New and have a bazillion questions

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Feb 27, 2011
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I'm going to post my questions in another place, but thought I'd post an intro. I'm Amy, I have 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats and a husband. In the next week we will be adding a tortoise, after a month of obsessively researching.

My son who will be 7 on 3/6 has loved 'turtles" since he was little. I've since come to realize that what he actually loved were tortoises, not turtles, which I am sure is a common mistake among the uninformed. We went to Reptile Gardens in South Dakota last summer (we are from Ohio) and he spent two hours with the tortoises, especially the Galapagos who was 169 years old.

At first I thought about getting him a box turtle, but I didn't want to deal with the water and the misting etc etc, then I started reading about tortoises.....and I was hooked. They are so cool, like little dinosaurs!!!!

Can't wait to learn more about these cool little dudes, and share our new family member with y'all!


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Welcome AmyRapp, I love being the first!!!(To say hello, dosen't happen often, someone always beats me to it!!

You'll get loads of info here from alot of experienced (and learning) folks!! Check out the site, most any questions will be answered, although I know you just want to post one and get an answer and have it feel personal!!
Sounds like your not sure which kind to get, so look around. I have Redfoots , And others,which I love, but yes humidity gets to be an issue,especially in the winter. Russians are a really hardy breed, and also loads of personality!! Are you able to have something outside? That makes a huge difference in what you can provide. Where are you?
And last a 7 yr old with an interest in torts is Fabulous!!! Just remember, kids are famous for loving something,Even when they seem passionate. then oh well!! You can't expect him to do much more than help, so ultimately it is your tort! So pick one you what to have in old age, and if he stays loving it, even better.
Enjoy it here,


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Hello Amy welcome to the forum :) what kind of tort are you thinking about getting?


The Dog Trainer
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Hello and welcome. Can't wait to hear which species you pick.


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Tom said:
Hello and welcome. Can't wait to hear which species you pick.

Thanks for the welcome! We are looking at either a Russian or Hermann's. I figured that I will be the primary caregiver, so that was why box turtles and aquatics were nixed early on!

Being in central ohio, we can't have him/her outside year round, we will have a nice outdoor setup when weather permits.

Thanks again for your warm welcomes!

Yvonne G

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Hi Amy:

Welcome to the forum!!


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Welcome to the forum Amy! Unfortunately, we have a "gazillion" question limit... :D


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I really don't get the Box Turtle comment, Box Turtle care isn't really that different than Tortoise care. Their water and misting needs are pretty much the same


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Hi Amy! Sounds like you have been doing a lot of thinking and researching this new family member, that is great! Welcome!


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Welcome to the forum!

I too have to say something about the Box turtles/versus tortoises. The care is virtually the same. A tortoise is going to also need humidity and misting, especially a young one. If you get say a Redfoot tortoise, the care will be almost completely identical to a Box turtle care.

Here is an article that may help you with some of your questions. There is a short write up about several different species (with links to more information,) and I talk a bit about creating a humid microclimate.

Tortoise Basics for Prospective or Beginner Tortoise Owners


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Thanks for the great info and links everyone!

I was kind of in a hurry this morning, and didn't want my son to see me on this forum, so let me explain further on the box turtle thing.

I was concerned about having the little pond of water and dock for it. People suggested a paint tray, etc etc. and misting it daily, and that if the humidity was too low the turtle would die , all these dire things that seemed to me to be too daunting. i just got scared by what I read, like if I screw up once the poor little thing is going to kick the bucket and I'll be a horrible person. But all the things i've read about tortoises, Russians in particular, you provide them a dish of water to drink from daily, and you don't have to soak them all the time, unless they are babies. Maybe every other day or less. I still didn't read anything about misting a tortoise, I'll go reread that great link on Russians that was provided. Keep their humidity around 70 percent, right?

and, well, the tortoises just look cuter.....yeah, I said it. I think they are cuter. NOT a reason to get a pet, but their faces just look....more interesting, more expressive.

I just want to be sure I'm doing everything as correct as possible for our new family member. I try to be very responsible, and realistic, about what I take on. From what I have read, I feel comfortable with the responsibility, once I get it all started. My biggest fear is pyramiding....but that is another post.

Thank you again for all your help!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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From what I am hearing you say, I think you might be wise to start with a Russian and an adult or atleast not a really young one. Russians do tend to be a bit hardier, require a bit less care or perhaps calling it a less precise type care would be better, and the same reasoning would be why to go with an older animal. Your unsure of yourself and in a way that is great, it makes you ask questions and research not just rush out to buy the first thing that comes along.


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Jacqui said:
From what I am hearing you say, I think you might be wise to start with a Russian and an adult or atleast not a really young one. Russians do tend to be a bit hardier, require a bit less care or perhaps calling it a less precise type care would be better, and the same reasoning would be why to go with an older animal. Your unsure of yourself and in a way that is great, it makes you ask questions and research not just rush out to buy the first thing that comes along.

I had this great reply all typed out, and somehow my browser backed up and it is gone. argh! Long story short, I used to foster basset hounds for Ohio Basset Rescue. I would see the effects of people not doing their homework when selecting the breed.....making their choices based on that cute puppy tripping over it's ears. They require much more work, and have tendencies that many other breeds do not. So after a year or so, that cute puppy was abandoned or abused and I had to rehab the dog and teach it to trust again, at best. I don't want to be that kind of person when it comes to our new tortoise, KWIM? So i'm overthinking a lot, I'm getting confused by some things, like some people say that play sand is okay to use as part of your substrate, while others say it isn't. I wish i had found this forum a month ago when I really started to consider this. I know I will probably make mistakes, but I'd like to keep them minimal. I'd know I don't want a hatchling, or a baby. maybe a well established captive born juvenile?

It is an awesome responsibility, I just want to do right by whomever we bring home.

Thanks for your responses!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Since I am laying on the truck bunk typing this surrounded by two dogs that are rescues, I understand what your saying.

Your going to find a lot of differences of opinions on how to care for any reptile, but maybe more so with tortoises. A lot is because we are just beginning to get some understanding of their needs and another huge problem is that what works for Mr. A might not for Ms. D. I am one of those who keeps just about all my tortoises (when inside) including my Russians on a sand/coir mixture. My belief is that a healthy, well hydrated animal will not have any problem passing the sand if it consumes it. I like the sand for it's ability to help hold moisture. You can also do things to minimize the amount of substrate that might be digested. For instance feeding on a feeding dish and even better a dish that is surrounded by flat rocks which will help keep the tracking of substrate into the food dish to a minimum.

You can use a variety of things for the substrate and even within the same enclosure. Like a lot of mine have part of it with some cypress mulch. One way of looking at it is to take what seems the best option for you and then working with that option to create the conditions your tortoise needs. Did that make sense?
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