What thermostat is best?


Active Member
5 Year Member
Jul 27, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
I recently built my Sulcata tortoise an outdoor enclosure and need to know if there’s any specific thermostat I should use for my 80 watt RHP and Kane heating pad. I live in the Bay Area of California where it can get pretty cold in the winter, but it doesn’t ever snow. Also what temperature should I keep it at and should I use a timer for the heating units? This is my first time creating a heated outdoor tortoise enclosure so any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
I don't have any idea which is "best". I've used several types over the years, and I prefer these:

Given your name and avatar pic, I'm going to assume we are talking about a sulcata. I set the thermostats down to 70 in summer when almost every day is 100 for three months. In spring and fall, when we have warm days in the 80s up here, I set the thermostats around 80. In winter when the days sometimes stay in the 50s or 60s during a cold spell, I set the thermostats up to 86 so they have someplace to go warm up and digest their food.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Jul 27, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
I don't have any idea which is "best". I've used several types over the years, and I prefer these:

Given your name and avatar pic, I'm going to assume we are talking about a sulcata. I set the thermostats down to 70 in summer when almost every day is 100 for three months. In spring and fall, when we have warm days in the 80s up here, I set the thermostats around 80. In winter when the days sometimes stay in the 50s or 60s during a cold spell, I set the thermostats up to 86 so they have someplace to go warm up and digest their food.

Ok thank you, and yes it’s for my sulcata.