Were still around


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
just wanted to pop in and let you know we're still around just a bit busy right now....I picked up some plants and am in the process of repotting the ones for the house and then will get to the ones to plant outside....mostly plants sissy can eat, and then some tomatos and strawberrys we have to plant to and then i have to trim the apple seeds and get them fertlized so hopefuly next year or the year after that i'll have apples again.... the trees where here when we moved in so im still learning how to take care of them.... ahh sissy is out of her cave and eating...since we turned the second basking light off and its cooler in there she spends more time out of the hidy....its been to cool to take her outside again but its suppose to warm up some by next week.... and she is getting her soaks....i clearned off the end table by my chair and put her soaking tub on there so i can watch her, and brush her with the toothbrush and still get a few other things done like crocheting sewing that sort of thing lol so she is doing much better now! I think hen and chicks was one of the foods she can eat, i'll have to double check im woundering if i could put one of those in her house I think id have to put the pot on the floor of her house and thencover all put the top with her bedding and of course keep it watered...and put it near the basking light....or the heatlamp? well id best get back to repotting or i'll never get done!!! lol hope everyone is having a great day!!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
just wanted to pop in and let you know we're still around just a bit busy right now....I picked up some plants and am in the process of repotting the ones for the house and then will get to the ones to plant outside....mostly plants sissy can eat, and then some tomatos and strawberrys we have to plant to and then i have to trim the apple seeds and get them fertlized so hopefuly next year or the year after that i'll have apples again.... the trees where here when we moved in so im still learning how to take care of them.... ahh sissy is out of her cave and eating...since we turned the second basking light off and its cooler in there she spends more time out of the hidy....its been to cool to take her outside again but its suppose to warm up some by next week.... and she is getting her soaks....i clearned off the end table by my chair and put her soaking tub on there so i can watch her, and brush her with the toothbrush and still get a few other things done like crocheting sewing that sort of thing lol so she is doing much better now! I think hen and chicks was one of the foods she can eat, i'll have to double check im woundering if i could put one of those in her house I think id have to put the pot on the floor of her house and thencover all put the top with her bedding and of course keep it watered...and put it near the basking light....or the heatlamp? well id best get back to repotting or i'll never get done!!! lol hope everyone is having a great day!!
How lovely to hear from you again - I was wondering if you were ill, or there was a problem of some kind. It's great that Sissy is doing well - and it sounds as though you are feeling pretty good, too, if you are planning to do all those things in the garden.I've never heard of hen and chicks before - I must look it up.
Keep well
Angie x

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Well...hens and chickens are a succulent. I figured they are edible 😁 so I wouldn't put a hen in there before you get some chickens too 😭😁 just a theory.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
How lovely to hear from you again - I was wondering if you were ill, or there was a problem of some kind. It's great that Sissy is doing well - and it sounds as though you are feeling pretty good, too, if you are planning to do all those things in the garden.I've never heard of hen and chicks before - I must look it up.
Keep well
Angie x
humm in that case Id better recheck to be sure its a food sissy can eat...i was sure whe i made my shoping list for plants it was on there...but always to be better safe then sorry!! I think i read they could have rose leaves too...not sure about the roses but are there any kinds they cant eat? I have 2 established climbing roses...and i bought 2 mini roses and 2 regular rose bushs as well as a t rose.....can she eat all of those? I was reading the posts on beak trimming too....I v been using dremals for various wood working for years.... could someone show a picture of which bit you use to trim the beaks. also I think anyone who wants to get a dremal for for beak trimming should be sure to get one that has variaable speeds....rather then just getting the cheaper one speed kind. I will take sissy for her first beak trimming to the vet so i can watch her as she does it so i know how to do it myself atleastonce most likely 2 or 3 times before i attempt to do it myself. yes sissy is doing much better now that its not so hot in her house.... she s evening comming up to the windo to look at me gain.. poor girl hasnt been able to go outside again because its just not warm enough for her yet.....but the weather man says were due for a warm up soon .... in the mean time im going to try to get spike to help m e plant the rest of the outside plants....maybe tomarrow...im hoping to get it done before it gets to hot out.....but at 75 my poor man needs some recouperatig now after replaceing the belts on both lawn mowers, rotating the wheels on the car and fixing the outside water spickit....weve been here 7 years and hes finally got it fixed lol the hardest part was getting the right parts and then getting the old parts off....they where still the old copper pipes they used in the 50s when the house was buit. lol Iv also been doing some cooking...im a retired restrant cook and tv dinner are ok but i still perfer the homemade from scratch myself lol so i made up a bunch of sloppy joe meat, and froze it in one serving bags, and then i did with same with taco meat....lol im going to get the other big bag of hamberger out and make up some spiggite sacuse with half of it and a big pot of homemade chili out of the other half....and now id best clean up the kitchen table.....i had to repot a few plants and need to clean the table off so i can start putting patterns on wood, for scrolling and on wood for wood carving lol and of course i have a crochet crockdal pencle holder to work on too... hope everybody has a wounderful day and i''ll be back on asap lol

