Lady Hermann not her usual self


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear and enchanting Lady Teztez - I have had a delightful day visiting a bluebell wood on the edge of Dartmoor - I thought of you, of course, and of the bluebells in your own garden. The sunlight shining throught the trees, which are not heavily covered in leaves yet, looked so lovely that my mum said "oh, it's like fairyland !! " The bluebells were not all fully open yet, but still produced a deep blue misty effect - all very lovely - I know you would have appreciated it. The only thing that rather spoils this beautiful place is that it is on a slope leading down to a motorway far below - the passing traffic sounds very loud
- the birds have had to learn to bellow at each other to be heard !!!!
My mum hasn't had any more falls, though the bruise over her eye and face still looks fairly dramatic - however, I have had a fall myself ! We were coming back from the bluebell wood, and I was sitting on my mum's lap, when, as we were about to turn a corner, a van shot towards us on the wrong side of the narrow road. My dad braked hard, of course, but I flew off my mum's lap on to the floor. I landed on the side of my shell, not on any delicate part of my body, and I wasn't hurt at all, but it scared my mum .
I send my regards and very best wishes to you and your fortunate carers
Zola xxxxxx


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Jun 14, 2020
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My dear Zola! What a shock, thank goodness you were not hurt and that your quick thinking Papa was able to avert disaster from the careless van driver!
What a frightening thing to happen. I am so glad you were not hurt and that your shell protected you from the fall. I hope you have a peaceful evening and a good sleep to get over the shock.
The bluebell wood sounds very lovely...
Thank you for telling me about it, I would love to visit it one day.
Wishing you a good night in your special bed, with love from your admiring friend, Teztez.xx
I very much enjoyed the picture of you in your climbing gear!! You are an amazing Zola!


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth- My mama informs me that the people of Chippenham threw bread rolls at Camilla when she visited - can this be true? If so, should I worry about the safety of the Lady Teztez ?
Yours anxiously
Zola xxxx


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Jun 14, 2020
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Dear Zola!
I hadn't heard that, what a strange thing to throw!
She lives quite near in a village called Reybridge, but I've never seen her.
Teztez is very unconcerned by current events and we don't think she will be in any danger.
She hasn't mentioned the coronation and as far as we know she hasn't received an invitation to attend.
We will continue to guard her carefully so you may feel quite reassured.
Much love from Ruth, faithful retainer to the Lady Teztez, who is asleep in her hut after a peaceful day basking in the sunny garden....20230503_112211.jpg


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth - Teztez does indeed look totally at peace - I am so glad that after her earlier ,probably more stressful years, she has found so much kindness and care and love with you and your family.
And of course I am glad no bread roll throwing is likely to take place in her vicinity.
Are you interested in the coronation ? We have not seen much in the way of flags or other signs of enthusiasm around here.
Richard grew up in Canada,so far away from the royal family, and also, when he lived in London first, at one point shared a flat with friends who shared the same lift as little Diana's family , who lived in the same building,- I think he even baby-sat for them - so he feels a sort of personal resentment towards the royals for the way she was treated. My mama is not very interested - though my papa will record the event so she can watch bits of it later.
She says she can't remember where she read about the bread rolls, but it was either in the Guardian or Private Eye.
Love and best wishes to you all - and especially to the delightful Teztez
from Zola xxxxx


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Jun 14, 2020
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Dear Zola,
How interesting that Richard is a Canadian!
We have nieces who moved to Perth, Canada 🇨🇦 and send us pictures of their daily lives contending with the snow and ice!
Their families seem to thrive on it! We have never been there, maybe one day we might have the chance!
Regarding the coronation, well it's part of the history of the UK, and we respect the monarchy as such, but we feel that the life of the present king does not reflect the integrity and faithfulness shown by the late Queen.
It's a tragedy, really. He had a chance to make good and threw it away.
Very sad.
Maybe the solemnity of being crowned will affect him for the good.
I do find the priceless jewels and historical regalia fascinating.
Teztez would look amazing in a tiara I'm sure.
We don't have television, so we will only see pictures in the newspaper.
Hope you have a lovely day, Zola, taking care of Angie.
Your golden shell and legs must be very cheering to her. And your wise and amused expression.
Fond regards and love from Lady Teztez and Ruth xxx


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Jun 14, 2020
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Teztez is in a very belligerent mood today, have just been observing her marching down the garden, head fully extended in a challenging manner.
I'm afraid she charged straight through a clump of bluebells like a battle wagon, no regard for their graceful beauty at all.
She then shouldered her way through some plastic crates and empty garden refuse bags, they swayed about and nearly fell over as she emerged triumphantly between them.
I think she then noticed that she was being watched and stopped, looking a little embarrassed. Maybe she was pretending to be leading a procession or heading an advance into uncharted territory...


