebone in her enclosure that I see her munch on a little here and there. Plus with the lack of green stuff outside I am feeding Mazuri every other day. We have had 1-3 ft snow for the last 2 weeks and I have dug out a couple different places and gathered what weeds I could but to make sure their bellies get full I have had to feed Mazuri every evening. I have got her eating almost a whole nugget so I'm really excited to see if she has gained any next week. The weather forecast says one day next week is suppose to have a high of like 63, so if that don't change between here and now I'm going to try to get her out for a minute then. Back in the fall I could heat up a towels, cover it with a thin layer of bark and take them out in black dish tubs for some sun and that seemed to work so I will get her some rays just as soon as I can.
And thank you for all your info, any help is greatly appreciated.


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Sep 24, 2013
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I'm not real sure how old she is. I got her in July/August (can't exactly remember) last year and she has just a slight amount of white growth on her shell and weighted around 45 grams or so, I'm not sure if that helps guest amount her age or not. I do supplement. Twice a week I give all my sulcata calcuim/vitD and multivitamin and with her I supplement 3x week with calcium/vitD and multivitamin, plus she has a cuttlebone in her enclosure that I see her munch on a little here and there. Plus with the lack of green stuff outside I am feeding Mazuri every other day. We have had 1-3 ft snow for the last 2 weeks and I have dug out a couple different places and gathered what weeds I could but to make sure their bellies get full I have had to feed Mazuri every evening. I have got her eating almost a whole nugget so I'm really excited to see if she has gained any next week. The weather forecast says one day next week is suppose to have a high of like 63, so if that don't change between here and now I'm going to try to get her out for a minute then. Back in the fall I could heat up a towels, cover it with a thin layer of bark and take them out in black dish tubs for some sun and that seemed to work so I will get her some rays just as soon as I can.
And thank you for all your info, any help is greatly appreciated.

Sounds to me like she is doing pretty well at the moment. I would try to just not stress her out, keep her on your normal schedule and only change something if for some reason it looks as though she starts heading down hill.