Meet the Family


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Jan 25, 2022
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Ok lets meet the family that lives at home lol my human kids have there own homes lol This first picture is of me ( the human) Ivy (the cat) and sissy ( the tort) lol The next picture is of our young dog Bonnie. We got bonnie from the pound...she had been terrably abused...the pound had to put her in a crate with a sheet over it to put her in the car so we could take her home. It took a couple of months before we could get her to come out of the crate (except when i dragged her out by the leash to take her outside to go potty, then she made her home under the sofa bed for a few more months before she would finally let me touch her, then one day while i was sitting on the floor my hand near her head she reached over and licked me thats when i KNEW we were going to be alright! lol We've had a year now and when its just us bonnie acts like a normal puppy lol except when we have to disaplain her, which consits of saying no or did you do that! lol which means shes chewed up something she shouldnt have lol That black little bundle in the next picture is my preshes little sheba. She s been my service dog for about 17 years now. and yes she is at my side 24 /7 even at home. I go into a panic if i dont know where she is lol thens there Watson. When we got watson we had gotten 2 blue ( watson) and one yellow ( holmes) 2 days after we had them home I found holmes dead on the bottom of the cage....Even though they were both in the same cage with a bounch of other parakeets holmes was always a bit bossy in the cage pushing watson off the purch if he/she wanted to sit there and pushing watsons off the food or water dish ...evedently watson wasnt going to put up with that and was the stronger of two...Its hard to inforce the no fighting rule with birds lol This next picture is of Dasy, my grandbaby dog, my oldest daughters puppy. Shes a blood hound and even though shes still just a young puppy she is already as big as sissy. when they were here Daisy had to teach bonnie how to doggy play doggy play, im still trying to teach her how to play with humans. iv been trying to teach her tug of war but when ever i tug on the roap bonnie simply drops the roap and when i try to teach her fetch she runs under the bed when i toss a we will see if i can eventually get through to her that those are safe things, The last picture is of spike, my better half...I'll be 65 next march and then we can finally get married!! yea!! lol The gray back ground is an old army blankit we have hanging over the curtins of the bay window to help keep the livingroom from getting to bright I can withstand more light now that im on me ivy and sissy.JPG on the bowtox but we still dont want to let it get to bright in here...if your woundering what the t shirt says it says if mama aint happy aint nobody happy if grandma aint happy RUN!! lol oh and the mess under the sofabed on bonnies picture is torn up torn up restrant type bowl you get friench firys in, spike givs the dogs treats in them and as soon as bonnie finishes eating the food she rips apart the little paper bowl...then if were not quick enough she will grap shebas paper bowl and takes it under the sofabed to chew up into little bity peaces lol Well time to get back to work around here lol hope everybody has a great day!!
Picture of bonnie.JPGpicture of sheba good.JPGpicture of watson.JPGgrandpuppy Dasy hound dog.JPGSDC16317spike.JPG

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
A nice glimpse into your life. Thank you for sharing!


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
my pleasure lol I love showing off my family lol
What a lovely family, and it's great to see them. Thank you so much. Sheba looks so sweet - I can see how it would calm you down just to look at that little face !
I haven't time now, but will study the photos properly tomorrow
Angie xx

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Looks like a bunch of happy campers to me. So grandma must be happy 🤣😁


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2022
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lol yes grandma is happy lol and Yes sheba is a cute little darling...I dont know what id do with out her....I never thought i could get attatched let alone love another dog after my charlie died ( my first service dog) but I couldnt resist that cute little bundle of joy when she came running up to me and tried to climb me like a tree lol of all the pups in her litter shes the only one who came running over to me lol Even when i was in the hospitle when i broke my ribs and punctured my lung, sheba was right there with me on the bed except when spike took her out to go potty....spike stayed right there at the hospitle with me too...not many people want to argue with spike lol

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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lol yes grandma is happy lol and Yes sheba is a cute little darling...I dont know what id do with out her....I never thought i could get attatched let alone love another dog after my charlie died ( my first service dog) but I couldnt resist that cute little bundle of joy when she came running up to me and tried to climb me like a tree lol of all the pups in her litter shes the only one who came running over to me lol Even when i was in the hospitle when i broke my ribs and punctured my lung, sheba was right there with me on the bed except when spike took her out to go potty....spike stayed right there at the hospitle with me too...not many people want to argue with spike lol
I'm like that with my rabbit Razberri. She thinks she has to be around me at all times. Sapphire my little Russian does his own thing because he's the boss. I can't wait to see what he'll do next. But I have to be patient and watch. Sometimes it takes a while before he decides to move 🐢☺️

