Turtle on ice !!!

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10 Year Member!
Aug 19, 2010
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Southern part of Sweden
Yesterday this article was published in a local Swedish newspaper, about two turtles that was seen walking on the ice of a large pond in Malmoe. Since we've had between -15 C and 0 C (5-32 F) during several months now, my guess is that some owner has dumped them there ? Since I'm into Redfoots, I cannot tell what kind of turtle they are (yellow eared slider perhaps???), but I doubt they could have survived the winter so far ?

What you guys think ?


A translation of the article with google becomes rather funny...

Turtle pitter-patter over the ice
Malmö. Swedish, mathematics, physical education - and turtle rescue. Today's school schedule looked a little different for the kids at Ting Pond School in Tonganoxie.
Emilia Cronström and colleague Lotta Olsson, a teacher at Ting Pond School, received on Tuesday afternoon, a slightly different task.

- We were out in the yard with the kids. Then a girl came and said it was a turtle on the sidewalk and on the ice, says Emilia Cronström.

A turtle out on a limb to say the least. Outdoors, middle of winter and crawling a frozen pond.

- It is a man-made pond. It's not great, but it does not give up on it and the turtle had gone too far out that it would reach it, says Emilia Cronström.

The turtle that was a landlubber in this context took the teachers and the children with them into the warmth of the school. Then they called emergency services for help to rescue the other turtle.

- This was the day's events for the children, she says.

After a successful rescue were turtles bask a little before departure to Malmö Animal Hospital.

- When they left, they perk up and be more active, the heat they received had made them good, says Lotta Olsson.


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Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
Awesome....the turtle looked healthy (from what you can see in the pic anyway)....hard to say how exactly that turtle ended up ice skating across the pond though....????


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
We found a turtle on top of a frozen pond at a nearby park during the winter years back. I always figured somebody had dumped the poor thing, but there could have been a spot that was open along the edge that we didn't see and it could have come up for sunshine. Our poor turtle (a red eared slider) did not have a happy ending. :( Something had eaten it's legs and it didn't survive in the end. We knew birds were after it, so perhaps they inflicted the damage.

Glad these got help and don't look worse for the wear.

Frog Tropics

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5 Year Member
Mar 19, 2013
At the University, by where we live, there is a large lake (Lake Washington) that frequently freezes over in the winter, at least for a few inches on top. The turtles that live in the lake seem to be no worse for the wear, and can still be seen all winter long "sunning" themselves on nearby logs and, occasionally, traversing the icy water surface. I'm not sure, to be honest, how they stay warm/ever heat up at all in those conditions, but they don't seem to hibernate at all. Very interesting...
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