New and hungry for information

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5 Year Member
Apr 19, 2011
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South Africa
Hello Everyone
I Live in South Africa more precise Gauteng and even more Pretoria
As a lot of you will know we have quite hot summers up to 38 degrees and our summers are close to 6 months long with not too often rainfalls but sometimes for a few days and cold winters down to 1degree and luckily only for about 3 months now and again rain during winter. Bottom line we have lovely hot long summers. Our tortoises are mainly the padlopertjie... a very small tortoise reaching only a few centimeters in length and then the for ever loved leopard tortoise for its size and colours then the hingeback and african spur thighed.
To me they are all absolutely beautifull and so dependant on us when in captivity. Also we are human and tend to think we have read all, we know all, we have seen all. These little creatures reminded me of how little we actually know about our reptiles and other living life forms.
When i first set eyes on Big Bertha a 28 year old female-I just wanted to protect and study her. Then when Hansie and Grietjie came and i saw the damage due to poor nutrition, rock hard surfaces and damage to the carapace - maybe dropped by children- i fumed -and realised how vulnerable they are - open to all dangers -and that us the uninformed humans do more damage and harm, so i decided to do the best for those i have and still going to get. After all the books we bought and read and internet sites we visited we still know so little about these little heart thieves, and i believe with the help of so many friends and walking rock lovers on this forum we might get to know them and give them the best natural environment we can protect them from ignorance and also a chance on non extinction.
There i have said it all....
Besides my love for Big Bertha Hansie Grietjie and little mussel- we have 2 guinea fowl 2 dogs 2ringnecks 2 rosellas 4 java sparrows 8 gouldians and 6 bengalese finches and also 3 Suzuki jeeps we enjoy every day of our lives. What more do one need?


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Welcome to the TFO :) do you have any pictures of Big Bertha you can post ?


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Apr 19, 2011
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South Africa
coreyc said:
Welcome to the TFO :) do you have any pictures of Big Bertha you can post ?
Hi Coreyc and yagyujubei
Yes i do have on my cam at home- at work now-will bring 2morrow and put it on. All three of them are georgous, at least i think so.... still so much to learn did you guys post pics of your tort's?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Welcome! I would love to spend a week in your area of the world to see the wildlife and plant life you have there. Of course, I would be mainly wanting to see the wild hingebacks and study how they actually live in the wild. :cool: Okay, I admit it, I am a bit jealous :D, but in a good way. So glad your here with us. Sometime I would love to hear more about your area of the world and pictures would be especially wonderful! Once more, welcome! :tort: :tort:


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Feb 21, 2010
Welcome to the forum! .... GREAT STORY/INTRO ......
Looking forward to another shelled buddy from around the world!



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Apr 19, 2011
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South Africa
Jacqui said:
Welcome! I would love to spend a week in your area of the world to see the wildlife and plant life you have there. Of course, I would be mainly wanting to see the wild hingebacks and study how they actually live in the wild. :cool: Okay, I admit it, I am a bit jealous :D, but in a good way. So glad your here with us. Sometime I would love to hear more about your area of the world and pictures would be especially wonderful! Once more, welcome! :tort: :tort:

Hi Jacqui
Thank you for the welcome
Yes i am very lucky to stay in SA especially in Pretoria. The surrounding areas are breathtaking in summer after rains. 80% Sunshine and beauty. Our mountains live and here are so many flowers and plants and even the weeds growing here are awesome. Unfortunately some human beings can be destructive and negative to the beautifull plantlife and animal kingdom... That i suppose you find everywhere. I will post some pics of my most beautifull places in SA i have visited. I envy those who live on the coast- beach fronts. I love the smell of the sea ... but then trade it for non windy sunny stable weather? I will have to think twice

Thanx Dalano
It is wonderfull to communicate with other tort lovers all over the world
Texas WOW!!! And to see the amounts of torts everybody have is amazing......I'm stunt:p

Thank you.... can sometimes get so carried away.... Shhhhwisssh goes the brain so much to say so little words. Its great to be on this forum i can feel we are going to get so much support and advice... Feels good


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I would have more, but right now I don't have the space. I do enjoy looking at everyone's tortoise photo's. They are all great in different ways.


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Apr 19, 2011
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South Africa
dalano73 said:
I would have more, but right now I don't have the space. I do enjoy looking at everyone's tortoise photo's. They are all great in different ways.

I agree to that one.
Grietjies shell is damaged, not too bad and not so visible.... the malnutrition is more obvious but i do not love her less. I would love to stay on a big plot or farm and be surrounded with all sorts of animals. Especially torts ... they are witty, hard headed, arrogant, lazy, finniky but that is what makes them so unique.
I will visit the photo gallery sure there will be thoe most interesting photos

Yvonne G

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Hi Marithaven:

Welcome to the forum!! May we know your name?

If you click on the reputation points you can read all the nice things that people say about that person.

We're so lucky to have you on our forum. I can't wait to see pictures of your tortoises.


The Dog Trainer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Hello and welcome. I love SA. I spent a couple weeks in Jo'berg and nearly 4 months in and around Capetown, near that coast you love so much. Also spent three weeks up in George. Beautiful country up there. I have not yet been to Pretoria or Durban yet. Both are places I'd love to see.

I use for posting pictures. Its really easy. You don't need an account or anything. Just upload any size photo and then copy/paste the IMG code into your tortoise forum post. We'd all love to see pics of your tortoises and your area. Many of us keep african tortoises and we are fascinated by their country (and continent) of origin.


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Apr 19, 2011
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South Africa
Tom said:
Hello and welcome. I love SA. I spent a couple weeks in Jo'berg and nearly 4 months in and around Capetown, near that coast you love so much. Also spent three weeks up in George. Beautiful country up there. I have not yet been to Pretoria or Durban yet. Both are places I'd love to see.

I use for posting pictures. Its really easy. You don't need an account or anything. Just upload any size photo and then copy/paste the IMG code into your tortoise forum post. We'd all love to see pics of your tortoises and your area. Many of us keep african tortoises and we are fascinated by their country (and continent) of origin.

Good day tom
I will be uploading the photos this morning thax for your help. Yes they are fascinating i just love them ..... actually all torts are special

emysemys said:
Hi Marithaven:

Welcome to the forum!! May we know your name?

If you click on the reputation points you can read all the nice things that people say about that person.

We're so lucky to have you on our forum. I can't wait to see pictures of your tortoises.

Yvonne pleased to meet you my name is Maritha
That is absolutely great to be on a forum who rates their members. Iam going to download now and i suppose i put it under a new topic or under photo gallery?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
marithaven said:
Iam going to download now and i suppose i put it under a new topic or under photo gallery?

I would suggest placing them under the Tortoise photo and video section. :tort:


New Member
5 Year Member
Apr 19, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa
RE: Pics of my tortoises

Here are some pictures of my girls and boy










They just love that spot. Full sun and egg laying area.... got 5 batches eggs from the two girls.....boy is busy !!


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The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Maritha. Thank you so much for posting these pics. When I was there in 2005 I didn't have a camera or computer. I've tried to describe the tortoises I saw there and how different the are from what we have here in the states, but I had no pictures. Seeing your pics just completely took me back there. Those are the same type of Leopards that I saw all over the Cape. We don't have those over here in the states. Thank you thank you thank you.

I saw a really giant one of that type at a roadside service station halfway between Capetown and George. He was nearly a METER in length, very high domed and very dark. Sorry, I don't remember the name of the little town he was in.

Do you incubate the eggs? Oh I wish there was a way to legally export them here to the states. I would give some of those babies such a good home.

May we please have more pics? Really you could just post pics everyday and we'd never grow tired of it.
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