Lady Hermann not her usual self


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Ruth - this is just to let you know that our neighbours' plan to have kennels in the field adjoining our back garden has been refused !!! They can appeal to the Secretary of State, it seems - but more likely, they will think up some other brilliant idea.For now, anyway, we can stop holding our breath !!!
Angie xx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
That's such good news!! Delighted for you!!
Hard to believe, but they have now put the house up for sale, claiming there is permission for 8 caravans and a number of tents to go on the site - there is no such thing !!!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello dear Ruth - I hope you and the lovely and delightful Lady Teztez are well - we have been having very mixed weather. I haven't been out anywhere interesting until today, when my Papa was able to take me for a long walk by the canal which runs into the sea at Bude. There were lots of people about but hardly anyone noticed me - those that did were really delighted. I met some Australian people who were friendly, but sometimes I am quite glad not to have to meet new people, as being admired can get rather tiring. I try to be pleasant to everyone, of course,but sometimes I just want to tuck myself into my Papa's jacket and have a little rest on his shoulder.
Love from Zola xxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Ruth- I'm sure you will be delighted by this latest news about Zola - He can talk !!! Richard asked me if I knew Zola could talk - naturally I replied that of course he could if he wanted to ! So Richard recounted a dream he had last night, in which Zola spoke to him.He said "I want to go in your hand" Now we don't know whether he meant he wanted to be picked up and carried- or whether he was using the word "go" to say that he wanted to wee in his dad's hand ! Either way, we were impressed. I asked what his voice sounded like, but Richard wasn't sure - too amazed to remember !
I have never had a pleasant dream about Zola - in my dreams, he is lost, and I am wandering through a dark rocky landscape full of tortoises - but never find him Now, if he would just call out "Here I am, Mum - my nightmare would have a happy ending.
Love from Angie and Zola xx


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Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Hello Angie, that's amazing! Zola is such an incredible character and of course talking would be just one of his many accomplishments.
Teztez will be fascinated to hear this. She has a great deal she would like to convey to us. So far she has managed by using her expressive eyes, graceful neck movements, beak clicking, disapproving withdrawing into her shell, bottom wobbling, voracious soggy engulfing, tail whisking and relaxed legs extended while blissfully basking under her heat lamp.
I hope that you will find that next time you have an anxious dream about Zola that it turns into a splendid adventure instead and he will show you his secret hiding place among the rocks.
With respectful and delighted greetings and shell strokes to the amazing Zola from Ruth and Lady Teztez xx


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Angie, that's amazing! Zola is such an incredible character and of course talking would be just one of his many accomplishments.
Teztez will be fascinated to hear this. She has a great deal she would like to convey to us. So far she has managed by using her expressive eyes, graceful neck movements, beak clicking, disapproving withdrawing into her shell, bottom wobbling, voracious soggy engulfing, tail whisking and relaxed legs extended while blissfully basking under her heat lamp.
I hope that you will find that next time you have an anxious dream about Zola that it turns into a splendid adventure instead and he will show you his secret hiding place among the rocks.
With respectful and delighted greetings and shell strokes to the amazing Zola from Ruth and Lady Teztez xx
Hello Ruth - it has been raining very hard here - I wonder if it is the same for you - in which case Her Magnificent Ladyship might be a bit annoyed about not going out - or would she make her stately way through the rain and mud to her favourite place, anyway ? I don't mind a bit of rain or snow on my head, but I am not keen on great quantities of it !
\Tomorrow we go to Barnstaple to get more radicchio for me - the last lot hasn't been quite as good as usual, but my mama says she is glad to get any at all. The drive there is really pretty at the moment - trees all in leaf with lots of different greens, and the roads even narrower than usual,because of the huge quantities of ferns, cow parsley and other flowers covering the banks at the sides.
I just hope the radicchio lady won't wear the perfume she had on last time - she gave me a cuddle, and my shell was still scented next day !! I didn't mind, really, but it was a bit girly.
Love from Zola and Angie xxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Hello dear Ruth - I hope you and the lovely and delightful Lady Teztez are well - we have been having very mixed weather. I haven't been out anywhere interesting until today, when my Papa was able to take me for a long walk by the canal which runs into the sea at Bude. There were lots of people about but hardly anyone noticed me - those that did were really delighted. I met some Australian people who were friendly, but sometimes I am quite glad not to have to meet new people, as being admired can get rather tiring. I try to be pleasant to everyone, of course,but sometimes I just want to tuck myself into my Papa's jacket and have a little rest on his shoulder.
Love from Zola xxx