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
humm in that case Id better recheck to be sure its a food sissy can eat...i was sure whe i made my shoping list for plants it was on there...but always to be better safe then sorry!! I think i read they could have rose leaves too...not sure about the roses but are there any kinds they cant eat? I have 2 established climbing roses...and i bought 2 mini roses and 2 regular rose bushs as well as a t rose.....can she eat all of those? I was reading the posts on beak trimming too....I v been using dremals for various wood working for years.... could someone show a picture of which bit you use to trim the beaks. also I think anyone who wants to get a dremal for for beak trimming should be sure to get one that has variaable speeds....rather then just getting the cheaper one speed kind. I will take sissy for her first beak trimming to the vet so i can watch her as she does it so i know how to do it myself atleastonce most likely 2 or 3 times before i attempt to do it myself. yes sissy is doing much better now that its not so hot in her house.... she s evening comming up to the windo to look at me gain.. poor girl hasnt been able to go outside again because its just not warm enough for her yet.....but the weather man says were due for a warm up soon .... in the mean time im going to try to get spike to help m e plant the rest of the outside plants....maybe tomarrow...im hoping to get it done before it gets to hot out.....but at 75 my poor man needs some recouperatig now after replaceing the belts on both lawn mowers, rotating the wheels on the car and fixing the outside water spickit....weve been here 7 years and hes finally got it fixed lol the hardest part was getting the right parts and then getting the old parts off....they where still the old copper pipes they used in the 50s when the house was buit. lol Iv also been doing some cooking...im a retired restrant cook and tv dinner are ok but i still perfer the homemade from scratch myself lol so i made up a bunch of sloppy joe meat, and froze it in one serving bags, and then i did with same with taco meat....lol im going to get the other big bag of hamberger out and make up some spiggite sacuse with half of it and a big pot of homemade chili out of the other half....and now id best clean up the kitchen table.....i had to repot a few plants and need to clean the table off so i can start putting patterns on wood, for scrolling and on wood for wood carving lol and of course i have a crochet crockdal pencle holder to work on too... hope everybody has a wounderful day and i''ll be back on asap lol
Hello and yes roses are edible even for us. Rose hips are a traditional addition to teas because they are so good for us. If I remember correctly it's mainly for vitamin c but plants and flowers have more benefits than what we know. The petals are used too in salads. Since you have a Russian she may not eat them but it doesn't hurt to try.🤗


