Top 10 things ive learned from owning reptiles


5 Year Member
May 30, 2013
So this year I jumped into reptile ownership. It all started with a tortoise and expanded to 10+ "exotic" members. I did all my research before each child I added but there are some things that just aren't in the care guides and forums. I laugh to myself all the time because this is such an adventure and never ending learning experience. So these are my top 10 things I've learned from my exotic family:
1. Everyone poops...a lot...and when you've cleaned up after everyone...someone poops again.
2. You will spend a mind numbing amount of time turning ecoearth bricks into dirt
3. Everyone knows if a meal is late
4. bugs, lots of bugs...roaches and crickets and superworms oh my!
5. the bugs remind you that you love your tortoise for being a vegetarian
6. someones always shedding and grumpy
7. you become very casual with using words like "nose plug, urates, & roach colony"
8. Someone is always doing something "out of the ordinary" that makes you wonder if you should be concerned
9. having multiple basking spots in tanks around a one bedroom apartment keeps the place really hot
10. The unconditional love from every direction is an amazing feeling all the time
Bonus: Reptile ownership is addictive, it's kinda like tattoos. I started with a tortoise and everything quickly grew from there
I laugh to myself about this all the time so I thought I'd share my thoughts :)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Sep 21, 2012
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Watery Wiltshire in the UK
7 is definitely true. Also, you kind of get used to a large male tortoise chasing around after two smaller females with only one thing on his mind, and think 'So nothing new then'. And the chirping and calls and scrambling noises that echo throughout the house. Oak you know who you are!


5 Year Member
Jan 11, 2013
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Gave me quite a good laugh reading this one. Ssssoooo totally with you on #1, #8, and #10.