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth - I have to agree with you about the monarchy. I admired the Queen very much for her dedication to her role, right to the end. Charles will never really live up to that, I'm sure
I didn't explain properly about Richard - he was born in Glasgow, and the family emigrated to Canada when he was 4. His dad had a very hard time as a prisoner of war, and wanted to make a new start - he got a teaching job at Upper Canada College, which is the Canadian equivalent of Eton, and ,because of this, Richard was educated there, free. So Richard knew lots of the politicians, artists, architects, etc who became well-known later. He also learned to sail, and had a pretty good time. Then he went to university, and after that, he wanted to see the world.
He travelled around Europe, getting money by singing and playing guitar in pubs, clubs, wine bars,etc - and when I first met him, he was busking down the tube in London. He was living in a rather classy squat then, and one night he was attacked by thugs wielding table legs - his head was badly injured - and I knew being in the squat wouldn't be a good place for him. So I suggested he came to my smallish flat, which had a phone, a tv, central heating etc. He was discharged from hospital eventually, and came to my place -then he started having fits ! Luckily, I had worked with children with epilepsy, and didn't panic. He went to a different hospital, who were much more thorough, and eventually came back to my flat, about 3 weeks later.
Anyway, he stayed with me, and that was 40 years ago !!
He went back to see his parents, with me, and I think they were glad he was relatively safe!
Not that this has anything to do with the lovely Lady , of course, but I thought you might like to know !


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Jun 14, 2020
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Absolutely fascinating Angie.
What an interesting life story and remarkable how you found each other.
Thank you for telling me.


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Thank you, lovliest of Ladies, for this charming photo - how fortunate you are to have your warm friend! I only have my mama, who,although she is fairly warm, doesn't have the warming power or the scope of your green chap.
It has been cold
and wet here on and off through the day, but the sun is out just now, which encouraged the robin to appear when enticed by mealworms by my mama - he won't stand on her hand yet - only on my papa's hand, though.
Your admiring friend
Zola xxxxx


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Jun 14, 2020
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Dear Zola, my mama is researching Malta, has your Papa or Mama ever been there on their travels?
We are interested in the world war 2 siege and the amazing history of Malta.
Find regards from your friend Teztez


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Zola, my mama is researching Malta, has your Papa or Mama ever been there on their travels?
We are interested in the world war 2 siege and the amazing history of Malta.
Find regards from your friend Teztez
Dear Ruth and Teztez - I'm afraid my parents haven't any particular knowledge of Malta - iMy papa's dad was in Germany and of course in Holland -in Arnhem - during the war -he was fluent in French and German (previously teaching them) but I don't think he went further afield than that at the time. And my papa has mostly confined his travels to Europe - apart from growing up in Canada. Are you doing some special research?
I went for a walk with my dad this afternoon, and we met a mum with two youngish children - maybe 6 or 7 years old. They were both carrying cards with lists on. The boy said to my papa -"can snakes be green? and he said they could be - then the little boy saw me, and looked at his list - he said "But there's no tortoise on my list !!!" The children were doing some kind of nature survey for school -his mum had to add the word tortoise to the list, as the boy was quite upset. His teacher will be surprised !
I haven't watched the coronation recording at all yet, but my mama is going to look at some of it tonight. The post-box in Bude has a lovely decorated cover - someone wearing a hood put it on in darkness last night - it is of a crown with jewels, on a fancy cushion. I will ask my papa to take a photo of it tomorrow - I think Teztez would particularly like to see it.
With love from your devoted admirer,dear Teztez, and to you as well,dear Ruth
from Zola xxxxx