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
thank you , sissy loves the leaves from the flowers i got for her along with the leaf like stuff that grows in the yard....she is doing so much better now.....she still hids in her hidy or builds walls around her with her bedding lol but she also walks around more now and she watches me and spike through her windos lol Today was bath day for the dogs....Sheba is easy shes small and old enough to know shes getting it weather she likes it or not so dosnt really fight it anymore....sissy is to big to bath in the laundary room sink so we had to take her outside for hers. ( im so glad spike got the outside spickit done this week!! lol ) This is the first bath we have given her so i wasnt sure how she would react....so we but the long leash on her and took her outside....spike held the leash so she couldnt escape and i turned on the hose....a gently spray...she of course jumped away but i just kept talking to her and held her collor a bit and hosed her down...its in the high 80s this morning so i dont think the cold water bothered her to much....she was of course scared but holdinig her and talking to her helped she settled down some and i got her soaked down then soaped her up which of course also scared her...she didnt want me pouring anything on her....so i put the soap in my hand and rubbed it in. God only knows what the people who had her before she was rescued by the pound did to her....but she settled down again she wasnt as surprised when i sprayed her down with the hose to get the soap out...shed move around a bit and if she could have she would have run away but she did pretty good....she was more afraid of the towl when i went to dry her off then she was the whole darn bath....then when i told her all done she snuggled up to my side sighed and layed her head on my chest.... the ordeal was over and it DIDNT HURT! I just held her a few minutes and told her how good she was. Bonnie i think is finally realizeing that she is finally and forever safe with mommy. she has had to face a lot of scary things with mommy since we got her... dont know if i ever mentioned how she came to us. the pound put her in a crate with a sheet over it to put her in the car and for the first 3-4 months she layed trembling in the corner of the crate only comming out when i pulled her out with the leash to take her out to go potty....it was almost 6 months before she finally let me touch her... anyway spike put the hose away and i took her inside .....she ran right under the bed but all my animals know after everyone whos getting a bath today are finished mommy gets out the cookies....sheba was waiting for hers, lol i had to call bonnie out from under the bed....i wasnt sure she would come right out when i called her ( were still working on when mommy calls you you COME weather you think your in trouble or scared or what ever) but she did and praticaly snatched the cookie out of my hand.....I let her get away with that this time lol shed been through a harrowing experence lol but she knows we are not barbaris we are ladys and we do NOT snatch things from mommys hands!! lol Tomarrow Ivy will get her bath....like most cats she hates getting wet!! so it a bit of a fight with her and i get a little scratched up and a bite or two...but yes she too will get her bath....Iv learned over the years when giving a cat a bath it is important to grasp all 4 feet in one hand and quickly bath in the other!! lol then quickly cover her with the towl to get as much water off her as possable before standing as far to the side as i can get and letting her go!! lol and she goes FAST!! lol usuly to the bedroom, and then we dont see her for the rest of the day and possably the next too lol...ahh sissy is still out and eating lol .... sissy will get her soaking today, but she will most likely have to wait to go outside until tomarrow.....Iv already used the nebulizer once today...and spike had to get the dehumidfyer out but since its suppose to be in the 90s again tomarrow I'll wait to take her out then....for a little while. ahh spike and i wore just talking...iv been using the big lamp next to my chair lately instead of the floor lamp with the soft orange light and he wanted to know why....well im a bit older then i was when we first got the floor lamp ....we put an orange bulb in it when the migrines and headaces wore so bad so i could shine it down on my lap to see the sticthes of which ever craft i happened to be doing.... lol that was several years ago and like him now that im a bit older i need more light to be able to see what im working on lol the bowtox is working great so the big light hasnt been hurting me to much....anyway the dear man got it back out and put a soft 15 wat in it and now i can see what im doing without making my eyes hurt or triggering a headace/migrine.......im back!!! and i bet you hadnt even noticed i was gone lol spike got the wii machine out again and hooked it up....so i can do some of the excersis lol and i just had to play on it....well i didnt do my excerese games, i got out the hunting game instead lol im still a pretty good shot!! im sure i wouldnt be as good a shot with a real gun....i seldom hit the small circle when im using the bb gun but thats ok, as i would never really go a hunting anyway lol i could never shoot a real animal....and i dont eat game lol my this is long and iv wandered off topic all over the place ......sorry bout that now im off to get something to eat!! lol