Hello Ruth - it has been raining very hard here - I wonder if it is the same for you - in which case Her Magnificent Ladyship might be a bit annoyed about not going out - or would she make her stately way through the rain and mud to her favourite place, anyway ? I don't mind a bit of rain or snow on my head, but I am not keen on great quantities of it !
\Tomorrow we go to Barnstaple to get more radicchio for me - the last lot hasn't been quite as good as usual, but my mama says she is glad to get any at all. The drive there is really pretty at the moment - trees all in leaf with lots of different greens, and the roads even narrower than usual,because of the huge quantities of ferns, cow parsley and other flowers covering the banks at the sides.
I just hope the radicchio lady won't wear the perfume she had on last time - she gave me a cuddle, and my shell was still scented next day !! I didn't mind, really, but it was a bit girly.
Love from Zola and Angie xxx
Hello my dear friend, Teztez here. I hope you can get your radicchio successfully and that you enjoy eating it. It is raining hard here and I have spent the whole day in my peaceful hut, warm and dry. My retainer thoughtfully opened my door so that I could emerge if I wanted to, but I remained inside as I could smell the rainy weather threatening. I was not made to have a bath today but one will be in store for tomorrow no doubt.
How is your handsome beak getting on?
I am very impressed with your public spirited activities among the people you meet, braving nails and perfume and hazardous experiences!
I am very glad that you have your Papa to keep you safe and snugly warm on your expeditions.
Wishing you a restful night and safe journeys tomorrow, from your friend in Wiltshire, Teztez xxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear and admired friend Teztez - it was a great pleasure to hear from you personally - how kind of you.
We did indeed go to Barnstaple, and it was a lovely drive, as the sun was shining through the trees, and the fresher green leaves, newly washed by the recent rain, glowed with colour and light. It was as beautiful as I have ever seen it.When we reached the radicchio shop, the lady there - Jane -was waiting to see me. Angie had brought a couple of washed leaves from my old radicchio , so that I could demonstrate how much I enjoyed eating them. Jane was really delighted, as I stood on her counter, eating every scrap. Then she cuddled me - luckily no strong perfume this time ! It was great - she was so happy - I do like making people happy !
It has been mostly wet and grey today, but we managed a little trip to the sea, and the waves were especially striking as they reached the sand.
Perhaps you are once again in your hut - your retainer will keep you warm and safe, I know.
My deepest regards and love to you and to her
Zola xxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
My dear friend,
I am so glad you had an enjoyable trip and were able to personally demonstrate how to tackle radicchio leaves!
It is still quite chilly here and I have been brought inside to sit by the nice warm aga. I have had my bath and been praised for my creamy urates, and have eaten some soggies.
I think my faithful retainer is feeling a bit lonely so I am keeping her company in the warm room while she does some ironing.
Hope we see some warm sunshine later 💛 😊
With fondest regards from your friend Teztez xxx16535548449481293574630927892970.jpg


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello - dear and treasured friend - how kind of you to keep your retainer company - I am sure she is most grateful. I loved the photos of you, especially the last one, where your intelligent and thoughtful personality is so well portrayed. And you have most beautiful eyes, if I may be so bold as to say so.
The weather forecast for tomorrow seems auspicious,, and my Papa suggested we go to Torquay . It has been my mama's favourite place since she was a little girl, when her family used to go there each summer, to stay with her aunt. - but because of Covid, we have not been there for a long time. Usually, we celebrate her birthday - and mine - by going there in July, but who knows what may happen before then. It will soon be full of holiday people, no doubt. So, if it is sunny , that's what we will do, and maybe I can walk on the sand where she used to play in the olden days.
I will get my papa to take some photos to show you.
I hope you have a happy and sunny day tomorrow, dear friend
With humble appreciation and affection
Zola xxX


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello dear and wonderful Teztez - we did go to Torquay, and we had a lovely time. The drive was very pleasant, and the roads were not too crowded//. When we arrived, we were even able to park near the fish and chips shop where my mama and papa traditionally get their lunch on these occasions (because it is the best ever) - then walk to a bench overlooking the red cliffs and very blue sea - I didn't have any of their lunch, but of course my mama had prepared adequate sustenance for myself. They had been waiting 3 years for their fish and chips, and I was happy to wait for them to finish before I had my food. Then we walked about a bit, before going to the pier, where we admired the boats in the marina. You may have heard about the 6 million pound yacht which exploded there on Friday - we were sitting close to it in the sun, a few hours before it happened, but I can assure you that we had nothing to do with it !!
I am going to send you a photo of the pier - my mama is feeding me, but I'm afraid I am almost invisible . It is lovely - my mama used to walk along it a lot to admire the boats when she stayed here as a child.
She says , however, that I may be the only tortoise that has ever been on it - and certainly probably
the only one who has ever pooed on it !!! One year I went with them on the big wheel you can see in the photo.

