Redfoot menu


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2014
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South Florida
I feed mine lots of greens, veggies, fruits and Mazuri tortoise chow. The amounts vary all the time. I also feed chicory, plantain, and hibiscus that I grow. Greens such as turnips, collards, mustard, some lettuces, any vegetables really, winter and summer squashes, peppers even, and almost any fruits; strawberry, raspberry, banana, apple, melons, blackberries, blueberries. I haven't found anything they won't take and love. I stay away from pineapple as I feel it is to acidic. But most fruits can be offered.
Mazuri tortoise chow makes up a significant bit of their diet. I've had great results with it. Moisten it til its soft and offer it as whole pellets. Amounts-wise, I would aim towards something like 70% greens and weeds and the rest veggies and fruits.


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10 Year Member!
Mar 28, 2013
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* Darn, Pete beat me to it :p *

Check out The Tortoise Library. for redfoot care including their diet.

I tend not to stick to strict feeding schedules since things never go as smoothly as I'd ever plan. However, as long as you keep it varied and feed "the right stuff", your redfoot should do well. Things I feed my redfoots -

Grocery store greens: Spring mix (with or without spinach), endive, escarole, radicchio, collard, mustard and turnip greens, watercress.

Fresh from the garden greens: dandelion, broad leaf plantain, clover, chicory, chickweed, mulberry, squash leaves (and flowers), hibiscus leaves (and flowers), nasturtiums (and flowers), sow thistle, cactus.

Fruits and veggies: berries, occasional banana, papaya, mango, figs, occasional tomatoes, occasional kiwi, bell peppers, melon, squash, occasional carrots. (I tend to go very easy on the fruits and veggies).

Miscellaneous and protein: Mazuri, Marion Zoological, dried grass (hay), herbal hay, boiled chicken, eggs (lightly boiled or scrambled), tuna, shrimp, worms. (I tend to go easy on this, too. However, the Mazuri/Marion mix is 1 to 2 times a week, whereas the "meats" are 2 times a month).

I'm sure I left out a buncha other foods. I also have edible houseplants that they eat, as well. This is just what I do but I figured I'd give ya some ideas :D


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Jul 11, 2011
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I know this is off topic but...
If you fill in your location on your profile people can be more helpful as to what works in your area. Also, if you use the search button up top to search older threads many of these questions have been answered. Often times they have been replied to by older members who may or may not still be here or are as active. Congrats on getting such a great tortoise.