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I stole a beardie from the school where my church meets on Sundays, and when you go to this link: http://www.pbase.com/purpod/rescue, you'll see why. And this was in a school!!

He is so emaciated, it's very difficult to look at him/her. I truly thought it was dead when I came across it. Horrified, furious & then deeply saddened are the feelings I went thru as I gently picked him up & put his freezing lil' body against my shoulder!

Read what I have written & then please, please please, offer up any suggestions! I wish I already had my check, as I would take him in to see a vet, dangit! And to think I just gave away a much fatter beardie, as I did not feel I was giving him proper attention or care!

I've taken him outside yesterday & today for some sun; he's currently in a small tank with a heat lamp, water & more of those Beardie Bites, (should he care to attempt to eat, altho that is unlikely...)

Hopefully he will live another couple of days & then I'll do just that!
Thank you for any suggestions which might aid me in getting this pathetic lil' critter back to health again!!



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I wish I could give some advice but unforunately have none. If this was a horse in this condition it would be considered level 1 and the "owner/caretaker" would be facing court but it's only a reptile. One question have is what is this school teaching? I think perhaps cocentration camp administration or better living through genecide.


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Oct 22, 2007
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Good luck Buddy, i hope you can get him back to health. im pulling for you Purpod.


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Oct 3, 2007
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He looks very dehydrated. Probably should be soaking him in luke warm water. I wish you well. Poor thing!


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I am so sad, so mad and so shocked right now :(. I can't believe someone would do that to a reptile!!!! It is revolting! Thank God he crossed your path and thank God you saved him!!! I don't know anything about Bearded dragon so I cant help you. Good luck and please, keep us updated. I will pray for the poor little guy.


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Thanx to all for their support and suggestions!

Yes, I have been soaking him & have also sprayed him several times with the Rep. Vitamin Spray, which is said to have electrolytes & such. When we first brought him home, he slurped up quite a bit of water; perhaps even too much for his first drink in who knows how long, so I made him stop..

And yes, I was furious, and was actually cursing in the parkinglot; luckily no one from my church was outside and heard me, altho I don't imagine they would object, given the status of God's poor lil' beardie!

Anyways, I'll keep ya'll posted!
I'd ask that you say a bit of a prayer for this lil' critter to pull thru!
Thanx again!


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Looks like its good you got him out, but did you try educating the teacher first? or asking to take it to care for it?
Stealing it might backfire on you, but i hope whomever deals with the situation is on your side. It definately needs to be addressed so the dont go out and get another.
Have you heard about what they think happened to it?
Good luck.. hope it goes well for him and you!


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I would have done the same thing! Good for you!~ I know you said you were soaking him and spraying with vitamins but you can also try gatorade or pedialyte mixed with the water.Thats what i use and it works great! I hope all goes well for the little guy!


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GF, I can't give you any suggestions. Just stopping in to wish you and your little beardie luck and let you know I'm sending a prayer up for you both.


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Well, guys and gals, my preascher showed up on my door tonight, wanting me to give him Saved or else the school was going to press charges for stolen property. He would not even let me show him Saved until he was done explaining the schools side of things; about how this teachers "beloved" pet of 12 years was stolen... of how the vet told her "it was dying of old age, but was not in any pain or discomfort"

It was such a CROCK OF CRAP, I couldn't take it, and went inside, gingerly picked up Saved (who never even opened his eyeballs, poor lil' guy!!) and asked him if this looked like a 'beloved' pet to him. His reply was "Well, I don't know anything about reptiles..."

Oh gimme a f*cking break, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see when a beardie is emaciated!!

I was so angry, I told him to let the police come; when we hit court, the truly criminal acts will be shown and it would not be on me!

Of course, he wants to make this situation go well, (well yeah, he has alot on the line, namely "bridges" which he has built with the school and the fact that he is on the Board of Directors!) and is only looking out for my bestest interest, and for the bestest interests of my children. No he's not, he's covering his own arse, while making it possible for me to go on the premises... I guarantee this much, I, for one, will NEVER attend that church again while it holds service in that farce of an educational institution!

He said he was furious when the Board of Directors showed him the sercurity footage of me walking out with Saved on my shoulder (being held in place by me), since he (a renter) was responsible for the school and it's belongings. Also, cuz he was totally unprepared for the 'charges'. He sez I should've gone thru the proper channels, spoken to him, etc...