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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This is Razberri. She knows I'm trying to shoot her 😁 running around my feet. As soon as I whip out my phone she settles down and acts all innocent 😇IMG_20220418_192204831.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2022
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Ahh what a cute bunnie!! Right after i had to rehome my little red eared slidder turtle ( it was just getting to hard for us to clean the aquarium every 2 weeks) Spike let me get a cute little rabbit ....But unfrountly Her fur or dander effected my copd. I had to go to the ER via amblince 3 times the first month we had her. Spike and my little sister made me give her up. I was going to keep her anyway...but ah well at least i know shes in a good home with one of my sisters friends and not only that she now has a bunny friend. we did a lot of research before we got sissy....The fact that we dont have to clean her house every week or so and the ease of just shoveling it into a peace of cloth and then washing it in the ulity tub in the laundary room and then lying it out to dry was a big deciding factor. I can sit on a bar stool and take the bedding out then sit on the bar stoll to wash it then put the bedding on our little cart to sit and dry. I plan on buying another few bags of the bedding so that i can put new bedding in her house right after i wipe down the floor so we dont have to wait for the first bedding to dry. Yes iv found my animal children arent that much different then my human children. lol although little miss sissy is going to be taken out to soak this afternoon...shes spent the last 2 days in her hidy cave. i dont know if its normal for them to spend most of there time i the hidy, but she dosnt appear to be sick...i noticed she hasnt eaten the last 2 days either..... but she is always pretty active when i soak her and the other day i had her sitting on my lap. Shebas ear was laying on my thigh and little miss sissy was bound and determend to taste it. lol dont worry i didnt let her...I kept moving back away from it and i did move shebas ear....but sissy kept trying to walk over to her aanyway lol sheba finally went down on the floor under my foot stool lol Sheba did smiff sissy...and found her of no instrest i guess lol But I wouldnt have let them both so close to each other except sheba has no teeth lol


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Congratulations on getting Sissy sitting on your lap !! I find with Zola that he almost always really enjoys it - and I do too -, of course - we have worked out over the years how he likes to sit best - if he hasn't peed yet, I always have a plastic bag under the towel he is sitting on, just in case. In your photo, when Sissy is soaking on your lap, are you brushing her with a green toothbrush?It is really lovely to see all your animals.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Congratulations on getting Sissy sitting on your lap !! I find with Zola that he almost always really enjoys it - and I do too -, of course - we have worked out over the years how he likes to sit best - if he hasn't peed yet, I always have a plastic bag under the towel he is sitting on, just in case. In your photo, when Sissy is soaking on your lap, are you brushing her with a green toothbrush?It is really lovely to see all your animals.
Sorry, I looked again and I think it's a blue toothbrush !


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Mar 30, 2022
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Your parakeet is super cute! Reminds me of the one my family used to have, he had the same coloring and such. I think we even had that same toy on the right!

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Ahh what a cute bunnie!! Right after i had to rehome my little red eared slidder turtle ( it was just getting to hard for us to clean the aquarium every 2 weeks) Spike let me get a cute little rabbit ....But unfrountly Her fur or dander effected my copd. I had to go to the ER via amblince 3 times the first month we had her. Spike and my little sister made me give her up. I was going to keep her anyway...but ah well at least i know shes in a good home with one of my sisters friends and not only that she now has a bunny friend. we did a lot of research before we got sissy....The fact that we dont have to clean her house every week or so and the ease of just shoveling it into a peace of cloth and then washing it in the ulity tub in the laundary room and then lying it out to dry was a big deciding factor. I can sit on a bar stool and take the bedding out then sit on the bar stoll to wash it then put the bedding on our little cart to sit and dry. I plan on buying another few bags of the bedding so that i can put new bedding in her house right after i wipe down the floor so we dont have to wait for the first bedding to dry. Yes iv found my animal children arent that much different then my human children. lol although little miss sissy is going to be taken out to soak this afternoon...shes spent the last 2 days in her hidy cave. i dont know if its normal for them to spend most of there time i the hidy, but she dosnt appear to be sick...i noticed she hasnt eaten the last 2 days either..... but she is always pretty active when i soak her and the other day i had her sitting on my lap. Shebas ear was laying on my thigh and little miss sissy was bound and determend to taste it. lol dont worry i didnt let her...I kept moving back away from it and i did move shebas ear....but sissy kept trying to walk over to her aanyway lol sheba finally went down on the floor under my foot stool lol Sheba did smiff sissy...and found her of no instrest i guess lol But I wouldnt have let them both so close to each other except sheba has no teeth lol
Yes a crazy shedding rabbit can affect people especially those people allergic to cats. There DNA and stuff is similar I've been told Some wabbits don't shed so much though hahaha. I managed to figure that out 😂 what's sad is the fur ball rabbits don't live long anyway. They die from hairballs in their gut. I think maybe from wrong long taught diets like Tortoises go through too.🐢


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2022
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yes i do love my little ones lol Iv had Holmes a little over year now. I love that i can hear bird songs in the winter lol and i think i mentioned we put Ivy the cat in the bedroom with the door closed when ever were out of the house even if were only out in the yard. ivy seems to just ignore Bonnie lol and other then sniffing ivy a bit bonnie ignors her too lol sheba is obviously the queen bee around here we"ve had to sort of repramand bonnie when we let the dogs in bonnie almost runs sheba over trying to get into the house first. Shes learning to wait until sheba comes in unless sheba's not at the door when we open it. age and size gets prioty lol im still trying to figure sissy out....shes spent the last 2 days in her hidy cave and she hasnt eaten anything either I have my bowtox shots tomarrow so I wont be taking her out to soak or sit on my lap tomarrow but the day after tomrrow i'll get her out for a bit longer then i usuly do.... she looks ok so maybe shes just not a very active going to get a cat toy with holes in it and put some of her food in it and see if that will interest her enough to come out of her cave....other then that taking her out of her house to soak or sit on my lap for a little while every day i dont know what else might intice her to come out of her hidy cave...