Here is a view across the bay.
Love from your fortunate friend to you and your kind retainer.
From Zola xxxX


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Nov 11, 2020
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El Sobrante, CA.
Hello dear and wonderful Teztez - we did go to Torquay, and we had a lovely time. The drive was very pleasant, and the roads were not too crowded//. When we arrived, we were even able to park near the fish and chips shop where my mama and papa traditionally get their lunch on these occasions (because it is the best ever) - then walk to a bench overlooking the red cliffs and very blue sea - I didn't have any of their lunch, but of course my mama had prepared adequate sustenance for myself. They had been waiting 3 years for their fish and chips, and I was happy to wait for them to finish before I had my food. Then we walked about a bit, before going to the pier, where we admired the boats in the marina. You may have heard about the 6 million pound yacht which exploded there on Friday - we were sitting close to it in the sun, a few hours before it happened, but I can assure you that we had nothing to do with it !!
I am going to send you a photo of the pier - my mama is feeding me, but I'm afraid I am almost invisible . It is lovely - my mama used to walk along it a lot to admire the boats when she stayed here as a child.
She says , however, that I may be the only tortoise that has ever been on it - and certainly probably
the only one who has ever pooed on it !!! One year I went with them on the big wheel you can see in the photo.

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Here is a view across the bay.
Love from your fortunate friend to you and your kind retainer.
From Zola xxxX
View attachment 345343
Thank you Angie & Zola for the beautiful Pictures.....Zola's lucky to have a Mum like you...🥰


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
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Dearest and most respected Zola!

Thank you for the beautiful pictures of Torquay; it looks amazing and i am very glad you had such a lovely day there. My papa and mama love eating fish and chips also, and have their favourite sources of this delicacy. They often joke about a terrible one at a place called Selsey Bill where they went years ago and apparently it was the most greasy flabby awful food ever but they got a lot of fun out of it and it has become one of their most memorable meals and a benchmark for fish and chips.
We loved the pictures of you and Angie on the pier. I am most impressed at your panache and aplomb especially awarding the poo status to the pier.
I was told about the expensive accident to the yacht!! of course i immediately thought of you. i quite thought that you may have had something to do with it, in your character of international spy, and that an enemy of the state was on board and that you had arranged to have him liquidated.
However i am glad that you were not in any danger and it must have been most exciting to find yourself at such a place of action.
What an adventurous life you lead!
With much love to your noble self and to your fond Mama and Papa from Teztez and Ruthxxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth - we did have a good day out, but were all tired the next day - even Zola !! It is quite a long way to drive, and the twisty little narrow roads mean Richard has to concentrate hard all the time. I can't drive, and Zola is still too small to reach the pedals, though often he watches Richard intently while sitting on my lap.
We may have inadvertently caused that fire on the yacht - Richard's theory is that someone walking along the pier to get to the boat may have stepped on the remains of Zola's poo, and then carried it into the boat, where the poo may have reacted with the" essence of privilege " aboard to form a volatile gas, which then caused an explosion. !!!
It's a good theory, anyway.
I'm glad we left before it happened, anyway, as there was a huge amount of smoke all around the area.
I hope all is well with Lady Teztez - and with yourself, of course.
With love to you all from Angie xxxx
p.s. Please don't tell Teztez that I am an international spy - even if I am !!!


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
The last bit of the above message was added by Zola, of course - he isn't sure if Teztez would like him being an international spy, though I am of the opinion it would add to his dashing image.
Angie xxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning Super Zola,

The guardian of the treasured Teztez here.

When we told her about your trip to Torquay and the unexplained boat explosion she immediately guessed about your undercover identity and was so thrilled and proud that she is your friend.

She will never say anything to give you away and assures you that you may always rely on her for backup if your operations ever bring you into Wiltshire.

she is also most impressed by your courage in going on the big wheel ride! You are a most amazing tortoise!!

with fondest regards from Ruth and Teztez.