White speckles? URGENT

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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Go to the pharmacy and buy some Chlorhexidine - its a surgical scrub...what doctors use to wash their hands, or else some Betadyne. Put a little bit on a soft bristle tooth brush and gently scrub the shell of the tortoise to remove those white specks. Then rinse him off. I don't see the dent you're talking about, but the white specks show up well in these latest pictures. Also, in the picture of the plastron, I think I'm seeing the beginning of shell rot. You'll need to rub some athlete's foot cream into those spots.


5 Year Member
Sep 29, 2012
emysemys said:
Go to the pharmacy and buy some Chlorhexidine - its a surgical scrub...what doctors use to wash their hands, or else some Betadyne. Put a little bit on a soft bristle tooth brush and gently scrub the shell of the tortoise to remove those white specks. Then rinse him off. I don't see the dent you're talking about, but the white specks show up well in these latest pictures. Also, in the picture of the plastron, I think I'm seeing the beginning of shell rot. You'll need to rub some athlete's foot cream into those spots.
i just scrubbed him with the betadine, but no white was removed or could be scrubbed off. Ok. heres anothor pic of the dent
how often should i put the cream and betadine on


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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I still am not seeing the dent, but in this picture I'm really seeing the white spots. It doesn't look good. I would remove the tortoise to a small hospital tank with only a soft towell on the floor, and a CHE over it to keep it about 80F degrees, but no light. Soak the tortoise daily to keep it hydrated, but no wet inside the hospital tank.

Once you've gotten the tortoise all dried off, dab on some athlete's foot cream, covering all the white spots, but just a thin layer, not a whole great big gob.

Does anyone else think this might be some pre-shell rot going on?


5 Year Member
Sep 29, 2012
emysemys said:
I still am not seeing the dent, but in this picture I'm really seeing the white spots. It doesn't look good. I would remove the tortoise to a small hospital tank with only a soft towell on the floor, and a CHE over it to keep it about 80F degrees, but no light. Soak the tortoise daily to keep it hydrated, but no wet inside the hospital tank.

Does anyone else think this might be some pre-shell rot going on?
It may just be his shell shape then. I dont have one unfortunatly :c SHould i put a CHE in the regular tank?


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Mar 7, 2013
You should have a CHE for heat regardless. Emys' don't like bright lights, so heat via MVB doesn't make much sense. What's the enclosure like? UVB, heat, substrate, humidity, temperatures?


5 Year Member
Sep 29, 2012
Steve_McQueen said:
You should have a CHE for heat regardless. Emys' don't like bright lights, so heat via MVB doesn't make much sense. What's the enclosure like? UVB, heat, substrate, humidity, temperatures?
he has a uvb and heat pad and a che. he has cypress mulch, and the temp is about 70-79 (i heard 80 is a danger zone) the humidy is 60-80 but people told me to not keep him so wet so i dont use the fogger so the humidty is lowr


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Aug 5, 2012
RussianTortoiseCraze123 said:
Steve_McQueen said:
You should have a CHE for heat regardless. Emys' don't like bright lights, so heat via MVB doesn't make much sense. What's the enclosure like? UVB, heat, substrate, humidity, temperatures?
he has a uvb and heat pad and a che. he has cypress mulch, and the temp is about 70-79 (i heard 80 is a danger zone) the humidy is 60-80 but people told me to not keep him so wet so i dont use the fogger so the humidty is lowr
.........80F is by no way a danger. They need to get up in the high 80's. LOTS of humidity in the air is GOOD! USE the fogger. What you dont want is so wet it becomes cold if they are sitting on it. They could live in water if it was clean and warm. There is a ton of bogas info. out there. Feel free to ask me any questions any time. I will tell you only what I have seen going on for the last 25 yrs. And most of the time I wait 10 yrs to prove things out! Let the tortoise do the talking! after a while you can read them like a book. They talk Manouria with a Mathmatical accent!? Vic

RussianTortoiseCraze123 said:
emysemys said:
I noticed that my little babies developed white specks when I kept them too wet.

You just need to change your substrate, clean the tortoise real well, and don't keep it so wet. It should clear up in a couple days. No need to re-home the tortoise.

ok! will do! here are some pics. I noticed this dent.........
The spots on the plastrom is just normal coloration for emys emys, it will not wash off. NORMAL pigment. The dent is nothing to worry about. It is were the tort. is folded up in the egg. It sometimes leaves a little indention at the bridge. Although I like a smooth strate line along the bridge as it gives the tortoise a "picture perfect look" as an adult, but then again its not a big deal unless we start showing them like at a Dog show! 2 points off for the dent so the winner is..... You should see the one I call Quazomoto!!! YIKES! I think he did a back flip in the egg! Vic emysbreeder


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