Meet Gloria =) and her home(s)

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Jun 12, 2012
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I ditched the sand and the heat rock like many have suggested and got her a ceramic heat emitter (which works sooo much better for heating up the bedding than the rock anyway, and the rock made me nervous). I bought coco shells (i think??) which she seems to like a lot better and it was cheap, like $5.00 for a 10lb bag, and they smell good so that's a bonus. They are a type of mulch, so I hope they are ok for her! Here are some pics of her indoor and outdoor enclosure, I think I did pretty ok for a beginner ;). Wondering how long I can keep her in that size rubbermaid before I need something bigger?
Any and all suggestions appreciated!
Also her diet has been a rotation of butter lettuce, radish and grape leaves, hosta leaves, and I tried to give her some watermelon for a treat but she wasn't interested. And she gets a calcium supp.


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I am not positive, but I thought I had read or heard that the coco shells are bad for animals. Wait and see what others say, seeing I can't remember for sure. Also check out for more food ideas. As varied of a diet as you can get the better.


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I read that it can be toxic to dogs, which I didn't know before..on the bag it says can be used in flower beds to keep dogs away so they must know not to eat it. I have 2 dogs and they haven't tried so I don't think they will. As for it being harmful to tortoises I would like to know asap because she is hanging out in it right now!


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this looks just like my original setup, they should be good in there for a year at least. make sure u soak them a couple of times a week and let them get some sun also. get a smaller container to soak them in warm water, oh yeah, they will poop almost everytime!


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Jun 12, 2012
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I do soak her daily, in a different little tupperware. I just have one tortoise, the other one in there is a little toy tortoise my daughter insists it be in there, it's Gloria's mom haha! I just got that kiddie pool today so she can get her outside time, she was out today for a good couple hours. I need to get a screen for the top though, my shih tzu seems a little too interested in her for me to leave them out together alone.


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MandyB said:
I read that it can be toxic to dogs, which I didn't know before..on the bag it says can be used in flower beds to keep dogs away so they must know not to eat it. I have 2 dogs and they haven't tried so I don't think they will. As for it being harmful to tortoises I would like to know asap because she is hanging out in it right now!

All I can tell you is what I have seen before on this forum. Which is this, if it is dangerous for other animals, then to assume tortoises should have it either. However, that still kinda doesn't answer your question totally. I guess either hang on for more opinions or move her or switch it out for the rest of today and tonight until we find out for sure.

This is what I found when trying to search for the toxicity of it in torts. This is a thread from TFO titled- Toxic mulch you can search it on the TFO search bar. But it does talk about warning cat and dog owners and tells about two dogs getting sick, I didn't read the whold thing. However she basically said why take a chance of it being toxic to torts. I would get rid of it. It isn't toxic unless they eat it, so him just being on it wouldn't have hurt him, but I wouldn't take the chance of him eating it. Hope this helps your decision, sorry it really isn't the best to use. I almost bought it a few years ago for my yard. Expensive the so I didn't bother. Glad I didn't get it.


The Dog Trainer
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Those cocoa shells are toxic if ingested. I would not use that. When we speak of coco fiber or coir here on the forum it is ground up coconut husk, NOT cocoa shells.

Second thing: You need to find a better way to mount your lamps. Those clamps always fail eventually and it could cause a fire. The bulbs work best if they are hanging directly over head and pointing straight down. This is also makes it easier to adjust your temps by raising or lowering your bulbs.

Last thing: Your tortoise needs some outside time and it needs it in its own secure enclosure. Secure from escape and secure from your doggie. There are some ideas on how to do this in my signature below. You just have to click.


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Jun 12, 2012
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Tom said:
Those cocoa shells are toxic if ingested. I would not use that. When we speak of coco fiber or coir here on the forum it is ground up coconut husk, NOT cocoa shells.

Second thing: You need to find a better way to mount your lamps. Those clamps always fail eventually and it could cause a fire. The bulbs work best if they are hanging directly over head and pointing straight down. This is also makes it easier to adjust your temps by raising or lowering your bulbs.

Last thing: Your tortoise needs some outside time and it needs it in its own secure enclosure. Secure from escape and secure from your doggie. There are some ideas on how to do this in my signature below. You just have to click.

That is what her kiddie pool is for, outside time..I just need to get a screen for it. She gets outside every day weather permitting =) but I'm pretty sure I mentioned that in a previous response.

I will find a different bedding for her again, thank you for letting me know.

As far as the clamps go, I don't really have any other way to secure them, as her enclosure does not have a cover. How else do people hang them?


The Dog Trainer
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They sell lamp stands at the pet store just for this purpose, or you can build a frame of some sort out of 2x4s and hang them from that. Some times the enclosure can be moved under a book shelf and the lamps can be hung from that. Get creative and figure something out. Doing it the way you are doing it could lead to broken bulbs and live exposed electrical outlets in your enclosure. That would be the scenario if you are lucky. If you aren't so lucky, you might see your house burning to the ground on the news while you are at work or something... Seriously. This has happened many times. Many of us have had very close calls. I sure have.

Also, your kiddie pool needs more shade. Watch the temps carefully. I love using those for sunning, but being above ground you really do have to watch the temps, especially in summer.

Last thing I noticed is your water bowl. Do they use it? The sides look too tall and steep. I would switch to a terra cotta plant saucer. They are cheap, offer good traction, low sides, and they are too shallow for your tortoise to drown in if they happen to flip over in them.