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
thank you , sissy loves the leaves from the flowers i got for her along with the leaf like stuff that grows in the yard....she is doing so much better now.....she still hids in her hidy or builds walls around her with her bedding lol but she also walks around more now and she watches me and spike through her windos lol Today was bath day for the dogs....Sheba is easy shes small and old enough to know shes getting it weather she likes it or not so dosnt really fight it anymore....sissy is to big to bath in the laundary room sink so we had to take her outside for hers. ( im so glad spike got the outside spickit done this week!! lol ) This is the first bath we have given her so i wasnt sure how she would react....so we but the long leash on her and took her outside....spike held the leash so she couldnt escape and i turned on the hose....a gently spray...she of course jumped away but i just kept talking to her and held her collor a bit and hosed her down...its in the high 80s this morning so i dont think the cold water bothered her to much....she was of course scared but holdinig her and talking to her helped she settled down some and i got her soaked down then soaped her up which of course also scared her...she didnt want me pouring anything on her....so i put the soap in my hand and rubbed it in. God only knows what the people who had her before she was rescued by the pound did to her....but she settled down again she wasnt as surprised when i sprayed her down with the hose to get the soap out...shed move around a bit and if she could have she would have run away but she did pretty good....she was more afraid of the towl when i went to dry her off then she was the whole darn bath....then when i told her all done she snuggled up to my side sighed and layed her head on my chest.... the ordeal was over and it DIDNT HURT! I just held her a few minutes and told her how good she was. Bonnie i think is finally realizeing that she is finally and forever safe with mommy. she has had to face a lot of scary things with mommy since we got her... dont know if i ever mentioned how she came to us. the pound put her in a crate with a sheet over it to put her in the car and for the first 3-4 months she layed trembling in the corner of the crate only comming out when i pulled her out with the leash to take her out to go potty....it was almost 6 months before she finally let me touch her... anyway spike put the hose away and i took her inside .....she ran right under the bed but all my animals know after everyone whos getting a bath today are finished mommy gets out the cookies....sheba was waiting for hers, lol i had to call bonnie out from under the bed....i wasnt sure she would come right out when i called her ( were still working on when mommy calls you you COME weather you think your in trouble or scared or what ever) but she did and praticaly snatched the cookie out of my hand.....I let her get away with that this time lol shed been through a harrowing experence lol but she knows we are not barbaris we are ladys and we do NOT snatch things from mommys hands!! lol Tomarrow Ivy will get her bath....like most cats she hates getting wet!! so it a bit of a fight with her and i get a little scratched up and a bite or two...but yes she too will get her bath....Iv learned over the years when giving a cat a bath it is important to grasp all 4 feet in one hand and quickly bath in the other!! lol then quickly cover her with the towl to get as much water off her as possable before standing as far to the side as i can get and letting her go!! lol and she goes FAST!! lol usuly to the bedroom, and then we dont see her for the rest of the day and possably the next too lol...ahh sissy is still out and eating lol .... sissy will get her soaking today, but she will most likely have to wait to go outside until tomarrow.....Iv already used the nebulizer once today...and spike had to get the dehumidfyer out but since its suppose to be in the 90s again tomarrow I'll wait to take her out then....for a little while. ahh spike and i wore just talking...iv been using the big lamp next to my chair lately instead of the floor lamp with the soft orange light and he wanted to know why....well im a bit older then i was when we first got the floor lamp ....we put an orange bulb in it when the migrines and headaces wore so bad so i could shine it down on my lap to see the sticthes of which ever craft i happened to be doing.... lol that was several years ago and like him now that im a bit older i need more light to be able to see what im working on lol the bowtox is working great so the big light hasnt been hurting me to much....anyway the dear man got it back out and put a soft 15 wat in it and now i can see what im doing without making my eyes hurt or triggering a headace/migrine.......im back!!! and i bet you hadnt even noticed i was gone lol spike got the wii machine out again and hooked it up....so i can do some of the excersis lol and i just had to play on it....well i didnt do my excerese games, i got out the hunting game instead lol im still a pretty good shot!! im sure i wouldnt be as good a shot with a real gun....i seldom hit the small circle when im using the bb gun but thats ok, as i would never really go a hunting anyway lol i could never shoot a real animal....and i dont eat game lol my this is long and iv wandered off topic all over the place ......sorry bout that now im off to get something to eat!! lol
Thank you so much for describing bath time with your animals - some of the time I was laughing, and some of the time crying. You are a fantastic mom to them all, and it's lovely to hear about them. And Spike is wonderful too.
I am so glad you are feeling rather better - long may it last.
Angie xxx

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Thank you so much for describing bath time with your animals - some of the time I was laughing, and some of the time crying. You are a fantastic mom to them all, and it's lovely to hear about them. And Spike is wonderful too.
I am so glad you are feeling rather better - long may it last.
Angie xxx
Me too 😊


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
lol im glad you enjoyed it...Most of the time its just me and spike around here other then the animals so i tend to sort of rattle on in posts....dont get me wrong we enjoy being just us but sometimes it nice to talk to somebody else for a change....


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
lol im glad you enjoyed it...Most of the time its just me and spike around here other then the animals so i tend to sort of rattle on in posts....dont get me wrong we enjoy being just us but sometimes it nice to talk to somebody else for a change....
I know what you mean about it being nice to talk to someone else for a change - my husband Richard is lovely, and he adores Zola as much as I do- he takes Zola out for long walks most days, and enjoys chatting about him to people he meets - also he has several old friends he talks to frequently on line - I read the forum and communicate here, mainly - I am rather shy, but it feels comfortable writing here, and reading what you and other members say. I also learn a lot of interesting things, not just about tortoises.
I hope you will go on "rattling on" in your posts - I really do enjoy them .
Keep well
Angie xxx


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
lol well im glad you enjoy them today was mow the lawn day again and then we put the cermic knobs out in the yard....I have to repaint the wooden ones i made a few years ago.. but both my med sized standing dragon and the dragon planter are set up outside as is the dog planter i made last year. The plants in them are the ones we got last week that are waiting to be planted in the yard. hopefuly i'll be able to get the door and windos on that tree stump tomarrow.... I made a dragon house sign last year and spike finally got around to hanging up outside last week. lol sissy is much more active these days which is nice but i think i'll see if i have enough money to order some more bedding for her...Im going to see how muchit would cost for all 4 bags at a time . right now im watching home vidos of when my kids wore little....I was teaching them how to sew with the sewing machine lol gezz i was paticent and understanding!! lol my oldest daughter forgot to turn the cam corder off when i was fixing the sewing machine and showign how what to do so we have a section of rug with voices lol and i have to look away from the tv from time to time because the kids did the cam cording and they simply could not seem to hold the camra still and at other times they felt it would be good to watch us upside down do going roound ad round lol....ahh but i miss those days... im not quite sure as to why i have strawberry shortcake sheets on my bed lol