What are you thankful for?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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We did a thread like this once before and it was kinda a nice thread, so I think we should do one this month since Thanksgiving (for most of us) is coming. This is a thread, where your not limited to giving just one answer, in fact, you might want to do one a day for the whole month.

What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for my family and getting to watch my children grow and develop into what I think are some pretty awesome and kind people. I never get enough time with them, but when I do I am filled with laughter, pride, and just an amazement that they are actually mine. I am so blessed they take time to write, call, visit and especially my youngest son, to help old mom with manual labor. I don't get much time with my hubby, but the time we do have is special and some how we manage to still stay close to each other. I can not imagine my life without any of them and count myself so very lucky each and every day.

Terry Allan Hall

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Got a lot to be thankful for...wonderful (and very tolerant) wife/soul mate/best friend, 3 great kids, a comfortable lifestyle, a career that looks a lot like play, and a lot of good friends.

And 3 of the best looking (IMABO) Hermann's torts ever! :cool: [/u]


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Aug 23, 2012
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I grateful to God that my two year old sullies didn't die today! Last night it got as low as 34 here in Florida. For some reason, the electric tripped and when I went to feed and soak them today, I found the room temp to be 54 degrees! It was colder inside that room then outside. The sullies were looking lifeless. I grabbed a hold of one of them and it felt like a cold rock. I wailed so hard I thought I was going to die. He wouldn't move I immediately checked the outlet, and switched on the electric. I set it as high as it could go. I pulled my sweater over him as I felt my body freeze. I held him and put him near the heater. I called my husband from work. He came as fast as the day I called him when I was having a heart attack. When he arrived, he grabbed a hold of the other one and pulled his sweater over him too. He was cursing and wanted to place the heater within inches of the torts. It took all day to warm those babies up. Finally, they ate, pooped, and was walking around as if nothing happened. But it did! I don't know what caused the circuit to trip except that I had the two pig blankets and the heater on one circuit. We have two dedicated circuits, and I can't understand why I didn't separate the heating. Tonight will be another cold night, and I think I'll be sleeping with them tonight! Grateful? You bet!!!


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sibi said:
I grateful to God that my two year old sullies didn't die today! Last night it got as low as 34 here in Florida. For some reason, the electric tripped and when I went to feed and soak them today, I found the room temp to be 54 degrees! It was colder inside that room then outside. The sullies were looking lifeless. I grabbed a hold of one of them and it felt like a cold rock. I wailed so hard I thought I was going to die. He wouldn't move I immediately checked the outlet, and switched on the electric. I set it as high as it could go. I pulled my sweater over him as I felt my body freeze. I held him and put him near the heater. I called my husband from work. He came as fast as the day I called him when I was having a heart attack. When he arrived, he grabbed a hold of the other one and pulled his sweater over him too. He was cursing and wanted to place the heater within inches of the torts. It took all day to warm those babies up. Finally, they ate, pooped, and was walking around as if nothing happened. But it did! I don't know what caused the circuit to trip except that I had the two pig blankets and the heater on one circuit. We have two dedicated circuits, and I can't understand why I didn't separate the heating. Tonight will be another cold night, and I think I'll be sleeping with them tonight! Grateful? You bet!!!

I'm so glad your babies are ok!! I would have lost it!

I am grateful for the loved ones in my life and the nice life I have in Phoenix. I am grateful I have the opportunity to travel as much as we do. We indeed have a good life


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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sibi said:
I grateful to God that my two year old sullies didn't die today!

So glad it didn't get really cold there. I don't know what those alarms are called, but they can warn you inside your home when the temps out in the shed fall too low. Might want to check them out.

mike taylor

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Oct 28, 2012
I'm thankful to the men and women that put there life on the line for us . I'm talking about our military personnel . I'm thankful for living in the land of the free . I'm thankful for a healthy life . I'm thankful for my wife and kids . I'm thankful for my animal friends,and human friends. I'm thankful to all you guys and girls that help me take care of my tortoise .
Most of all I'm thankful to our good Lord to have blessed me with all I have.


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Aug 23, 2012
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That's exactly what were gonna do. My husband is looking online for that very thing.

Oh, it got cold. They almost froze to death! You should have felt them...I don't know how low it would have to go to freeze them, but I can tell you, they were almost there.

Jacqui said:
sibi said:
I grateful to God that my two year old sullies didn't die today!

So glad it didn't get really cold there. I don't know what those alarms are called, but they can warn you inside your home when the temps out in the shed fall too low. Might want to check them out.


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I am thankful for my family including my wonderful pets, friends, my job, my home and ofcourse TFO!!! :) :) :)


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I am thankful for all of my friends and family, and for my job, and for my health!!! This time last year my boyfriend and I were both laid off :( but on a brighter note, he just found out today that after 3 1/2 years he is still cancer free!! :) :)

I'm also super thankful for my wonderful tortoise, Dante! My life would be dull without him!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Pokeymeg said:
he just found out today that after 3 1/2 years he is still cancer free!! :) :)

That is great!! Can I ask what type of cancer he had?


