Neighbor shooting at kitten.

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5 Year Member
Jul 15, 2011
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Myrtle Beach SC
Thanks everyone for your opinions. I have always been tender hearted for animals and I know as much as I love animals some one else feel quite the opposite. But, I have already spoken to this man several times about how I feel. So, tomorrow I am going to call animal control and let them laid the law down for him. If I don't speak up for the Cats and the Kittens I will not think of my self as the person I thrive to be. I hate to not get along with my neighbor but apparently he does not care how I feel. So the heck with him and I hope that God has some questions for him when he tries to enter the pearly gates.


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I'm one of those who thinks it wrong to hurt any animal. This person is very lucky he doesn't live here in NY. I hate to think what would happen to his property if a kid here saw him do that.

RV's mom

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I've had 2 cats shot, neither killed. The first had his front leg shattered, requiring surgery and a cast. The next was hit by a pellet gun. The person who fired it had no idea of cat physiology and instead of killing her, hit the spinal column, partially paralyzing her hindquarters. She didn't come home for 2 weeks. Surgery was out of the question (I had no cash to spare) and so she lived her life either kenneled or in the side yard.

I have absolutely no tolerance for people who shoot for sport or "because they don't like something" e.g. ~ your cat is in my yard...

Hunting to put food on the table is different.


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Sep 5, 2007
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Foothills above Sacramento CA
depending where you live.. its probably illegal to shoot.. a hose would work too.. coffee grounds in his garden, cayenne pepper,
If they are strays.. then trap them and turn them into animal control. spare them the pain of getting shot and stop the cycle of unwanted kittens..
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