Oh suuure, that got us so far the first time I brought it to his attention that there were reptiles with no food, no heat and no water!! I'm sorry, but I cannot partake in being 'politicaslly correct' when it comes to rep's that are being abused... 'F*cking POPCORN is what this woman was feeding him! And are you gonna tell me she has had Saved for 12 years and doesn't know that sunlight, heat, proper diet & water are all REQUIREMENTS of owning a reptile?

For over an hour, we argued back and forth. I originally told him I was not gonna relinquish Saved, and if need be, I would quit attending church services if they put a restraining order on me to not come onto their property. He did not think my anger was allowing me to think clearly ~ WRONG!

I will always take a stand for what I truly feel is right, and in this case, he, that lying b*tch instructor & the entire school board are the ones who are acting cruelly & criminally, not I!

In the end, he said he would take Saved to the vet tomorrow. He took the cage, the heat lamp, a **** load of care sheets, The Idots Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians, the Beardie Bites, images of healthjy beardies & the pics I had posted on pbase. I told him in return, I would be calling the Humane SOciety as well as Animal Control.

I feel like I sold Saved out, and it makes me angry. I was so upset, I could not even talk to preacher any longer, but waved him off like a pesky mosquito and then turned my back on him.

I will still take the kids there and pick them up afterwards, but I am resigning my position as a Preschool INstructor, and have NO intention of continuing my spirituality at that place any longer.

Thank You for all of your support ~
gratefully, Purpod


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Nov 9, 2008
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I am so sorry purpod, I even posted this on another forum to try and get suggestions for you...

People make me sick. I am so sick and tired of seeing animals, wild and domestic alike mistreated in such a blatantly smug way.

There is no way someone could look at that animal and think it was healthy. Whether they new about reptiles or not. And if it was dying slowly of old age, why did they not do the humane thing and have him put to sleep? The same way an old suffering dog or cat would be dealt with?

The fact that it was in a church makes my stomach twist. These people preach protection and justice and RESPECT for "God's" creatures, and those less fortunate. AND THIS IS WHAT THEY DO?

It is disgusting. Utterly and totally. IMO I would not even let my children back there. What can they teach them about love, or justice if this is how they condone treating an innocent animal?

The popcorn thing pisses me off SUPER HARDCORE. That is blatant stupidity and it is CRUEL. Please don't let this rest. That poor thing deserves to be defended.


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Thanx so much Meg, I really appreciate it, my friend.

It just blows my mind that preacher could not understand where I was coming from. But if he can take Saved to the vet to confirm what ANYONE can see (dying of old age?!? Gimme a break; he's dying from the cruel intentional stooopidity of an arrogant human who wants to sound politically correct, but her lies are just that, filthy lies!), then perhaps he will take the vet's diagnosis and all of the other things I armed him with, and seriously raise some hell!

Technically, our church had nothing to do with it, but the fact that Preacher was so gung-ho on placating those d*ck-wads at the school was just too much for me to stomach. Are we not stewards of God's creatures? HELLLLOOOO!?!

And no, Meg, I will NOT let this go, and yes, you can bet on the fact that Animal Control and the Humane Society will get all of the information and pictures I took of poor lil' Saved.

I was sooo furious, I could not breathe, I could not speak, I just waved him off and turned my back on preacher...

I will be sending my letter of resignation to the head of our Childrens' Church tomorrow. My kids have grow quite a bit while attending this church; actually, Boog decided to give her life to Christ and was just baptized the weekend before last. If they wish to continue going to church, good for them. We've been going to my church now for about 4 years, but that said, I will NOT be party to accepting the politics of politeness over the care of a helpless critter who is being severely abused! He's not in pain!! Lord knows I get angry all over again thinking of the crap that women has led the school and it's officers to believe!

Shame too, as I really loved our lil' church family... I just cannot, in good faith, step foot back on that property: and I refuse to give in on my stance in regards to such a tender and tragic topic.

Ugh, my eyeballs are so swollen and red.. surely time to go shower and go to bed.
Thanx again, Dear!


