

New Member
Jun 18, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
United Kingdom
Hi I'm Julie from the United Kingdom. My family had tortoises many years ago. I use to love helping to look after them. I'm now looking to adopt some older horsefield and maybe some babies too. I'm currently building a large outside tortoise garden and then later on once I have found my new lodger I may then build a table and get some babies for indoors. I'm hoping you all may be able to help me when I need advice. Thank you.


New Member
Jun 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Hey and welcome I’m from the UK too, I’ve just got a 10 month horsefield baby! It will be 3 weeks since I got him and he’s doing great. He’s adorable and very tiny. For me I didn’t realise how hard it was to raise hatchlings and I was miss sold some information and so on by the sellers. Being on here has been brilliant learning about what is best and how important bathing them are. Currently he is in a big inside table with a combination lamp. He loves climbing which is great because he’s staying active. I’m not much use for information about older tortoises because everyday I learn something new from here.

With being in the UK with our very unpredictable whether I’m not going to be keeping him outside all the time when he is older without heat. My plan is to have an insulated shed for them to stay at night. And then have a cat flap sort of thing to allow him to go outside during the day.

It’s lovely to hear from someone in the UK :) have fun exploring the forum. Oh and by the way everything is trail and error with tortoises you get to know them individually :)


New Member
Apr 13, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Hey and welcome I’m from the UK too, I’ve just got a 10 month horsefield baby! It will be 3 weeks since I got him and he’s doing great. He’s adorable and very tiny. For me I didn’t realise how hard it was to raise hatchlings and I was miss sold some information and so on by the sellers. Being on here has been brilliant learning about what is best and how important bathing them are. Currently he is in a big inside table with a combination lamp. He loves climbing which is great because he’s staying active. I’m not much use for information about older tortoises because everyday I learn something new from here.

With being in the UK with our very unpredictable whether I’m not going to be keeping him outside all the time when he is older without heat. My plan is to have an insulated shed for them to stay at night. And then have a cat flap sort of thing to allow him to go outside during the day.

It’s lovely to hear from someone in the UK :) have fun exploring the forum. Oh and by the way everything is trail and error with tortoises you get to know them individually :)
Welcome also from a UK based owner.