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I'm thankful for good health, freedom, attentive family, close friends, a warm home, enough food, and warm clothing. I'm thankful for all the good things we take for granted, and pray for all the people who don't have freedom, clothes, a warm home or good health and friends to help them. I'm thankful that God has been so good to me and my family. I'm thankful for my faith that has helped me through such rough times.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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While my health may not be perfect, I am thankful for the health that I do have.

My eyesight can no longer without glasses, read the print on the pages of those books which capture my imagination and transport me to interesting places and make characters become alive. Yet, with glasses I can still enjoy those wonderful books. I can stop and take the time to watch the bald eagle as he soars on the wind. Colorful butterflies float from dancing on the breeze blooms. I can see and be amazed by the paper thin translucent wings of the dragonflies balancing upon the tall grasses by the water's edge. The awe that a young child experiences upon the discovery of the simplest, most common things can still be seen with my eyes and sometimes, maybe just for a moment, I can still feel that same awe with them. These old eyes of mine can still enjoy the way a smile can brighten up the face and eyes can glisten with amusement of those around you. There are kittens to watch and laugh at, as they scamper after the blowing fall leaves. Tortoises also to watch, as they try to reach that succulent flower on the dandelion or tasty tidbit of young clover which seems to always be the part just out of reach. :D So many things for the eyes to see. For this, I am thankful.

My hands may no longer be as soft, nor as strong as they once were, but they can still enjoy running across the back of the cats, as they weave between my legs. They can still reach out and gently touch the face of the man I love and who loves me back or hold his hand, as we walk side by side. For this, I am thankful.

My knees have grown stiff and even simple old pleasures like planting or working in my flowers/weeds is much more painful then before. It's work to get down on the ground or and getting back up with any grace? Forget that! Just getting up is the only focus these days. Takes more preplanning and often the help of other objects to manage it. ;) Still, the important thing is, I can still do it. I can get down there on that cold and often wet dirt, trowel in hand enlarging the holes to plant something that holds such great promise for next year. I never think about the possibility that I won't be seeing this new plant grow and reward me with a great flourish of blooms to see, smell, or be eaten by my tortoises. With my nose filled with the wonderful aroma of the soil with it's composting plants, worms wiggling as they are uncovered, and that bratty kitten trying to help me with my work, it is all about possibilities, deams, visions, and tomorrows. For this I am thankful.

I have been blessed with a nose, that knows there is no need for it to smell everything, especially those "yucky" things. It does however, bring to me that delicate, sweet scent being gently carried in on the unseen breeze from the rose bush just outside the window, whose vast numbers of thorns make sure you don't come too close to it's fragile blooms. It brings me the mouth watering smell of bread baking, the spicey blends from food cooking, and the fresh smell of spring rains bringing life once more. For this,I am thankful.

So yes, while my body may know more pain, move slower, be unable to do all that it once could do with ease and without thought, I am thankful for what it still can do.

erica anne

5 Year Member
Feb 7, 2013
What a great thread! I am thankful that we have a loving Creator, that I am blessed with friends and family and that I can find such joy in the simple things in life. Like spending time with Franklin [WHITE SMILING FACE]


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Today I'm thankful I have torts that make me laugh everyday even when I have things in my life that make me cry.

mike taylor

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Oct 28, 2012
Re: RE: What are you thankful for?

AZtortMom said:
Today I'm thankful I have torts that make me laugh everyday even when I have things in my life that make me cry.

Why do you want to cry ? We are here to talk to if you need us . Maybe we can help make your day a little better.:D:D:D


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mike taylor said:
AZtortMom said:
Today I'm thankful I have torts that make me laugh everyday even when I have things in my life that make me cry.

Why do you want to cry ? We are here to talk to if you need us . Maybe we can help make your day a little better.:D:D:D

Thanks Mike :) one of my best friends was murdered by her16 old son about a month ago, so it was just so brutal and sudden. Most days I'm ok, but others, I'm not, it's just part of the grieving process, that's all :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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AZtortMom said:
Thanks Mike :) one of my best friends was murdered by her16 old son about a month ago, so it was just so brutal and sudden. Most days I'm ok, but others, I'm not, it's just part of the grieving process, that's all :D

Oh wow, I never would have guess that for the reason. How sad on so many levels. *hugs*


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Jacqui said:
AZtortMom said:
Thanks Mike :) one of my best friends was murdered by her16 old son about a month ago, so it was just so brutal and sudden. Most days I'm ok, but others, I'm not, it's just part of the grieving process, that's all :D

Oh wow, I never would have guess that for the reason. How sad on so many levels. *hugs*

Thanks jaqui [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH] she loved and took care of my torts when I traveled for work, so it's bittersweet when I see my babies