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AWWWWW no man Purpod !!!!!! This breaks my HEART !!!! As we say here, YOU GO GIRL !!!!!! I would be doing the EXACT same thing as you my friend! That poor poor baby is SO much better off with you. It disgusts me how people are like that, SURELY they are intelligent enough to SEE the poor creature is sickly :( :( :(
You are definitely God's creature for caring for Saved and I know of a good lawyer who can give great advice :D (RICH!:p) I will pray HARD HARD HARD for you and Saved, that God shows these idiots you were not in the wrong !!


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Purpod :(
I am sooo sorry to hear about what happened. I am so sorry and so mad at them at the same time. I just can't believe it!!!! Yesterday I went to bed knowing that this little guy had the chance to start a new happy life with you. I never come on the forum before I go to work but this morning I came on because I wanted to see if the little guy was ok and what do I see, they stole it from you!!!!!! I am just so mad at the preascher!!!! Who does he think he is to take back our little friend to the school, even if he does not know nothing about reptile, I am sure he saw that the poor little guy is sick and not cared of properly and abused!!!! I so understand you to not go back there and I am so glad you will do whatever you can to save this little guy by calling animal control and human society. Please Purpod keep us updated and please, tell yourself that because of you this little guy had a couple of happy hours! I will continu to pray for you both.


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Thanx so much for all of your kind words of support.

You know hind sight is 20/20; I wish I had called the Humane Society right then and there; I blew it.

My eyeballs are very puffy and red, and my mood is depressed; I sure hate living in So.Cal.

Anyways, need to go, but did want to letcha all know you are appreciated!


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Oh horror of horrors......I just saw this thread. More disgusting abuse.....Every day I hear of another horrible abuse story. We live in a world of sick people. Prayers are with you, Purpod and your poor little Saved.


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Purpod, know when it comes to animals in need reason is not always our first thoughts and a lot of us would have done the same thing. Yep that's why they call hind site 20/20 :p however you never know when you call the Humane Society what will happen or who they will send. Heck they won't even send anyone out in my area unless it is a dangerous dog that is currently biting someone. And of course there is no one after hours. Know you did what you could with only a loving heart. I'm sending a big prayer for the best for little Saved. Hugs GF.


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Thanx for the note, Terry; yeah, it's dumbfounding to realize just how many peeps out there who have no issue with such horrific neglect & abuse. It is very nauseating to gently pick up the limp body of a weak, starved & freezing lil' beardie.

And Rob, thanx so much, GF; I thought I was all cried out until I read your words of comfort. I did get the Humane Society involved with an online "Report Abuse" form. I gave them a quick summary of the issues, named my preacher as the one who informed the head of the school about the situation during the Spring Break, and also named the head of the school as the one who never followed up (in essence, allowing the animal to suffer more). I sent a link to my pbase website so that they could see I was not over-reacting or trying to get peeps in trouble for no good reason. I also wrote that I hoped they would prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

This has really hit me hard tho. I still can't believe my preacher was more concerned about being politically correct than he was about the atrociousness of the situation... my resignation letter to Mrs. Preacher (in regards to my status as a Children's Church teacher & my duties in supplying refreshments once a month) is written and I will be emailing that to her shortly.

As anyone who knows me might easily guess, I am not a "P.C." kind of person. And when I know that I am right on a topic, I do not give in. If I am wrong, I am also the first one to admit it. I may not be an expert in reptiles, but I do know about Beardies & have no doubt that poor lil' Saved has been abused for a long time. Such is something I cannot stomach.

Anyways, gonna go send this letter and go to bed; depression is always lurking in my life, and sleep is the bestest way to avoid the twisted thought processes when I find myself drowning in the mud of depression.

Again, many thanx to everyone ~ Your kindnesses truly are received with a humble heart.
Blessings to all,


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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so now we are apllauding this woman for commiting a crime? I empathize with you I would be heart broken at the sight of that poor animal/ But when we start breaking laws when does it stop? Who decides on what is ok to do and not ok to do, sorry to say but w elive in a society and we have rules, while her intentions were very honorable she has still broken the law, i cant be the only person here who thinks it is wrong can I? I personally would hve brought to the attention to the person who is/was responsible for it's care. If they are as kind as you claim they are would they not have let you have th eanimal? then your consciense would be clear and the animal would be safe. So now from what I read of your posts you are no longer in that position in your church. while I do not believe in church how does that help people now tht you can no longer help others at your church? Was it worth it? I may have missed something in an earlier post but what was PC about you resigning? is it PC now to ask our workers/volunteers to not commit crimes against us or our persons?
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