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Yvonne G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Look what I've got growing outside my horse pasture:


There are already several basketball-sized pumpkins on the vine. I was worried that kids walking by would discover them and do some damage, but now that school's out its probably safe. (the school bus stop is on my corner)



This is a volunteer vine that is growing in my horse manure pile. I've never fed my horses pumpkin, so I don't know where the seed came from...but I'm happy its there!



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Yvonne how much property do you own. Everytime I see a picture it's in a different area of your yards. It looks huge. Great pumpkins (maybe Linus will come by and wait for the "Great Pumpkin"). :D

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I only have an acre. About half of it is divided into two horse pastures. Then there's an old vacant house (about 700 sq. ft.), a 2 car free standing garage and my small house. The rest is tortoise pens.



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Boy Yvonne looks like you will be the go to pumkin lady this year :D Since you didn't plant the seeds there must have been the Great Pumpkin :) that placed the seeds there.

Gulf Coast

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The only pumpkins I have ever been able to grow in my life (lord knows I have tried plenty of times) was a space where I dumped my old bird seed from my birds cage bottom.. I guess my bird missed the seed, then once I dumped it, it took off and grew and we had plenty of Jack o Lanterns that year.. It was a wonderful unexpected gift from mother nature.. :)

You'r pumpkin hill looks great, such a pretty green.


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Woooooow thats exciting !!!! You have a huge area Yvonne! How many horsies have you got? I love horses. I work right next door to a massive horse paddock, watch them playing everyday :) Thats awesome, you are so lucky.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I have two old ladies. Mae is a retired thoroughbred race horse who was used as a brood mare for 20 years until she couldn't get in foal anymore. She's 30 years old now, and looks like an escapee from the gulag! She doesn't have a good appetite and I can't get any weight on her. I'm afraid her days are numbered.


April is an appaloosa and looks just like Mae color-wise. She's 25 years old, however, she's never been broke and hasn't had to work a day in her life. So she looks very young and healthy.



Maggie Cummings

If you have anymore blossoms on that vine Dudley would probably enjoy them. Bob loves the blossoms, so I keep one so it makes a pumpkin the rest I grow to feed to Bob. They are one of his favorite treats. Give one to Dudley and see if he likes them...


10 Year Member!
Mar 25, 2009
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Lake Jackson, TX
That is so cool to have pumpkins growing! My brain is clicking here -- dump the parrot dish on the manure pile and see what comes up! Which would be better, horse or buffalo? LOL! My luck the raccoons would find them first.

We have apps too, isn't it funny the colors? My old mare that has been gone a year now looked just like April and her younger sister is a leopard. Our gelding was born black with a small blanket, as a yearling he was a bay, and now he's grey with his blanket reaching his withers.


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Wooww Yvonne!!!!
Your 2 horses are beautiful, and beautiful is not the word, they are amazinggg. I love horses, they are so huge and have sooo much class :D. I am really sorry for Mae :(, poor girl.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
sendie said:
We have apps too, isn't it funny the colors? My old mare that has been gone a year now looked just like April and her younger sister is a leopard. Our gelding was born black with a small blanket, as a yearling he was a bay, and now he's grey with his blanket reaching his withers.

I sold an appy gelding at 2 years old many, many years ago (that was born to a mare of mine). Last summer I received a letter from the current owner who found me through the horse's registration papers. I believe he's 10 years old now. He was sorrel with a big lacy blanket as a 2 year old. Prettiest little thing. She sent me current pictures and he's a real light roan all over with a few dark brown spots over his rump. He looks exactly like his mother did color-wise! Its funny how they change colors as they age.


Gulf Coast

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lol.. dump that dish.. its worth a try.. :)

Yvonne, what type of feed are you using for May? It might be the type/% that she is having problems with. have you tried weight builder powder? Also wormers? Do you rotate them? Its funny how some horses can eat anything and stay fat (my moms horse) and others have to have everything special for them.. How long have you had May?

Oh and Kuddos to you for taking care of them and giving them a great home.. I am glad they have you to take care of them. I know so many that think if you can't ride it why bother feeding it, just dump it at the sale and get another one..

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Gulf Coast said:
Yvonne, what type of feed are you using for May? It might be the type/% that she is having problems with. have you tried weight builder powder? Also wormers? Do you rotate them? Its funny how some horses can eat anything and stay fat (my moms horse) and others have to have everything special for them.. How long have you had May?

I had another mare (the one who was the mother of the baby in my previous post) who was about 25 years old. She got so infirm that I had to have the vet out to euthanize her. While he was working, he mentioned that he had an old mare that I could have (I had my 8 yr old grand daughter here who was learning how to handle the horses in halter, and I was now having to put her mare down). He said, "But she's real old. Really old!" I asked how old she was and he said 21. 21????? He's putting down a 25 year old horse and he thinks 21 is really old? Anyway, I took her. It was Mae. So I've had her for 9 years. I have tried feeding her everything that the feed dealer sells. She ate Purina Equine Senior real well for a while, but now she won't even take a bite of it. I've had her teeth floated...at least once a year, the most recent about 3 weeks ago. The vet has her on ulcer medication and bute. She will eat a very small flake of alfalfa hay. If I offer her a regular sized flake, she just wastes it. She gets 3lbs of re-hydrated beet pulp, 2lbs of wheat bran and 2lbs of 4-way for her evening meal along with the alfalfa. And she gets the 4-way and alfalfa for her morning meal. They are also on pasture during the day and the grass is in good shape. If I try to give her more (volume) than listed above, she refuses to eat at all. She's in quite a bit of pain from all her years on the track and all the babies. Her back legs are just about straight up and down. Its just getting to be her time to go. She hasn't told me yet, though. But I ask her every day. When its time, I'll know.


Maggie Cummings

She's really looking crappy Yvonne...may be close to her time...

Gulf Coast

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Sounds like you have done everything possible, Maybe the ole girl is ready to move on.. I am so glad she is able to spend her last years with you.. Its never easy to lose one you love. :(


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Mar 20, 2009
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Aw Yvonne - your horses are beautiful. I have always loved horses. My dad's very good friends own a guest farm in South Africa, in the mountains....I used to visit so often just to ride their horses. Horses have the most amazing calming effect on me, they are just such majestic animals. Poor Mae, I am sure she has lived a good life. I'll say a lil prayer for her.How long do horses lives for about? 30yrs or so?

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
No, 30 years is quite old. Most die of old age in their early 20's.

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