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Jun 14, 2020
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Thank you Zola, that is very interesting. Was your papa's father one of the brave troops that took part in the battle, "a bridge too far"? My Papa has a book about it; were there parachutists?
You are an amazing tortoise! The children you meet will never forget you, I am sure!
I would love to see the picture of the post box decoration, it sounds very gorgeous.
My mama has been reading a book about Malta and the poor people who sheltered in the catacombs during the bombing. Also how they nearly starved before the last convoy with the tanker Ohio made it into the harbour. It has made her very thankful for even simple food and enough to eat!
I am very fortunate to have plenty of soggies and lots of dandelions and green leaves.
She wants to see Malta one day, but I don't know how this will ever happen.
Hope you have a lovely day today My dear friend,
From your admirer, Teztez xxx


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Thank you Zola, that is very interesting. Was your papa's father one of the brave troops that took part in the battle, "a bridge too far"? My Papa has a book about it; were there parachutists?
You are an amazing tortoise! The children you meet will never forget you, I am sure!
I would love to see the picture of the post box decoration, it sounds very gorgeous.
My mama has been reading a book about Malta and the poor people who sheltered in the catacombs during the bombing. Also how they nearly starved before the last convoy with the tanker Ohio made it into the harbour. It has made her very thankful for even simple food and enough to eat!
I am very fortunate to have plenty of soggies and lots of dandelions and green leaves.
She wants to see Malta one day, but I don't know how this will ever happen.
Hope you have a lovely day today My dear friend,
From your admirer, Teztez xxx
Dear Teztez -loveliest jewel of Chippenham - I have been out this morning, but my mama was most upset that the postbox crown was gone, and the shop was closed, so we couldn't ask what had happened. My papa took a photo of one in nearby Holsworthy,which I will send when he puts it on his computer, but it isn't nearly as good. Tomorrow we will check if the good one has been put back.
Yes, my papa's dad was in that battle, with his red beret, but I'm not sure if he was actually captured then.When he finally got back home, he was almost unrecognisably thin,and couldn't even sit in a bath, because his bones were so sore. The whole experience changed his personality, as with so many other men.
I saw some lovely violets by the side of the path to the sea - and the sea itself was a glowing blue -so beautiful.
Your admiring friend
Zola xxxxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Ruth - Richard came in from feeding the birds this morning,really delighted - the robin came for his mealworms, as he always does now, standing on Richard's hand -but then, after carrying some away, he stood there and sang to him! Not the usual robin song, but a quiet and sweet little song, looking straight at him while he did so. I think this is known as an "undersong", which might be used to calm baby robins, for instance, but here he was, clearly singing to Richard. He was, we think, showing his appreciation, and indicating how much he trusted Richard as a friend.
Isn't that lovely !
Angie xxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
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Hello Angie, that really is lovely!
Zola looks very regal posing beside the post box crown.
Love from Ruth and Teztez xx


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Angie, that really is lovely!
Zola looks very regal posing beside the post box crown.
Love from Ruth and Teztez xx
Now we have 2 distinct pairs of robins - one in the front garden, and one at the back. The news about the mealworms has clearly got around. The first robin stood on Richard's hand today again and sang to him - he has also come up to me for worms, but not to my hand yet. We seem to have more birds this year - I think it's because the building work is over next door.
By the way, Richard says to put bran in with the mealworms, not oatmeal.
Zola was very good yesterday when we went to Tavistock for my injections - and met several of the staff. You may have seen stuff about the floods in Devon yesterday - well, we were on our way to the hospital, and the weather was pretty bad - I'm glad Zola didn't have to swim through a flood , though I'm sure he could do it - he can do pretty well anything, he says.!!! Teztez could too, I expect.
Please give my deepest regards to the lovely and delightful Lady Teztez
- and love and best wishes to you, dear Ruth
Angie xxxxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
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Good morning my dear friend Zola,
I hope you are well and keeping cosy in your private conservatory.
it is rather cold here, and my retainers think they can gather round my big green friend to drink their coffee. Here I am guarding my aga from my Papa who thinks it is his.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and an enjoyable walk keeping warm inside your Papa's jacket. You will cheer up any fortunate person who is privileged to meet you.
Fond regards from Lady Teztez xxx

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