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Jun 12, 2012
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Tom said:
They sell lamp stands at the pet store just for this purpose, or you can build a frame of some sort out of 2x4s and hang them from that. Some times the enclosure can be moved under a book shelf and the lamps can be hung from that. Get creative and figure something out. Doing it the way you are doing it could lead to broken bulbs and live exposed electrical outlets in your enclosure. That would be the scenario if you are lucky. If you aren't so lucky, you might see your house burning to the ground on the news while you are at work or something... Seriously. This has happened many times. Many of us have had very close calls. I sure have.

Also, your kiddie pool needs more shade. Watch the temps carefully. I love using those for sunning, but being above ground you really do have to watch the temps, especially in summer.

Last thing I noticed is your water bowl. Do they use it? The sides look too tall and steep. I would switch to a terra cotta plant saucer. They are cheap, offer good traction, low sides, and they are too shallow for your tortoise to drown in if they happen to flip over in them.

Ok, will fix my lights asap too, thanks =)

I have a shady spot for the pool but it was only 75 degrees so I thought she would be ok with just that box to hide in. It doesn't really get super hot here so I assumed she would be fine in full sun (or prefer it). But let me know if I am wrong.

As for the water dish, she does get in and out of it easily, I think the angle of the pic is decieving because the dish is very shallow. But I will check out the terra cotta for the pool bc right now all I have is a tupperwear lid.


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They should always have shade to go into. They need to have the choice to go into sun or go to shade. Get a couple potted plants, hostas are good for shade and they can eat it and put them in the pool for extra shade. Or if you have a place that you can set the pool that has 1/2 sun and 1/2 shade you can place it there. Use chicken wire, or something with bigger spaces between the material like chicken wire for a top for the pool. Not much of the uv rays will go through screen.


The Dog Trainer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
MandyB said:
Tom said:
They sell lamp stands at the pet store just for this purpose, or you can build a frame of some sort out of 2x4s and hang them from that. Some times the enclosure can be moved under a book shelf and the lamps can be hung from that. Get creative and figure something out. Doing it the way you are doing it could lead to broken bulbs and live exposed electrical outlets in your enclosure. That would be the scenario if you are lucky. If you aren't so lucky, you might see your house burning to the ground on the news while you are at work or something... Seriously. This has happened many times. Many of us have had very close calls. I sure have.

Also, your kiddie pool needs more shade. Watch the temps carefully. I love using those for sunning, but being above ground you really do have to watch the temps, especially in summer.

Last thing I noticed is your water bowl. Do they use it? The sides look too tall and steep. I would switch to a terra cotta plant saucer. They are cheap, offer good traction, low sides, and they are too shallow for your tortoise to drown in if they happen to flip over in them.

Ok, will fix my lights asap too, thanks =)

I have a shady spot for the pool but it was only 75 degrees so I thought she would be ok with just that box to hide in. It doesn't really get super hot here so I assumed she would be fine in full sun (or prefer it). But let me know if I am wrong.

As for the water dish, she does get in and out of it easily, I think the angle of the pic is decieving because the dish is very shallow. But I will check out the terra cotta for the pool bc right now all I have is a tupperwear lid.

If temps are only in the 70s, you are probably fine. Its just something you need to diligently monitor with a remote thermometer and a temp gun. If you put a potted plant right in the middle, or on a side where it will continuously throw some shade, your tortoise will have the choice to get cooler if it needs to.


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Apr 19, 2012
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MandyB said:
I ditched the sand and the heat rock like many have suggested and got her a ceramic heat emitter (which works sooo much better for heating up the bedding than the rock anyway, and the rock made me nervous). I bought coco shells (i think??) which she seems to like a lot better and it was cheap, like $5.00 for a 10lb bag, and they smell good so that's a bonus. They are a type of mulch, so I hope they are ok for her! Here are some pics of her indoor and outdoor enclosure, I think I did pretty ok for a beginner ;). Wondering how long I can keep her in that size rubbermaid before I need something bigger?
Any and all suggestions appreciated!
Also her diet has been a rotation of butter lettuce, radish and grape leaves, hosta leaves, and I tried to give her some watermelon for a treat but she wasn't interested. And she gets a calcium supp.

Your baby is old is she?


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Jun 12, 2012
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North Dakota
Mordy said:
MandyB said:
I ditched the sand and the heat rock like many have suggested and got her a ceramic heat emitter (which works sooo much better for heating up the bedding than the rock anyway, and the rock made me nervous). I bought coco shells (i think??) which she seems to like a lot better and it was cheap, like $5.00 for a 10lb bag, and they smell good so that's a bonus. They are a type of mulch, so I hope they are ok for her! Here are some pics of her indoor and outdoor enclosure, I think I did pretty ok for a beginner ;). Wondering how long I can keep her in that size rubbermaid before I need something bigger?
Any and all suggestions appreciated!
Also her diet has been a rotation of butter lettuce, radish and grape leaves, hosta leaves, and I tried to give her some watermelon for a treat but she wasn't interested. And she gets a calcium supp.

Your baby is old is she?

Awww, thank you! She has an extra scute (I think that's what you call it) on the middle of her back, I think it's kind of special =) I believe she is 5-6 weeks but I'm not positive. I want to email LLLreptile to see when her birthday is so we know when to celebrate...I don't know if they will know or not though. She is just tiny, here are a couple more pics of my baby!


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