Sulcata Eating Leaves Falling From Maple Trees

Len B

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Aug 3, 2010
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I have an adult sulcata that has for the last 8 years had access to fallen leaves from 2 large maple trees. A few years ago I started keeping him outside all year. I would rake the fallen leaves into a pile around the base of one of the trees to use as mulch or substrate for some smaller tortoises, I noticed him eating the dried leaves that had blown from the pile or were missed when raking, but not the packed wet ones in the pile around the tree. The past couple years I haven't done any raking and he grazes on leaves all winter. I don't know if they benefit him, but they don't seem to hurt him. He is 18 years old, Had him since a hatchling, weighed him last week for the first time in years, he is now 128 pounds. Here he is this afternoon with his buddy Rocket in the background.wPicture 028 copy.jpg


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Just look at his face :) What an Amazing tortoise!


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Gorgeous animal!

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Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
Hi Len :)
I don't know how I missed this post earlier. I just randomly came across it when I was looking up tortoises and horseradish per your recommendation. I may provide a link to this and the small horseradish thread you posted a while ago in the garden chat. -I just think these are cool. Your sulcata is AMAZING. What's his name? One of my kids saw this photo you uploaded and said that she can't wait until our tortoise gets that big so she can put her arms around our tortoise's neck and hug her (I melted). How interesting that he readily eats the crispy fallen leaves! Not a picky eater, that one. I imagine they're a decent source of fiber any way. Cool post, Len!


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Nov 4, 2014
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San Francisco
I would be very leery of letting any animal consume Acer leaves; they are known to lead to hemolytic anemia in horses, cattle and sheep.

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